Hello Pojo!

I would like to know where I can send my deck in the "deck garage" so that
the mechanics
give me some tips (note: I´m sending this from Slovakia)?
The second question is whether I can evolve a jungle pikachu into a Dark
Raichu or a TR
psyduck into a Fossil Golduck?
The third question is when Gym Heroes and Pokemon Gold And Silver will be
released in Slovakia (Team Rocket already came out)?

In order:

#1 - pick a mechanic you like and send in your deck.  Do your best to make your deck stand out so they will want to pick it.  It's kinda hard to get your deck picked - a lot of people never get their deck fixed just because there are too many e-mails the mechanics get.  They work their rears off, but no one could possibly handle that kind of e-mail load alone.

#2 - Yes and yes. 

#3 - Your guess is as good as mine.
