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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sandslash δ
EX Delta Species
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 2.3
Limited: 2.1
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
Sandslash d (Delta) 2/5 Unless you have a lot of players running
powerful ex-decks - like Zapdos ex/Rayquaza ex/Electrode ex, or
Meganium ex, etc., this whole evolution line doesn't do enough
to justify your Sandslash d leaving your collection binder.
However, I want to remind everyone that I am basing the score
based on the current Modified format (HL-on to Delta Species),
because the next set Legend Maker will bring in a lot of
powerful ex's, and Sandslash d can be a big help. For now,
Desert Ruins should be enough to get the job done.
1234 |
Advantages: -Sandslash δ is a δ Pokémon, and currently
there are no disadvantages to being a δ Pokémon. There
are trainers from DS (e.g. Holon Ruins) that refer to δ
Pokémon, all of which work in the favor of players who
have δ Pokémon- so for now, being a δ Pokémon is not in
any way a bad thing.
-Sandslash’s Poké-Body is like a Desert Ruins that only
works on your opponent’s side, which means, you’ll have
room in your deck for other stadiums [or perhaps you
could put two damage counters on Pokémon-EX (with HP
greater than 90) between turns by having Sandslash and
Desert Ruins in play].
-Sandslash is a metal Pokémon, which I would consider a
disadvantage a few months ago due to lack of metal
weakness in the game, however, DS has made metal Pokémon
overall more playable. Metal Pokémon get the advantage
of being able to reduce damage done to them by 10, with
the effect of Metal Energy.
Disadvantages: -Being metal and evolved means its effect
will be shut down with Battle Frontier.
-About 21% of metal Pokémon have no resistance;
Sandslash is one of them.
Unlimited: Don’t be surprised if you don’t come across
Pokémon-EX often in this format. “Delta Storm” will do
very little good here. And its attacks aren’t fast
enough. 1.5/5
Modified: It’s OK here. I’ve never seen it win any
tournaments. It’s not a popular card. But its weakness
is OK and so is its retreat cost. 2.9/5
Limited: You get the benefit of Metal Energy and the δ
trainers in this set. Don’t expect “Delta Storm” to do
much; Pokémon-EX are rare, especially in DS, from what
I’ve heard. 3/5
Questions/comments/corrections? E-mail: ninetales1234@hotmail.com

Kevin89 |
Sandslash [delta species]
It really sucks here, the body is not too good here
because hardly anyone plays EX's and if they do, they
either won't play them until sandslash is knocked out or
when/if sandslash isn't a threat at all.
the major problem about this card is that is has 80 hp
and does 50 damage, 50 damage won't even OHKO a sneasel,
and 80 hp means a lot of things here can OHKO it.
Rockets zapdos has restistance to it, sandslash is weak
to scyther... just no.
I really like the pokebody here, but it needs to be
active and that's the major downfall, 80 HP means it can
be OHKO'ed easily, oh, metal energy will make a
difference, but there are better pokemon to waste metal
energy on.
The damage sandslash does is also very, very limited, I
mean, I'd rather have a 30 + 30 damage for a coin flip
than 50 damage. just because 50 isn't enough in a lot of
cases, and attacking a fighting restistant pokemon means
20 damage... yay.
One fun thing I can think of is to Pow-block somebody
who has 3 EX's in play (don't ask me why) and let desert
ruins + sandslash do all the work.
Unless you haven't pulled another evolution...
80 HP is very good here, the ability to benefit from
metal energy as well, and Rend is a pretty cheap attack
late game. the bad thing is that this set is full of
dragon's and fighting restistant cards, and EXs don't
appear that often in draft, and with only 3 EXs in this
set, you might not face one at all (yay).
If it weren't for the 2-2-1 salamence/dragonite lines in
this set, It would probably get 2.5/5