Labyrinth of Nightmare


A Look Ahead - Part 2


        As most of you know, the next set to be released in English is the Labyrinth of Nightmare set.  This is a combination of the Japanese sets Spell of Mask and Labyrinth of Nightmare.  I’m going to give you a small glimpse to see what is to come in this 6 part glimpse.  2 parts each for magics, monsters, and traps, one each for Spell of Mask and Labyrinth of Nightmare.  I’m not going to go too much in depth as that is for the Card of the Day to do in the future when the set is actually released.  A note of warning to you people who don’t want to know what is coming up: This will contain small spoilers so you should stop reading here and go back to surfing the Pojo site.  Oh and before I forget to note, I am getting translations from Edo’s site so if you want to see the actually text, go to his site

Because I’m not actually going to post the text on the card, just the jist of it.


Without further ado, I give you some of the best magic cards to come out of Labyrinth of Nightmare, part II.



One more thing.  In part 1, I said that Power of Teamwork gives you 500 x the number of face up monsters you have.  It is actually 800 x so it is possible to be more powerful that Power of Magicians.  However, I still think PoM is stronger as you can simply lay down a lot of magic and traps whereas you cant do that with monsters.  There’s room for both cards though.


With the release of Labyrinth of Nightmare, we get some pretty powerful magic cards from the Japanese Labyrinth of Nightmare set.  This set revolves a lot around removing monsters from the game, but more on that when I cover monsters.


Death Messages E, A, T, and H


First you have to play the trap Ouija Board.  Then during your opponent’s turn you can play the next letter in DEATH either from your hand or deck.  You can only play 1 during each opponent’s turn.  When you spell out the entire word DEATH in your m/t zone, you can declare an automatic win.  This card is similar to Exodia in that it can get you an instant win, but don’t be fooled by the simplicity of it.  It may seem easy to pull off, but the entire message is very hard to protect because once 1 of those letters is destroyed, the entire word is destroyed and you have to start all over.  I prefer Exodia as it is the easier instant win.


Dark Corridor


This will greatly help those stall decks out there.  This card only lets 1 monster attack per turn.  This makes it really easy to defend your LP if you go on the defensive because you can throw out monsters as fast as the opponent destroys them.  Definitely a must if you go the stall direction.




This card returns 1 m/t card back to the owner’s hand, but it has an additional effect of not being able to be negated.  This is definitely great for removing those Mirror Forces and Trap Holes.  However, there is another card in this set that is a bit better than this card, which is…


Decoy Doll


You activate 1 face down trap on the field.  If the timing for the trap is wrong (such as Mirror Force or Trap Hole), the card is negated and destroyed.  You can seriously mess up the opponent’s strategy with this card by activating their traps before they want to do so.  Also, you can use this on your own traps so you can actually use traps the turn you set them.


Fusion Cancel


Fusion decks get 2 cards in this set, one that greatly hurts, and one that greatly helps.  This one takes a fusion monster and returns it to the fusion deck.  Then if the fusion material monsters are in the grave, those are summoned back to the field.  Normally, this wouldn’t hurt fusion decks that much as you could simply get back your polymerization to refuse your monsters together, but fusion decks get a field magic card that will definitely be popular, but at the same time, will make them extremely vulnerable to this card.  That field card would be…


Fusion Gate


This is a field magic card that lets you fuse monsters together without polymerization.  It can be used over and over, but also by the opponent.  However, the monsters that are fused together are removed from the game, not sent to the grave.  So if the opponent were to fusion cancel your fusion monster, you would not be able bring them back from the grave.  Fusion decks aren’t all that popular anyway so don’t expect these two cards to do much to change that as they pretty much cancel each other out.


Infectious Virus: Black Dust


This is a stronger version of paralyzing potion for anybody that still uses that.  At first you may think, “That’s incredible, it will be restricted for sure!”  This is an equip card that stops a monster from attacking.  Then after 2 turns, the monster dies and this card is returned to your hand, which lets you keep on reusing it again and again…  However, it is quite easy to counter.  All the opponent needs to do is to tribute the monster and the virus is gone.  Nonetheless, expect this card to be quite popular.


Mysterious Findings


If you have 5 monsters removed from the game, you can return 3 of them to your grave.  This is the card for exodia decks.  Those soul releases will no longer be a problem with this.  Simply bring the pieces back to the grave and return them with Backup Soldier.  Of course it only works with the limbs, not the head, but bringing the head back at least gives you a chance to revive it some other way.  Also expect this to help bring back monsters that were removed from the fusion gate.


Dragon Power


You equip this to a warrior subtype and that monster becomes a dragon subtype.  It also gains a 500 attack and defense boost.  For dragon decks out there, this lets you have a larger selection of monster since you can now use warrior monster and still have it fit your deck strategy.

Soul Removal
This lets you remove monsters from the field instead of the grave for the rest of your turn.  You wont really see the point of this card until I cover the monsters from Labyrinth of Nightmare.  Some of those monsters can only be summoned by removing certain monsters from the grave.  With this card, you can remove them from the field instead.  You’ll see the full effect later.
Field of Bitter Souls
This is the other semi-stall card in the set.  It prevents any monster from attacking on the turn it is summoned (any type of summon).  This can definitely buy you some time, but there are better stall cards to choose from.


That’s all for magic cards.  Look for the first of the traps on Friday.  As usual, feedback is appreciated.  You can email me at