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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Holon Phantoms
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.3
Modified: 1
Limited: 3.65
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2005 World
Champion |
Unlimited - Can be powered up with a DCE so it's immune to
ER/SER, but still 60 damage is pretty weak, and so is 70 HP.
Modified - After doing Crystal Laser you can switch with
another Deoxys and hit for 40 more, but all of the Deoxys
have pretty weak attacks, so I don't think this card cuts
the cheese. Besides after doing Crystal Laser the first time
he'll probably be KOed the next turn. 1/5
Limited - Here it seems better because stuff usually does
low damage in this format, so you can keep hitting for 60
for maybe 2-4 turns. An 70 HP basic with a colorless attack,
not bad. 4/5

Hung |
Deoxys delta
Unlimited 1/5 - This Basic doesn't do enough damage or have
enough utility compared to other powerhouse Basics - Cleffa,
Sneasel, etc.
Modified 1/5 - This card just doesn't work. Although you could
theoretically get it out turn 2, 60 at turn 3 for a KO, you
should think long-term. 70 HP is not too attractive either,
because it can easily get One-Hit KO'd, and many decks can do it
by turn 3.
Limited 3.5/5 - I am not sure about the rest of the cards yet.
However, I "predict" that I can KO every other turn with Deoxys
delta, so it's not too bad.

Klaczynski |
A neat little card. The effect of Crystal Laser is
interesting because you could Form Change on the
following turn, then do 40 more damage with your choice
of Deoxys. The Normal-type Deoxys from the Deoxys set
has a Link Blast attack which can hit for 80 on the
following turn, but overall, the Deoxys will get
overpowered by their Stage1's or Stage2's and is
therefore unplayable.
While a neat combo, the card is definitely subpar as far
I'm concerned, especially because none of the other
Deoxys are playable either.
I'd rate it a 1.5/5 in modified.
(In unlimited, psychic resistance still exists in Neo:
Genesis Sneasel & Murkrow, and makes Deoxys a joke.
As for limited, I acutally like it. A strong basic is
always nice in draft, because you do not have to rely on
hoping to draft the corresponding evolutions in your
next few packs. 4/5
1234 |
Unlimited: You could
us it with Double Colorless energy to do 60 damage on
the second turn. There are plenty of other basics that
can make good use of Double Colorless Energy, like
Scyther [BS] and Erika’s Jigglypuff. 1.6/5
Modified: With the release of Holon Phantom, there will
be 8 Deoxys in Modified, giving you plenty of ways to
use the “Form Change” Poké-Power. I don’t see any really
game-breaking combos. You could use this attack and then
use “Form Change” to bring out a Deoxys on turn three,
whose attack requires three energy (and its attack would
now do 40 more damage). All Deoxys have less than 80 HP,
making them easy to KO by turn three. In addition,
having less than 80 HP makes its Poké-Power apt to be
shut down by Mt. Moon. 2/5
Limited: In a slow format like this one, you could end
up doing a lot of damage, depending on how many turns
you can keep Deoxys alive. 4/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail:

Kevin89 |
Deoxys [delta
a big no-no here, 20 damage for 2 energy is incredibly
bad, considering we already have sneasel to do an
average 80 for 2. the effect of the attack is kind of
bad too because a lot of pokemon have free retreat or
other ways to get rid of the +40 next turn effect.
I find the power interesting, just because the delta
species deoxys's all are different types of pokemon, so
you can search for the deoxys your opponent is weak for.
the only problem is that the deoxys are generally
overpowered by any stage 2. or big ex. the attack isn't
really interesting though, you could donk someone, but I
wouldn't rely on that to happen. (And I'd rather
wouldn't win that way either)
Really nice, 70 HP basic with an colorless attack that
DOES some pretty good damage after the first time. also
the power helps a tiny bit.
Raichu88 |
My name is Deoxys
I might look strange
I can switch color
With my Form Change
Unlimited: Works with DC but then it’s just to weak. And
also weak to psychic.
Not a huge problem but still a problem.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: I don’t know maybe the new Deoxys will combo
with it or something but on it’s own doesn’t make it.
Rating : 2/5
Limited: Could be nice. Needs just two energy so fast
attack. And if you have more switch to
Whatever you need.
Rating : 3/5