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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Ho-oh EX
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.6
Modified: 1.5
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Ho-oh EX from EX Unseen Forces
This card is pretty crummy. His HP is alright. His
weakness is terrible in this environment. His power is
alright... but you really dont want an EX dying for a
power to be useful. His attack is much like his
predecessors' attacks, which still doesn't cut it. Even
the wording on the attack hurts. It does 20 more damage
for each "basic energy card" so you can't use Rainbow
energy or the new Holon energy that will be seen in
Delta. Let's face it - rainbow decks (especially ones
that cant use Rainbow energy) can't hold their own in
Unlimited Rating 1.25/5

Does he look more Aztec, Incan or Myan to you? I can't
Ho-Oh ex (Unseen Forces #104)
Type: Fire
Hot lava! Noything like fire for popularity and
HP: 110
Incredible for a Basic!
Stage of Evolution: Basic
No evolutions, so you can slap him down right away.
PokeBody/PokePower: Poke-Power:
Golden Wing
"If Ho-Oh would be Knocked Out by damage from an
opponent's attack, you may move up to
2 Energy attached to Ho-Oh ex to your Pokemon in any way
you like.
[3x any] Rainbow Burn {10+}
Does 10 damage plus 20 more damage for each type of
basic Energy card attached to Ho-Oh ex.
Weakness: Water
Bring your waterwings, or other forms of protection.
Resistance: (none)
*Sigh* It'd be nice if he had some.
Retreat Cost: 2
A bit pricey for a Basic.
Rarity: Holo Rare
Hard to get, and only worth it if you love him.
The Positive:
Great in a multi-type deck, where having lots of
different types of energy is good for him, and you get
to re-use some of the energy he has once he gets axed.
The Negative:
You'll realistically only do 30 to 50 damage, which is
adverage for a 3 cost attack. He just isn't special
enough to see much play, IMO.
Only use him if you're a Ho-Oh fan. If not, there's many
better Pokemon to use.
Even less usable here. Look for better Fire Pokemon to
The high HP will be the only real reason to use him.
Slap him into a deck of mostly other types to really
throw your opponents for a loop.
Stingmon |
ImperialStingmon is back in the house with the legendary
Ho-oh EX!
Poke-Power: Golden Wing: If Ho-Oh ex would be Knocked
Out by damage from an opponent's attack, you may move up
to 2 Energy attached to Ho-Oh ex to your Pokémon in any
way you like.
CCC: Rainbow Burn: 10+: Does 10 damage plus 20 more
damage for each type of basic Energy card attached to
Ho-Oh ex.
Hp: 110
Weakness: Water
Stage: Basic
Ho-oh returns to us with an attack we've seen before.
The effect of this attack has been slightly juiced for
this EX version so now each basic energy card provides
20 more damage instead of the original 10. This adds up
to... 130 damage with all six different basic energy
cards. Yeah, like that's gonna happen. You're not gonna
put six energy on this guy and if you try you deserve to
lose the game. The power that Ho-oh's been given is
okay. It stops you from losing two energy cards and
helps if you're in the middle of a small shortage of
Unlimited: 1/5: Don't even think about it.
Limited: 4/5: Alot better with the recent set
Draft: 1/5: No, definitely not.

Kevin89 |
Ho-Oh EX
Unlimited: I guess there are some ways to power Ho-Oh up
quickly, but that isn't worth it, it's weakness is
really bad, as blastoise is still around, and retreat
cost of 2 is bad too for a basic. it's very energy
intensive, ER and SER just kill it, no, it's not worth
it here.
Modified: it's ok here, water weakness is ok I guess, as
for now, gatr sees some play, but with the release of
Delta Species gatr should disappear from the metagame.
but the attack is very energy intensive, and special
energy cards are pretty much a waste on Ho-Oh, that, and
it's hard to get 3 different energies onto Ho-Oh. this
card will slow your deck down, and take some space, and
in my opinion Ho-Oh ex doesn't deserve it.
Limited: it's actually a killer here, still it's hard to
get 3 different energies onto ho-oh ex fast enough, but
it is possible, and
2 different energies for 50 is way nice too.
110 HP is very,very good for a basic pokemon, and in
limited, that shows off.
it's poke-power is very useful too, if you stack too
much energy on Ho-Oh ex, you can self-recover by using
the poke-power. it's weakness hurts a little though.
Psylight Hao |
Today we have Ho-Oh
one of the legendary Pokémon that came out with Unseen
Forces. is an EX so to prize for your oponent when is
K.O. It has 110Hp prettynice for a basic but this has a
drawback it will be food for Desert Ruins that are still
popular; its Poke-Power: Golden Wing: If Ho-Oh ex would
be Knocked Out by damage from an opponent’s attack, you
may move up to 2 Energy attached to Ho-Oh ex to your
Pokémon in any way you like. Is interesting can save two
cards for another of your Pokémon, since Ho-Oh attack
use a lot of energies types you may have the right type
saved when need it; The attack (CCC) Raibow Burn 10+ 20
more damage for each type of basic Energy card attached
to Ho-Oh ex. This can be powered very easy just paying
his normal cost Ho-Oh can do 70 damage its maximum is
130 that will Knock Out a lot of stage 1 and basic
Pokémons and some stage 2, themain problem is that is
pretty slow to charge for a first hit; finally a
weakness to water isn't good in a format with tons of
water Pokémon; No resistence no thing to say retrat cost
of 2 is fine if get in to trouble. This one could
possible fit in Four Corners or Eeveelution decks for
the many energie types they play the major drawback is
that those decks use special energy cards to pwer up
their Pokémon
Unlimited: to slow for this format, also Blastoise can
eat this one with a little Rain 1/5
Modified: Has I said could work in eeveelotion or Four
coners but still isn't a good selection 2/5
Limited: could turn the game in your favor is you charge
it fast 3/5