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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Charizard* δ

EX Dragon Frontiers


Date Reviewed: 11.15.06

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 1.1
Limited: 1

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

2006 World
Rotating Claws is a very mediocre attack, and since Electrode ex and Dark Electrode rotated out, you have no reasonable options for EVER using Dark Swirl. Powering up this card manually with four darks and a colorless for one knockout is not only nearly impossible, it's simply not worth it.
Modified: 1.5/5

A slow joke, and Gust of Wind bait to get Mean Looked or stalled.
Unlimited: 1/5

While you can use Rotating Claws and have a 90 HP basic, your only chance of

attacking with it is if you pull d Rainbow Energy from the packs. And even then, hope to get the one d Rainbow Energy in your deck at the right time?
You'll be glad you drafted this, but not because it's going to help you win.
Limited: 1/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006 (Also current "best looking player")

One of two “Star” Pokemon to come out of Dragon Frontiers. The artwork on this card is actually quite amazing, in my opinion. It’s artwork is about all it has going for it though. Rotating Claws is pretty average, and Dark Swirl is absolutely terrible. DDDDC? Not happening folks.

Unlimited: 1/5
You’ll never attack once, I promise.

Modified: 1/5
Terrible here too. You’ll lose the game quite fast trying to build this thing. Very funny against Steelix. As you play the 4th Energy, you get Mudslided, and SCOOP.

Limited: 1/5
Have fun trying to even get Darkness Energy. If you get this, send it right to EBay.

My reviews and ratings are for Modified only.

Charizard* delta

Modified 1/5 - Dark-Type Charizard certainly looks cool, but its big Attack is simply too slow. Latios* or Latias* can do 150 damage to Pokemon that you need that much damage (for the most part), for 3 Energies. Since it is a Basic Pokemon, there are no easy way to satisfy the difficult attack requirement - 4 Dark and 1 Colorless.

Muk Man

Today’s Card Of The Day is…Charizard* d from Dragon Frontiers

Wow does every Charizard have to suck? The best thing about this card is you can find someone to trade you good cards for it. It’s 4am so that’s all I’m saying about this card.


Combos: Goes well with a binder, next to the other Charizards


Modified:  1/5 You’ll get further playing with Aipom (UF).

Limited: 1/5 You'll need to draft 2 delta Rainbow energy to attack. Good Luck.



Current ebay Value: $80.00  (Plus or minus $15 dollars)


~Muk Man~

P.S. Jeff Reynolds is the best T.O. EVER!


For questions or comments, send an email to Treluv3@Excite.com





Espeon Charizard* d:

Unlimited: 1/5
Wow, 4 darks. It doesn't get slower than that. Being weak to Raindance just adds insult to injury.

Modified: 1/5
5 and discard ALL for 150. Not worth it. Way too slow. It's a Charizard, it belongs on ebay.

Limited: 1/5
How are you going to get 4 darkness providing energy? You won't. If you pull it, just be happy that you got an awesome ebay card.

Computer Guy
Charizard Star

This card is not for play use whatsoever. It's a card for collectors and that's it.

Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 1/5
Limited: 1/5

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