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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Salamence EX
- Deoxys
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.8
Modified: 3.6
Limited: 3.15
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |
ZachEX |
Name: Salamence EX
Set: Deoxys
Number: 103/107
Combos: Salamence with Dragon Wind. (DR #10)
Unlimited: 2/5
Second attack reminds me of Base Charizard. Only reason it
falls is running 2 types of energy in unlimited is harsh.
160 is increadible there though.
Draft: 1/5
Don't get me started. :(
Modified: 3/5
It will see play in our big tourneys coming soon. I still
see it as a Tier 2 deck, I think people will take advantage
of it's two big resistance. Though this is a big hitter, the
big hitter comes with a way to beat it, enter Crystal Shard.
2004 |
Salamence ex (C)
160 HP
Stage 2 (evolves from Shelgon)
PokéBody: Dragon Lift
The retreat cost for each of your Pokémon (excluding baby
pokémon and Pokémon-ex) is 0.
(R*): Flame Jet
Choose on of your Opponent’s Pokémon. This attack does 40
damage to that Pokémon. This attack’s damage is not affected
by weakness or resistance.
(RW**): Bright Flame (120)
Discard 2 energy cards attached to Salamence ex.
Weakness: (C)
Resistance: R, F
Retreat: **
Well, we have a new dragon concluding our week in new cards
that impact the current format. And, amazingly, this card
ISN’T Pokémon-ex TecH. So, how will this card impact the
Top Stats: Yup, it’s a Pokémon-ex. Yep, its got a lot of HP
for a Pokémon-ex too (160). Yeah, it’s a stage 2 with
various lower evolutions that I won’t get into now. Yeah,
this has excellent Top Stats. I’m amazed by it. Moving on…
PokéBody: Dragon Lift: This is how it’s going to have the
biggest impact on any format. With its PokéBody on, any of
your pokémon, with the exception of your Pokémon-ex (which
sadly includes this card), can retreat for nothing. Let me
repeat that again. RAMPANT FREE RETREAT! Who doesn’t like
that? With him benched, all you other pokémon can fly back
and forth running the show. Pokémon such as Holo Salamence
from Dragon, which can wreck havoc. This thing is a great
bench sitter with the ability to back himself up with some
decent attacks to.
Attack No.1, Flame Jet: 40 for 2 energy? No applying of
weakness or resistance? Target ANYTHING?!?!? I’m sold. This
is a great attack to use if you HAVE to attack with him.
Most likely he’s not going to have to, but if push comes to
shove, he can start swinging.
Attack No.2, Bright Flame (120): Well, it does take two
different types of energy. But it does do a heck of a lot of
damage, killing any non-ex pokémon and even some –ex
themselves. So it’s another good solid attack. A little
difficult to get off, but still useful. And, once you’ve
used this, there should always be enough energy afterward to
Flame Jet for 40. Not to shabby of an attack set, if you ask
Bottom Stats: Wekaness to (C) is expected, as is resistance
to two types. In this case, we have resistance to R (still
big with BEX and Blazi RS) and F (Dark T-Tar and rouge
Machamp decks). And retreat for ** is a steal on this
pokémon. This guy has great all around stats with the
exception of the (C) weakness. With Crystal Shards running
rampant in any deck not running dragons, he’s bound to die
eventually if you attack with him. But he’ll do a heck of a
lot of harm before he takes the fall.
Comparison to other cards: There’s only two other Salamence,
only one of those being playable. If you decide to run a
Salamence deck, run three of the Holo from DR and two –Ex.
It should balance out well for you. You can use to SalamEX
to give free retreat to Salamence, giving you a free Gust of
Wind every turn. That’s pretty darn good if you can pull it
off. It’s quite painful to see pulled off against you
though. Almost boarders on depressing to see your best laid
plans Gusted active by a Dragon and hit for 60. May even
combo well with some Surprise! Time Machine. I’d think it
Point System:
Unlimited: 2/5
Useable here, but not very. If you need free retreaters,
just play them.
Modified: 4/5
It can’t really stand alone. It needs to be in a deck with
Holo Salamence (DR) in order to work well. But if you can
get the combo up and running, its rather deadly. I say a 3/2
run on Salamence and SalamEX with a 2/1/2 line of Pidgeot
could be very deadly here in the near future. I almost gave
this a 4.5, but I don’t think its strong enough to stand
alone as a deck staple and with all the Crystal Shard
running around in Modified right now, you’d be safe to guess
that he’s going to get hit with something like that
eventually, screwing up your best plan.
Draft: 2/5
If you get him running, you’re more or less set for the rest
of the match, just keeping him on the bench and having your
other pokémon fly up and back for free. And, when push comes
to shove, he can attack. But its getting him out and
powering him up that you see that he’s not the greatest
draft pick. But if you see him in draft, take him even if
you can’t use him. He’s great to hold onto and make a deck

Johnny Blaze |
Salamence ex – Much hyped up and hotly anticipated Dragon
that like its non-ex counterpart has resistance to Fighting
and Fire. Sally-ex has a whopping 160 hp but is also weak to
Colorless which is gaining in popularity. Its Poke-Body
Dragon Lift grants all of your Pokemon, with the exception
of Babies and ex’s, free retreat.
Unlimited: 2.5/5 – Cheap 1st attack lets you deal 40 for
only 1C and 1R. Don’t apply weakness and resistance for
Flame Jet. But I don’t like how Clefable will be able to
copy Bright Flame by discarding 2 Recycle to do a whopping
240 to Sally-ex.
Modified: 3.5/5 – There will be plenty of Crystal Shard hate
packing in decks just to counter this card. Really combo’d
with its non-ex Salamence, you get a Gust of Wind every turn
with an ability to free retreat your Pokemon. In addition,
its great synergy with Fire Starter Blaziken will make Sally
a popular type to play.
Just remember that the best way to counter Crystal Shard is
to play Dragon veil Kingdra and Salamence decks will be very
difficult to beat.
Limited: 4/5 – Free retreat for all other of your Pokemon is
real great. If you can get the whole line then you should be
in real good shape of winning or at least placing in the top
with the versatility of this card.

Ash |
Hello I'm Ash Cheng from Hong Kong and I'm a new reviewer
of the COTD in Pojo, V hello everyone! I've played Pokemon
Cards for a few years and I always do card reviewsˇKso I'm
really not new on it!
OK let us go back to the review. Salamence ex, it has been
released in Japan for about half a year, but about the
American versionˇKreally late. It's attack and Poke Body
work really well. (I really want to give you guys the
spoiler but I think the other guys have provided to you
already. Really busy because our school orchestra has to
join a competition in the next week.) Now let's see---
Its hottest thing is its power Dragon Lift, V free retreat
for all non-ex Pokemons and Baby Pokemons. LOL all Baby
Pokemons has 0 retreat costˇKwe can work it with Dragon Holo
Salamence. First we use its Dragon Wind power, V gust a
Pokemon that you want to kill. Then retreat Salamence (free
retreat) with Salamence ex and 120, V KO it! We can use
Boost Energy for the 2 energy cost, V and add like 3 Energy
Charge, find Boost Energy again, and 120 again. Kingdra (EX:
TRR) is also great in Salamence decks since almost (or all?)
all Salamences and Shelgons have colorless weakness and easy
to be killed by something TM's Zangooses. It's a big
problem. Salamence DRH + Salamence ex + Kingdra (1-0-1 line)
TRR is the best combination.
Bright Blame, V oh my god! Discard 2 energies to attack 120
ˇV fair! We can even use Boost Energy for the 2 costsˇKoh my
god how fast is it! About the Flame Jet attack, V also ok 2
energies, choose one of opponent's Pokemon, V lol but it
isn't affected by weakness or resistance.
Unlimited, V 4/5. Pretty good since all non-ex Pokemons have
maximum 120 HPˇKthat's really great. Sure we do use EXs in
unlimited. ;) Most important is it can work with Gust of
wind and kill something with 120 HP or lower than that. AND
THE MOST, MOST IMPORTANT, V Flame Jet attack. Kill all Baby
Modified, V 4/5. Also great since it works really well if it
faces Magma deck or Zappy decks, V with Kingdra you don't
have to worry about Weakness and you are still easy to OHKO
all the Magma and Zappy Pokemons (like Electrike or Rayquaza).
Fire and Fighting resistance is brilliant! No need to worry
about Blaziken or Groudon. Also OHKO Deoxy exs. ;)
Limited (Booster Draft), V 3.5/5. It would be a bit slow but
its powerful attacks really worth that, and there's Boost
Energy in Deoxys! It is really fast if you can get the whole
line and lots of Boost Energies.
Overall, V 4 (LOL bonus marks). A must-try in our Pokemon
LOL sorry some rubbish words because I'm new so I want to
introduce myself...lol a bit stupid. Allow me to do that!!