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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Fire Red Leaf Green
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.5
Modified: 4.1
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating. |

Hung |
I choose to simply review Nidoqueen, and Milotic, because they
provide a 1-2 combo to win Worlds 2005.
I will stick to Modified. Nidoqueen is a brilliant Pokemon in
the metagame. There are very few effective Grass Pokemon decks
that can win consistently - and this was reflected at Worlds
There was a brave attempt at a turn 2 Vileplume ex, but it
wasn't good enough overall. There were simply too many things
you can lose to with Vileplume ex.
Back to Nidoqueen - so without a way to one-hit KO Nidoqueen,
Nidoqueen can swarm and do whatever it pleases. Milotic simply
wins the game by taking off all the damage accumulated.
Nidoqueen itself is quite an attacker - Toxic is one Grass!
That's it! For one grass, that attack is very powerful. What
makes this attack good in the metagame? There isn't a lot of
Switch cards and cards getting rid of status being played. You
see Rock Lock and Ludi use Heal energy, but as a whole, there
isn't a whole lot.
2nd attack - Power Lariat - You need to do at least 50 damage
with this, so with DRE, you're talking about 3 Evolutions. But
with Pidgeot's Quick Search, it isn't too hard to accomplish.
I see the only drawback is you ultimately need a decent-sized
bench. But it's not a big drawback at all.
I can't say it is perfect, but it is pretty close.
Modified - 4.5/5
Bullados |
Nidoqueen FRLG
Over the next couple weeks, we?ll be reviewing key cards
in the deck of the World Champion, NidoTic
Attributes: Excellent HP, the highest you can get in the
game without being an ex. Weakness isn?t too bad, as
most Grass Pokemon don?t do much damage, but focus
rather on Status. You should be able to survive a couple
of hits from virtually any non-ex Grass type. Decent
retreat, but he should never be retreating anyway.
Poke-BODY: Not game breaking, but nice to have around.
Say you have to Warp Point something, but you don?t want
to switch out. Bring up a Nido family except for
Nidoqueen, and you can free retreat back to your first
Nidoqueen for an instant KO.
Attack #1: [G] Toxic
I still think this is one of the best attacks of all
time. Double poison is nasty, even though there are
several ways to get out of special conditions. It?s
still a guaranteed 20 damage for a single energy, which
isn?t bad any day, and can really add up with more
Attack #2: [FCC] Power Lariat
It starts out being under priced, and just gets better
from there. It essentially has a base damage of 50, as
Nidoqueen herself is counted, and can do up to 100 total
damage. Particularly nasty, especially if you have
Nidoking in play, who increases the attack damage of
Nidoqueen by 10, making the max of this attack 140 if
you have 4 Nidoking in play.
Pre-evolutions: Nidoran Female is a pretty good searcher
in her own right, giving you a guaranteed basic; you
just don?t know what basic it will be. Either way, the
Basic only needs to be evolved to be used with Nidoqueen,
so that?s very nice. Her damaging attack isn?t that bad
either, 20 for [CC] isn?t terrible. Nidorina is an
excellent Evolution searcher, as it isn?t limited to
just Nido evolutions, but can get any evolution. Her
damaging attack isn?t bad either.
Unlimited: A little bit too slow, and evolutions aren?t
all that great here. She's also very ER vulnerable. I
don?t see this thing doing anything here.
HL-on Modified: Most of the contents of the Worlds
winning deck are still in Modified, so are the Monarchy
parts. Even so, I still don?t know how that deck won
Worlds. It seems very slow, and if you manage to speed
it up, underpowered. The only thing that I can see that
happened was that it OHKO?d Sparces early and used
Milotic to heal the recurring damage. Still, it?s not a
TERRIBLE card, just really not that great.
Limited: Evolutions aren?t so easy to find, but double
Poison is killer here, especially considering that there
is almost no switching in HL. Also, it can be very
speedy with the combination of its basic and
pre-evolution. If you manage to pull a decent line
(anything more than 2-1-1), it is devastating.
X-Act |
In the following two weeks, we Pokemon COTD reviewers
are going to focus on Jeremy Maron’s winning Worlds
deck, and review some of the cards in his deck in
detail. We shall first start with probably the bane of
his deck, Nidoqueen.
I shall actually consider the whole Nidoqueen line, as
Nidoran F and Nidorina also help tremendously in the
successful setup of the deck.
Nidoran F has an interesting first attack. You reveal
cards off your deck until you find a Basic Pokemon. When
you find one, you put it in your hand, and shuffle the
rest. This works great to get a Pidgey or another
Nidoran F quickly at the start of the game.
Nidorina’s crux is obviously its second attack. Fast
Evolution is broken; it lets you search for TWO
Evolution cards, all for just two colorless energy. This
surely should have helped jermy101 to get his evolutions
quickly to get other Pidgeots/Nidos.
Now we come to Nidoqueen. Its Poke-Body renders its
brethren free-retreating, but does not do so to itself.
Then, for a Grass, it Toxics the opponent (poisons for
two damage counters per turn instead of one), and for
two colorless and a Fighting, it does 40 damage plus 10
for every Evolution card you have in play (meaning it
does 50 at least for sure, as Nidoqueen itself is one).
It has a very healthy 120HP, two retreat is manageable,
and Grass Weakness is also not very difficult to handle.
Nidoqueen works because, with Rare Candy, it can Toxic
the opponent in the first turn. Indeed this was probably
Jeremy’s main strategy. Against ex’s, that Toxic becomes
Triple Poison with Desert Ruins in play, of which Jeremy
ran quite a few. It works great especially versus T2
decks, which invariably play Jirachi DX. Stopping
Jirachi’s power at such a critical point of the game is
very harsh on T2 decks. Also, Nidoqueen can also go very
offensive with its second attack, which can deal up to
90 if your Pokemon are all evolved. Nidorina can also
help power this attack too. Another thing that works in
favour of Nidoqueen is its Fighting-type, which many
good cards are weak to.
Unlimited: In Unlimited, it doesn’t work as well as it
should. Toxic for G is okay, but Crobat HL can do
better: Triple Poison for a DRE. (I remember playing
Crobat HL in Unlimited once, and it did pretty well.)
The second attack doesn’t do enough damage fast enough
in this format, and Nidoqueen gets removal’d. I wouldn’t
give it a high rating here. 2.5/5
Modified: jermy101 (and the rest of his team) proved to
everyone that Nidoqueen is a force to be reckoned with
even without its partner Nidoking. As the deck can be
easily remade to work even in HL-on (practically all of
its cards are already from HL-on anyway), expect
Nidoqueen to stay in the metagame for a little bit
longer. 4/5
Limited: If you drafted Nidoran F and Nidorina, go for
the Queen. Nidorina searches for it for free, and Toxic
in Limited is broken. (I should know, I got owned by a
Shuckle in the UF pre-release.) 3.5/5

Otaku |
Skip straight to the scores and summary for a
concise overview.
EX Fire Red/Leaf Green
2 (Evolves from Nidorina)
Family Bonds
As long as Nidoqueen is in play, the Retreat Cost
for Nidoran ♀, Nidorina, Nidoran ♂, Nidorino, and
(G) Toxic
The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. Put 2 damage
counters instead of 1 on the Defending Pokémon
between turns.
(FCC) Power Lariat [40+]
Does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each
Evolved Pokémon your have in play.
EX Fire Red/Leaf Green
1 (Evolves from Nidoran ♀)
(C) Scratch [20]
(CC) Fast Evolution
Search your deck for up to 2 Evolution cards,
show them to your opponent, and put them into
your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Nidoran ♀
EX Fire Red/Leaf Green
(C) Look for Friends
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Basic
Pokémon. Show that card to your opponent and put it
into your hand. Shuffle the other revealed cards
into your deck. (If you don’t reveal a basic
Pokémon, shuffle all the revealed cards back into
your deck.)
Nidoqueen is a Stage 2 Pokémon, allowing her
many benefits. First, let me touch upon type:
Fighting. This was a solid type given the amount of
Fighting Weakness in the RS-On era of Modified, and
looks to also be in Hidd-On Modified. Resistance
exists, but isn’t heavily played, and there is still
Crystal Shard and/or Magnetic Storm
should it become a problem.
Next we see a wonderful 120 HP; as good as it gets
for a non-Pokémon-ex. Any mass healing will really
hurt the opponent, and even minor healing like a
Potion would have chance at buying Nidoqueen
one more turn of existence. Moving to the bottom
stats, we see Grass Weakness. While this was
wonderful under the almost-expired RS-On Modified
Format, it’s not uncommon for players to experiment
heavily with that under-represented type during at
least the early stages of the new Format. In other
words, expect a lot of Grass decks to spring up.
Even if they aren’t all that good, the sheer amount
will likely be problematic. I myself have seen some
very good ones, and I wonder if reports that such
decks weren’t played at Worlds were exaggerated…
Resistance is sadly non-existent. Personally, I
hate this, and hope they will one day realize it
adds a certain richness
to the game for it to be “assumed” with only very
powerful cards lacking it for balance. Oh well.
The last bottom stat is Retreat Cost. Nidoqueen
requires two Energy to retreat.
This isn’t too terrible, though if you can avoid
paying it (via Switch or the like), I
recommend doing so.
Of course, we can’t talk about Nidoqueen
without looking at what she comes from. Nidorina
is fairly solid, able to deal a little damage. More
importantly, she can get two Evolutions from the
deck, greatly aiding set up. The Nidoran ♀
is pretty solid, if you must attack with it you can
do a little damage, but more importantly you can get
more Basics from your deck into your hand for a
single Energy. Together, they make setting up a lot
Family Bonds means that at the very least your lower
Stages can retreat for free. It is a solid Ability
but to really capitalize upon it requires running a
Nidoking line as well. Toxic, on the other
hand, is very easy to take advantage of without a
lot of consideration. Its low cost means that you
can Rare Candy into Nidoqueen, drop
either a Double Rainbow Energy, a Rainbow
Energy, or an actual Grass Energy and
nail the opponent’s active right off the bat.
Without any further effort, most Basics that fail to
shake the “double” Poison will be KO’d by the end of
your next turn. Just about anything else will like
be finished off by the double Poison if you can
follow up with a reasonably strong use of the last
attack, Power Lariat. If all you have is
Nidoqueen and your have a Double Rainbow
Energy attached and no bench, you’d still rack
up a total of 100 points of damage, as Nidoqueen
counts herself (+10) and 6 total damage counters
from Toxic at that time (+60), then Double
Rainbow Energy (-10) and the base damage of 40.
If you have the roughly average bench size
of three Pokémon and all are Evolutions, even with a
Double Rainbow Energy you’d be scoring a
total of 130 points of damage. When set up for
maximum damage, on its own Power Lariat can hit for
a fantastic 90 damage. If you used Toxic before
that and they haven’t managed to shake it, then it
would be a total of 150 points of damage at the end
of your Power Lariat (6 damage counters from
Toxic’s double Poison
triggering three times and then 90 from the actual
attack). The only complication is that you need a
Fighting Energy in order to use Power Lariat.
Fortunately, since each attack only needs one
specific kind of Energy (and one attack needs three
total Energy), this will almost never matter. All
an all, one solid ability and two pretty good ones,
when combined with their synergy, yields a potent
Uses and
The seemingly obvious combination is to run this
with Nidoking from EX Fire Red/Leaf Green.
This was the foundation of the Monarchy deck.
Nidoking has a Poké-Body that makes it wonderful
for bench sitting behind Nidoqueen: he adds
10 damage to the attacks of all other members of the
(provided the attack does damage to begin with).
This is wonderful for Power Lariat. His first
attack is so-so, but his second is quite nice for
“cleaning”: Bound Crust may not be able to be used
twice in a row, but since it does 60 to the
opponent’s Pokémon of your choice, that’s still
pretty solid. The main issue is that Bound Crust
needs two Fighting Energy (in
addition to two Colorless Energy requirements).
That’s not too demanding, but its enough.
However, the reason we are reviewing Nidoqueen
is that she has shown herself useful with other
common and not so common “bench sitters”. Any
Evolved Pokémon with a useful Poké-Power or Poké-Body
is a strong candidate to combine with the ‘Queen.
Magcargo with Smooth Over, Pidgeot to
Quick Search, etc. all make sense. The Worlds 2005
winning deck used a 1-1 line of
Feebas/Milotic. It also ran
Pidgeot and plenty of Rare Candy to make
it easy to just drop it into play to act like a
Pokémon Center,
healing all damage (but without the nasty “discard
all attached Energy” part).
Quite a clever idea.
3/5-The standard Mind Games Slowking backed
option plus Pidgeot and perhaps a
Quick-Searching Pidgeot. Won’t be a new top
deck, but should be able to work as a second or
third stringer.
3.5/5-Why so low? First, I am reviewing for Hidd-On
Modified, though honestly I don’t know if I would
score it that much better in RS-On. Reading
Maron’s own report on
Worlds and his deck, as well as talking to many
other players, it’s more like
Maron won Worlds. Hard though it is to
believe, it sounds more like constant play testing
under adverse circumstances took a great player to
the top with a good deck.
4/5-The lower stages are great,
and Toxic is fantastic in this format. Power Lariat
will likely not be so hot. Of course, this assumes
you get at least a 2-2-1 line to use.
I may end up the odd reviewer out, but we learned
last year that an unexpected deck in the hands of a
great player can win Worlds… only to sink into the
background again afterwards. It happened with the
Magma deck. I think its going to happen again:
Nidoqueen is good, but come next year I don’t
think it will be a significance presence, at least
not in the same deck. Of course, I should finish by
reminding all of you I favor
Liabelity, that is, Deoxys Weezing and
Fire Red/Leaf Green Victreebel, and that deck
looks like it might be a problem for this, due to
Weakness and the ability to eliminate a Nidoqueen
in one hit.
Pidgeot5 |
Nidoqueen FRLG.
Alright. This card is one of my favorites. Both the
pokémon itself and what the thing actually does. Firstly
let’s look at the basics.
Nidoran female
A very solid basic to start the game with. As long as
you have an energy in the same hand (as well as having
more then 6 pokémon in your deck) you are assured of
getting another basic to help get the ball rolling, if
it’s something you needed all the better for you. 2
colourless for bite 20 is average, you won’t be using
this attack much, but that first attack is always a nice
thing to have.
Not a bad stage 1, it finds other evolutions, one of
which may be Nidoqueen herself, and the other allows you
to do extra damage with the Queen or allow you to find
say Pidgeot, or say Nidoking if you were playing it. 1
energy for 20 is alright too, good in a pinch due to its
colourless cost.
The head honcho and unlike previous incarnations she is
actually worthy of the title ‘Queen’. 120HP is great
obviously and 2 retreat is doable although more often
then not you’d just use Briney’s compassion on this. A
single grass energy for toxic is excellent, it forces
action from the opponent otherwise the damage done just
adds up, especially if it’s an ex and desert ruins is in
play. Most likely they will retreat, switch, briney,
warp point whatever however they cannot keep this up
forever, Toxic plays quite a good mind game and they
will not want to be ko’ed by toxic when it becomes your
turn because then you get a free shot at the next one as
Power Lariat potentially does a 100 damage and seeing as
modified is full of evolutions it shouldn’t be hard to
get this thing doing 70-90. The body is useful when
playing the other Nidos, however as proved Nidoqueen
does not really need her husband in order to put harm
onto the opponent, Pidgeot works a lot better as it
finds these evolutions and Nidoking tends to take up
more deck space then a lot of people would like.
Unlimited: I actually played this in unlimited. Yeah it
was a joke deck, but still it wasn’t a terrible
disaster. I used Clefable/Muk/Nidoqueen, because Cleffa
can evolve into Clefairy which saved a bit of space when
trying to do good damage and you no longer need eeeks or
whatever. It didn’t do too badly so if you’re looking
for something to umm… ‘surprise’ your opponent with give
it a shot.
Modified hl-on: In HL-on I can see this popping up
especially with her majesty’s recent success. Tyranitar
ex and Steelix ex are both weak to it and it still seems
very much evolution based at this stage, no cards
rotating out hurt her much. It’s tough to judge at this
stage, but toxic is still highly annoying, and it can
still do 70-90 without too much stress, for an non ex
this is exceptional.
Limited: The basics for this line are outstanding, I got
really poor cards for my frlg draft. The deck I played
was described as ‘totally random’ by a friend, which
means rubbish. However that aside I got 2 Nido female
and 2 nidorina, they did help me find the 1/1 and 2/1
evolutions lines I was forced into playing. I didn’t win
but these two cards were a great help to get me to third
with a lot of sub par cards. As for Queen, Toxic again
is fantastic and even more devastating when they simply
cannot remove the poison, while you either build up
something else or charge up the Queen and deal 40 maybe
50 as well as the poison, a nice line to have but mainly
because her basics just allow you to set up either Queen
herself or something bigger if your lucky enough to have