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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Mantine δ

EX Dragon Frontiers


Date Reviewed: 12.13.06

Ratings & Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 2.83

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.  3 ... average.  5 is the highest rating.

2006 World
As a Delta basic, Mantine d is inferior to Chimecho d when it comes to
getting energy back. However, Mantine d works nicely in combination with
Tyranitar d, allowing you to Crush Draw successfully, rather than hoping to
simply get lucky.
Modified: 3.5/5

In unlimited, much stronger combos exist, and Mantine is vulnerable to
Murkrow's Mean Look.
Unlimited: 1/5

Although a weak attacker, Mantine can help you when you run into energy
Limited: 3.5/5

"Chuck" Brosseau
5th place Worlds 2006 (Also current "best looking player")
Mantine d

Mantine’s Poke-Power seems to be quite useful. It’s obviously meant to be combined with Tyranitar d and its Crush Draw ability. It’s very vulnerable to Cursed Stone and Zap though, so try not to have too many in play if you suspect your opponent is running either of those cards.

Unlimited: 1/5

No good combinations here.

Modified: 3/5

I definitely think there’s some potential with this card and Tyranitar d. I have a good deck idea actually. I think I’ll write an article about it :-D.

Limited: 3/5

Useful if you need your next card to be energy. The 10 damage isn’t a big deal, as there’s not many ways to attack the bench in this format.

My reviews and ratings are for Modified only.

Mantine delta

Modified 3/5 - I like this card combined with Pokemon that can manipulate topdecking, such as Tyranitar d or Charizard d. However, this is not a Pokemon to put on your Bench against decks like Raieggs until you actually need its Poke-Power. The Bench damage and Cursed Stone will KO your Mantine delta before you can make good use of it.

Espeon Mantine d

Unlimited: 1/5
Useless here, free prize.

Modified: 1.5/5
A mediocre power, low hp, terrible attacks. The only possible combos are with t-tar d and Camerupt ex but who uses those?

Limited: 2/5
Getting energy back could be useful but very rarely is. Energy is the thing you should have enough of o in this format.


My name is Mantine

Energy is my motivation

I get it back for you

With my Power Circulation


Unlimited: Nope there’s Blastoise to get something powered quickly.


Rating : 1/5


Modified: As you all might know our friend Chuck wrote a article about a deck

 that uses this card. In this deck the card is really nice cause it gives you energy to attach with Crush Draw. Besides the use of it in this deck I don’t see the use of it.


Rating : 2/5


Limited: Could give you extra energy just watch out you don’t KO your self with it’s Power.


Rating : 1.5/5


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