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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mew* δ
EX Dragon Frontier
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.2
Limited: 3.1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
Mew* d
Mimicry is a worse Versatile (Mew ex's Poke-Body), and
Rainbow Wave may seem good, but it actually requires two
manual energy drops of two basic energy cards if you want to
do 20 damage to Pokemon any type other than water. Mimicry
is definitely its better attack, making it a water type
Sudowoodo, which isn't even playable anymore anyway.
Modified: 2/5
Ditto (Fossil) is a much better version of this card.
Unlimited: 1.5/5
Mimicry relies on having the right energy, so cards like
Rainbow Energy and Multi Energy are going to be needed to
make it work. You won't have the ways to get the right
energy to copy attacks most of the time, and Mew* will often
end up copying C: 10 attacks or passing.
Limited: 1.5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Mew* d
Mew* d has some of the coolest artwork I’ve ever seen.
Unfortunately though, its pretty average play wise. Mimicry
is much better on Sudowoodo UF where you have fighting type
to double your damage against a lot of big cards, like
Steelix ex, Shiftry ex, or Aggron ex. Rainbow wave is
actually terrible, seeing as you need another type of basic
energy CARD attached to it. Definitely made for trading or
Unlimited: Nothing special here. Tis a typical card that
simply doesn’t cut it in an environment full of brokenness.
Modified: Pretty much the same as Sudowoodo. Just 10 more
hp, and a lot more foil :-D. Only difference is this card
takes up your valuable “star” slot, when you could be
playing much more useful things like Latios* or Ray*. 2/5
Limited: Would probably dominate a water deck, but there’s
not much water in Dragon Frontiers. If you draft it, put it
in a think sleeve, and get it on EBay ASAP. 2/5

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Mew Gold Star
Modified 3/5- This card's most attractive attack is definitely
Mimicry, and unlike Mew ex from Legend Maker, this card doesn't
cough up 2 prize cards when KO'd. Although it limits to
opponent's Pokemon in play, the Energy requirements to copy
opponent's attacks are rather easy to fulfill with Holon's
Castform, Holon's Electrode, Rainbow Energy and the like.
Rainbow Wave is a strong attack early going, but it's probably
not strong enough to totally dominate your opponent (such as
former Dark Tyanitar's Spinning Tail). In short, no thanks.
Limited 5/5 - Easy choice. I will work with multiple types of
Energy and use Mew Gold Star as one of my main attackers.

Computer Guy |
Shining Mew from Ex Dragon Frontier
Shining Mew is actually one of the better Star pokemon
that I've seen. Both of its attacks have potential. The
HP is lower than I would have liked but there is Energy
Unlimited: 1/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Espeon |
Unlimited: 1/5
Can't do much at all. Enough said.
Modified: 1.5/5
I pulled this card at my prerelease and put it on ebay
right after. I was really happy when I pulled it but
unfortunately, that is where it belongs.The attack that
copies an opponent's attack is on a number of other
Pokemon (even if this one lets you do benched), and they
aren't really used at all beacause most of the time, you
won't have the energy to use an opponent's attack. The
second attack is pretty pointless, since it is basic
energy cards.
Limited: 3/5
Playing different types of energy might let you pull off
some attacks and the second attack could do something as
well. Still, not worth playing unless running at least 3
different types, and it is still way too situational.
Better to keep it in good condition than play it and
risk damaging it.