Now that LON is just about upon us, I thought this would be a good time to post my latest pre-LON version of CC that has STILL been winning me tournaments.

Here's what I'm currently using until LON is tournament legal...

Clown Control-


3 - Dream CLown
3 - Nimble Momonga
2 - White Magical Hat
2 - Hayabusa Knight
2 - Sangan
2 - Magician of Faith
1 - Mask of Darkness
1 - Cyber Jar
1 - Morphing Jar


3 - Axe of Despair
2 - Nobleman of Crossout
1 - Prohibition
1 - Heavy Storm
1 - Pot of Greed
1 - Change of Heart
1 - Monster Reborn
1 - Raigeki
1 - Dark Hole
1 - Premature Burial
1 - Snatch Steal


3 - Gravity Bind
2 - Solemn Judgment
1 - Imperial Order
1 - Mirror Force
1 - Call of the Haunted
1 - Metalmorph

Side Deck-

2 - Red Moon Baby
2 - 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom
1 - Prohibition
1 - Delinquent Duo
1 - Card Destruction
1 - Exchange
1 - Heavy Storm
2- Light of Intervention
2 - Fake Trap
1 - Ceasefire
1 - Metalmorph

Keep in mind that this deck is built around MY local metagame.

Cards that were taken out from the Main Deck:

Crass Clown - Even though it did work, it slowed the deck down some. The fact that it's a LV. 4 also helped me make this decision.

Giant Soldier of Stone - This is also another pretty good card that worked well in CC. When I began searching for Monsters to drop for Nimble Momonga, this was my first choice.

Mystical Space Typhoon - It's a versatile card but, it never really helped me enough to want to keep using it. It was a rare occasion when I even cared about what my opponent had face down on his M/T zone anyway. I dropped these for another Axe as well as a tech Heavy Storm.

Prohibition - Another solid card that helped create the lock. The only problem I had with it, as well as Crass Clown, is that it slowed the deck down. Drawing it at the wrong time (Which happened occasionally) really tampered with the game pace. I did decide to keep one of these in the Main Deck.

Messenger of Peace - With the aid of Morphing Jar/Cyber Jar/Pot of Greed/Mask of Darkness and having a 40-card deck, this card was not needed as much. I almost always get a Gravity Bind early in the game. MoP also occasionally hurt my Axe of Despair.

Magic Jammer -  Even though I didn't lose often, when I did lose, it was to Jinzo. After awhile it became clear that I had to swap my Jammers for Solemns. And I'm very pleased with the performance of Solemn Judgment.

Cards that were added to the Main Deck:

Nimble Momonga - I'm not sure why I didn't use this card in the first place. It can attack under a Gravity Bind, Gains me up to 3000 LP, attacks for 1000 a piece, and best of all, is swarm-able. When you're on the losing side of the field, this is almost the perfect card to topdeck.

Mask of Darkness - Now that I use less stall cards, Mask of Darkness gives the me the needed support when necessary.

Morphing Jar - I've always wanted to use it, but I didn't get one until about 4 weeks ago (Now I've got two!). :)

Nobleman of Crossout - I always found myself Siding this card in. Since my meta-game is FULL of Flip Effects, Main Deck-ing Nobleman of Crossout was an excellent decision. It helps alot when I either don't have a Clown on the field, or if my Clown is in DEF mode.

Heavy Storm - The reason why I use a tech Heavy Storm is because there are plenty of times when I need my opponent's M/T zone to be clear. Especially if I'm about to do the game-ending attack. Even if I don't need it early in the game, it can always be Magician of Faith-ed if needed.

Snatch Steal - This is another card that I often found myself Siding in. In the long run I've won a whole lot of games with this card. A personal favorite you can say.

Magic Jammer -  Read Solemn Judgment.

Metalmorph - Almost like a 4th Axe. It can even be better at times. And as a side effect, Metalmorph acts like a mini Reinforcements.

And yet again, my Side Deck is purely based on the local meta-game. It works out quite well.

About LON:

Yeah, I DO have a prototype version of CC based on Post-LON. But, I'm not going to list it until I have thoroughly tested it out. Who knows, there's a good chance that I may longer play CC anymore after LON is tournament legal... Only time will tell...

About Deck Fixes:

No, I have not given up on my deck garage. The majority of the decks I was recieving were basically the same. It showed that the current enviroment was very stale.

As soon as LON has been released to the masses, you can expect my garage to be back on track. COUNT on it. For now, stick to the Pojo EZBoard Deck Section. ;)
