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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
EX Unseen Forces
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 3.5
Modified: 4
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

~R Pac~
Hey all,
Today's card is Typhlosion from
Is it just me, or are Pokes get worse every time they
print them? Doesn't anyone remember fire recharge
Typhlosion or the riptide Feraligatr that changed the
game? All we get now a days are washed up versions of
Pokes that were much better a long time ago.
This Typhlosion is iffy, especially compared to his
genesis brother. His power kinda makes it like both
actives are poisoned. I don't know about you, but I
usually dont like to take damage inbetween turns. Just
haveing him out will automatically bring his HP down to
90 by your next turn. I miss the good Poke powers back
in the day. Anywho, the first attack does give it some
help when it comes to being energy removed - which he
will be. The second attack is what makes the card and
works with the power. It gives it the chance of doing
150 damage for only 3 energy (2 of which are colorless).
The problem is getting it into an attack situation where
he wont kill himself by the next turn. Focus band can
get you down to the max attack situation... but youll be
killed inbetween turns cause of that stupid power >.<.
Okay, so what could work with this card besides berrys?
Howabout Energy Root :). Wait till he's got some damage
on him, maybe even 10 HP left, then slap down this baby
and his power wont kill him. He could also potentially
do 170 damage with this and still be around next turn.
Still, timing is key here and because unlimited decks
mess with your situation too much (gust of wind, energy
removal, imposter professor oaks revenge, etc. etc.) he
just wont make it. O well, still would be fun to make a
working deck with this puppy.
Unlimited Rating 2/5
~R Pac~

Feel the burn... literally!
(Be sure to check out the previous day's review to see
my thoughts on my favorite Pokemon of all!)
Typhlosion (Unseen Forces #17)
(The natural enemy of Meganium?)
Type: Fire
Fire is good, it has some really good support as well as
some nice effects.
HP: 110
A nice amount for a Stage 2.
Stage of Evolution: Stage 2
A bit hard to get out, but possible, especially if you
have a Rare Candy. You'll need Quilava and Cyndaquil to
evolve him from.
PokeBody/PokePower: Burning Aura
"As long as Typhlosion is your Active Pokemon, put
1 damage counter on each Active Pokemon (both yours and
your opponent's) between turns.
[F] Flickering Flames {20}
The Defending Pokemon is now Asleep.
[F] [any x2] Rage {50+}
Does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage
counter on Typhlosion.
Weakness: Water
There's a fair number of water decks out there, so
Typhlosion stands a good chance of drowning prematurely.
You may want to keep a Protective Orb or Ancient Ruins
on hand to protect him.
Resistance: (none)
Fire has the short end of the stick when it comes to
Resistance. All Fire Pokemon that aren't also of a
second type lack resistance to anything. This puts them
at a disadvantage to other types of Pokemon.
Retreat Cost: 1
Very nice for a stage 2 Pokemon. You can pull him back
if he comes to a disadvantage, such as facing a Meganium
(UF) while low on HP.
Rarity: Rare
Not too hard to get a copy of.
The Positive:
The weaker he gets, the more powerful he becomes, so by
falling behind, you can actually get ahead. He can do up
to 100 damage with a single attack, but it could be his
last attack.
Putting a Pokemon to sleep without relying on a coin
flip is very good, esspecially if your opponent has some
bad flips afterwards.
The 20 damage is also a nice bonus to this. A deck can
easily be built around him, or you could work him in as
an emergyncy heavy hitter who does that old strike and
run. If you use him, though, be sure to include methods
of healing to keep him around.
The Negative:
The only real down sides are that he hurts himself (and
it's manditory!) and that your opponent will be
determined to take him out, A.S.A.P.!
They don't dare let him get in many hits, so he'll be
the number one target.
Also, he gets a huge disadvantage against water decks.
The need for healing effects to keep him around can
limit the scope of your deck.
There's lots of support available to him, so go with
those healing cards that will keep him around long
enough to do some serious damage. He's definately worth
building a deck around.
Legal here, but the healing options are limited. Use
Gardevoir (Emerald) and Sitrus Berry (Unseen Forces) to
keep him alive. Still worth inclusion in a Fire deck, or
build a deck around him.
It's hard to get a Cyndaquil, and a Quilava and
Typhlosion, so his usefulness is severly limited.
However, if you do (by some fluke) get to play him,
you've got a good shot at winning.
Stingmon |
ImperialStingmon here
and today I bring you the fiery Typhlosion!
Poke-BODY: Burning Aura: As long as Typhlosion is your
Active Pokemon, put 1 damage counter on each Active
Pokemon (both yours and your opponent's) between turns.
Fire-Flickering Flames-20 The Defending Pokemon is now
FireCC-Rage-50+ Does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for
each damage counter on Typhlosion.
Weakness: Water
Hp: 110
Stage 2: Evolves from Quilava
Well, obviously if you're stupid enough to use this guy
against water pokemon you deserve to lose. The only good
use for Typhlosion's Pokebody is to power his rage
attack. Doing damage to your opponent is okay, but if he
does more to you than you can do to him in attacks
you're pretty messed up.
Unlimited: 1/5 No way. Raindance is still very rampant
in this format and that power is just ugly here.
Limited: 2/5 Still not great with all the water type EX
pokemon and the EX pokemon in general knockthis guy out
Draft: 1/5 Hard to get and if you do the power will
probably end up hurting you more than your opponent.