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EX Dragon Frontiers
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.37
Modified: 3.8
Limited: 4.87
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

2006 World
Champion |
The only thing stopping Copycat from being more popular is
it was replaced
by Holon Scientist, which has the advantage of being fetched
using Holon
Transceiver. However, Coypcat is a stronger card than Holon
Scientist, as
the benefit of drawing more cards usually outweighs the
ability to hold on
to a good one to draw less.
Copycat has become a very strong card because of the amount
of decks that
use Holon's Castform's Delta Draw to set up.
Modified: 4/5
Copycat is actually one of the few supporters that you CAN
use in unlimited.
However, to avoid slowing yourself down, avoid playing more
than 2 or 3
supporters in your deck in unlimited.
Copycat is strong because anytime your opponent uses Cleffa
(Neo: Genesis)
to Eeeeeeek, you get 7 cards.
Unlimited: 3.5/5
While hand sizes generally aren't too large, any draw you
can get can give
you a huge advantage. Play it if you draft it.
Limited: 4.5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006
(Also current "best looking player") |
Copycat has been stuck in binders all across the nation ever
since Delta Species gave us the AMAZING Holon Engine. Most
decks just run 4 Trans and a Scientist over Copycat now.
Copycat still has its place in the non-Holon Engine decks
though, such as Mewtric and Arcanine.
Unlimited: 2/5
This is almost never going to be as useful as an Oak.
Supporters are very under powered in Unlimited.
Modified: 3/5
Still decent, but not as strong or consistent as the Holon
Engine, in my opinion.
Limited: 5/5
Any draw in limited is an automatic 5/5.

Hung |
My reviews
and ratings are for Modified only.
Modified 4/5 - This is definitely one of the best draw cards in
the format. However, it is situational, and running more than 2
or 3 is not recommended. You need to have this card in your
hand, and wait for the right opportunity to maximize this card's
potential - such as when your opponent just finish a huge Delta
Draw with Holon's Castform.

Raichu88 |
My name is Copycat
I’m not hard to understand
I can draw up as many cards
That your opponent has in his hand
Unlimited: Situational I mean say you opponent just
played 4 Bill then Copycat is nice.
But why waist a Supporter if you can play cards like
Bill, Erika and Oak.
Rating : 2/5
Modified: Nice card here but isn’t as good as it used
too be. I mean we have better Supporters out there that
can draw cards for you and they can be fetched faster
with Holon Tranceiver.
Anyway this cards really depends on the deck you play
with. Still a nice card though as it has the ability to
shuffle cards back in to your deck.
Rating : 3.5/5
Limited: Any draw is good in Limited.
Rating : 5/5
Kempley05 |
Copycat is one of those cards that people seem to
underrate after its temporary absence from the format. A
lot of people judge the quality of draw cards by their
net draw. This isn’t what counts, what matters is the
draw of fresh cards.
So while most of the draw cards in this format get you
3-4 fresh cards – with the larger hand sizes we’re
seeing this gets you typically 5-7. Against Castform
engine decks you could even get into double figures.
Problems are that you are relying on some luck of the
draw, however, in a consistent simple list; multiple
copycats provide a very decent draw engine. The better
of the two shuffle draw cards in modified.
Unlimited 2/5 – There’s better draw cards here, but
could help v. a Vilepume ex lock..
Modified 4.5/5 – Top draw card, and arguably the best
alongside the Holon engine.
Limited 5/5 – Any draw in limited is essential, play it.