This is my warrior deck.  I still think a very good beat down will give me trouble, but if the cards come in the right way (It’s been tested) it is amazing.  I play the A Force due to the fact that 17 of 21 monsters are warriors or spell casters.  Do you see any improvements I can make?  Is Jinzo necessary in your opinion?  What’s missing, or what should be omitted? 


47 cards (that should probably be reduced)




GAF x 3

Fiber jar

Gemini Elf x 3

Yata Garasu


MoFaith x 2

Hayabasu Kn x 1

Freed tMG x 1

Marauding C x 2

Exiled force x 3

Penguin soldier x 1

WoBF x 1

In. fairy lilly





G charity





Mage Power

Snatch Steal

MST x 3

Axe D x 3

Warrior RA x 1

Pot greed

Monster R


RoArmy x 2

Aforce x 1





Cylinders x1

CoH x1

Mirror F x1

Dust tornado x 1

Trap hole x 1



Hey Dean, thanks for sending in your Warrior deck. The deck doesn’t look bad as is, but it does need a lot of work in my opinion. First of all, 47 cards are too many. I wouldn’t go over 42. With 40-42 Cards, 21 Monsters are a bit over the solid amount as well.


Also, keep in mind I’ll be going by Japanese Restrictions (Which is basically the future of English Restrictions). If you don’t know them, check out “Edo’s Small Yu-Gi-Oh Page”.


-Monster- 16


3x Goblin Attack Force
2x Marauding Captain
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Sangan
1x Yata Garusu
1x Jinzo
1x Injection Fairy Lily
1x Fiber Jar
1x Exiled Force
1x Spear Dragon
1x Bazoo the Soul-Eater
1x Cyber Jar
1x Sinister Serpent


Your Gemini Elf were dropped for multiple reasons. First of all, it’s a Warrior Deck and it’s best to stick to the theme as much as possible. Secondly, three of them aren’t necessary. You have more than enough power in this deck to decimate your opponent.


Contrary to what you may think, Freed the Matchless General is not needed in a Warrior deck. Both of his effects don’t support the deck theme very well. Go read my review in the CotD for a better description why.

The whole point to a Warrior deck is to out speed your opponent. Penguin Soldier and Magician of Faith do the exact opposite. I rarely use either in any of my decks anymore.


Hayabusa Knight isn’t needed. Like I mentioned above, you have enough power to beat your opponent. And anyway, Axe of Despair will be dropped for better cards.


You’d be surprised at how effective a single Bazoo the Soul-Eater really is. Now that Fiber Jar is out and we can no longer abuse him like before, one copy of Bazoo is more than enough. He easily takes out opposing Goblin Attack Force, Jinzo, and opposing Bazoo the Soul-Eater.


Spear Dragon works as solid tech. It can help you out in the right situations. He’s a great beatstick in his own way.


Jinzo is right up there with Yata Garusu as the most devastating Monsters in the game. Most skilled players now a day’s run even less Trap cards to combat Jinzo, but he’s still very effective at what he does.


Sangan searches for over half of the Monsters in this deck. Of course he’s worth playing.


-Magic- 20


1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Greed
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Change of Heart
1x Harpie’s Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x Snatch Steal
1x United We Stand
1x Premature Burial
1x The Forceful Sentry
1x Confiscation
1x Warrior Returning Alive

1x Delinquent Duo

1x Reinforcement of the Army
2x Graceful Charity
3x Mystical Space Typhoon

Originally, you were running way too many Equipment Magic cards. This is very bad in many scenarios. You could be drawing useless Equips at crucial moments in the game. Or worst of all, you lay out 1+ Equips on a Monster when you have little or no cards in your hand. All your opponent has to do is use a simple Monster removal card and you’re at a huge disadvantage. Why’s that? It’s because you basically laid your hand down on the Field where it’s extremely vulnerable. Not to mention anything that sits on the Field is asking to be Mystical Space Typhoon-ed.

And everyone and their little brother packs three of those things.


A Force is rarely ever going to give you much of an advantage. This is because most skilled players won’t A. let you have many Magic/Trap cards on the Field and B. let you have many Monsters on the Field. You should never rely on getting 3+ Monsters on the Field unless you’re playing an inexperienced player.


In order for Mage Power to be effective, you need to put yourself at a disadvantage. And that disadvantage is laying out too many Magic/Trap cards on the Field. You’re just asking to be screwed over by Heavy Storm, Harpie’s Feather Duster, and Mystical Space Typhoon.




1x Magic Cylinder
1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force


Dust Tornado and Trap Hole are both completely outdated. There’s no reason to even consider them anymore…


Imperial Order is one of the most broken cards in the game. Simply said.


There you have it. Good luck.




NOTE: Several people have been emailing me as to how my past decks are “illegal” due to them consisting of 2x Sangan/Witch of the Black Forest and others. Guess what, that’s exactly why they are PAST decks. They were reviewed BEFORE the “New” (New at the time) Restrictions were put up. So please, I’d very much appreciate it if my Inbox was no longer filled up with these useless emails. I keep up with the current Restriction List very often and I don’t need reminding. Thanks.