Hi Pojo staff! I was browsing through your site (like I do every day even if you weren't there to update it, (it's still great, plus you always update it sooner or later) and I came across the counterfeit/fake card section and well, I think you didn't put this one on it. I know that Pikachu is not the best Pokemon in the card game, and well not too many people might like him but he's certainly the best known! So how come no one but me have noticed this. >From the Basic set, there is two types of Pikachu. One has redish cheeks and the other has yellow cheeks. Do you have any info on this? Plus, my sister has noticed that the back of the newer (Jungle) cards are a different color than the older basic set cards. The Jungle cards (the back) is a purplish (is that a word??) color. So then, I can sort of tell what card I'm going to pick up. Not an energy, not a trainer (I never use Poke'balls) and not a charizard, chansey, or any of those basic set pokemon. Well, thanks for your time guys!! You're the best! Keep up the good work! Need I say more? Yeah! I worship......uh....nevermind. Thanks!!! Dan the pokemon man