Hey. This is the current deck I'm playing. I haven’t tested 
it in a tournament yet but against all my friends it plays pretty 
well. If I had to give it a name, I'd probably call it my 
'Evil Deck'. It's a combination of Beatdown, Rituals and Dark 
Necrofear. It might need a little bit of trimming but this thing  
started out at 68 cards...I decided to cut the fat after getting beat 
by an Exodia deck real good ....anyway, here goes.
Evil Deck : 48
Monsters : 26
1x Dark Necrofear
2x The Masked Beast
1x Blue Eyes White Dragon
1x Summoned Skull
2x The Earl of Demise
1x LaJinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
1x Whiptail Crow
1x Kuriboh
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Magician of Faith
2x Sonic Bird
2x Senju of the Thousand Hands
3x Earthbound Spirit
1x Man-Eater Bug
1x Nuvia the Wicked
1x Big Eye
1x Wall of Illusions
1x Penguin Soldier
1x Witch's Apprentice
The Masked Beast : I used to run a ritual beatdown
deck with 3x Crab Turtles, which worked pretty well
for a while, until LoN brought forth the dreaded
Masked Hellraiser. 3200 ATK is simply brutal, and I
don't care what Pojo's reviewers said...when you have
a deck themed for it, it's easy and not that costy to
Blue Eyes White Dragon : I know it really doesn't fit
in the theme, but it's a level 8 monster ; Easy to
sacrifice for a Masked Beast, and I'm not scared of
getting it revived in my face, since the Hellraiser is
stronger. I also like to show off my promo JMP Blue
Eyes to everyone ;)
Earl of Demise : I know it blows, but it's only
temporary, until I get myself some extra Skulls or
a Hades from the LoD set.
Whiptail Crow : I'm keeping that around until I get
another LaJinn...
Kuriboh : Acts like a '2nd' waboku.
Sonic Bird and Senju : Fetch those ritual materials
fast, and since they're both level 4 : quick
Wall of Illusion, Big Eye and Nuvia the Wicked :
Random fiends I threw in...The wall and big eye still
have useful effects. Nuvia has an annoying summoning
restriction, but she's not THAT hard to summon.
Usually if I can draw her on the first turns, I can
summon her no problem.
Earthbound Spirit : Good defense monsters.
Witch and Sangan : Search for practically any card in
the deck. Useful for getting Sonic Birds or Senjus if
I'm missing a piece of the ritual.
Penguin Soldier and Man-Eater Bug : Simply annoying
for the opponent.
Magician of Faith : This one should be in every deck
if you ask me...
Witch's Apprentice : Beef up those dark monsters a bit
Magics : 16
2x Curse of the Masked Beast
2x Malevolent Nuzzler
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Fissure
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Graceful Charity
1x Gravekeeper's Servant
1x Change of Heart
1x Monster Reborn
1x Soul Exchange
1x Yami
1x Mystic Plasma Zone
Malevolent Nuzzler : Sometimes I cant get my rituals
on the field or I need that little extra boost. Good
for keeping Witch's Apprentice on the field a while
longer. I used to have 3 of those along with Maha
Vailo...I took her out once I got Witch's Apprentice.
Those two ladies didn't get along very well.
Graceful Charity : Drawing is good. Cycling is even
better in a Necrofear deck. Put some fiends in the
graveyard faster.
Gravekeeper's Servant : Not that useful, but pretty
annoying. A good De-Spell/Typhoon magnet.
Soul Exchange : Losing a battle phase is a bitch I
admit, but it's good 'monster removal' as well.
Yami and Mystic Plasma Zone : Plasma Zone + Witch's
Apprentice = +1000 ATK to all Dark monsters = Ouch.
Having two field cards in your deck is useful, since
your opponent can easily replace it or destroy it.
Both cards affect most of my monsters, Yami is
generally better suited for my defense monsters.
Traps : 6
1x Waboku
1x Dust Tornado
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit
1x Mirror Force
2x Trap Hole
Waboku : I only put one in since I got a Kuriboh. If
it wasent for that little furball, I'd probably have
Dust Tornado : Like a second Mystical Space Typhoon,
and this one is harder to counter.
Mirror Force : Need I say more?
Trap Hole : Having a hard time summoning monsters?
This is still far from being obsolete.
So that's my deck, feel free to comment. Mind you,
unlike one deck I saw in the list..this is a HIGH
BUDGET BEATDOWN. A lot of these cards I actually
bought as singles. (Masked Beast, Necrofear, Mirror
Hey Ben. As soon as I looked at your deck I noticed one major flaw, 
it’s not very focused. This is something that I will help you correct. 
Seeing how you like you’re the Masked Beast, I’ll base the new, more 
focused version of the deck around him. I’ll also be trimming the deck 
to a slim 40-42 cards. This way you can draw all the necessary cards 
much faster than before.
Now that we’re going to base the deck around The Masked Beast, we 
no longer need to limit the deck to Fiend Monsters. This will allow you 
to play a broader and more powerful group of Monsters.
(Just as last time, this Deck Review is going to based on future LOD 
-Monster- 18

2x The Masked Beast
2x Sonic Bird
2x Goblin Attack Force
2x Gemini Elf
1x Spear Dragon
1x Bazoo the Soul-Eater
1x Senju of the Thousand Hands
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Jinzo
1x Sangan
1x Fiber Jar
1x Sinister Serpent
1x Exiled Force
1x Magician of Faith
This is a much more solid, tournament formatted structure for your Monsters. 
If you don’t have a big enough hand to Special Summon The Masked Beast, 
you can always ditch him to Graceful Charity and play the deck as a speedy 
Beatdown deck. This will win you many more games in the long run.
I dropped A LOT of the previous Monsters for a few reasons. To be put bluntly, 
most of them were utter crap. Blue Eyes White Dragon, The Earl of Demise, 
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp, Nuvia the Wicked, Big Eye, Witch’s 
Apprentice, and a few others are all just terrible, terrible Monsters in this type 
of deck. And since this deck is no longer limited to just Fiend Monsters, out 
went many of them as well. Not to mention 26 Monsters is a large amount. 
Especially since we will be trimming the deck down in the process.
Goblin Attack Force, Gemini Elf, Spear Dragon, and Bazoo the Soul-Eater 
were all added because of their solid stats and the fact that they are much 
more versatile than most of the Monsters you were using before. If you’re 
going to be Special Summoning The Masked Beast, you can discard two of 
them for the Tribute cost. But, if you’re not Special Summoning The Masked 
Beast, they are excellent stand-alone attackers. These guys are what enable 
the deck to turn into a Beatdown deck when need be.
Man-Eater Bug was replaced by Exiled Force for obvious reasons.
Jinzo is much to good to not use. Even though it’s another Tribute Monster, 
it’s definitely worth playing. Always.
The single Magician of Faith was kept so that retrieving Curse of the Masked 
Beast is a breeze.
Fiber Jar is the best reset button that’s available. 
Sinister Serpent should be included in every deck. Not only does he work great 
with Graceful Charity and Painful Choice, but he’s also an excellent defense 
against Yata-Garasu, Delinquent Duo, and White Magical Hat.
-Magic- 18
You have some of the necessities down, but are still missing a lot of them. 
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Graceful Charity
2x Curse of the Masked Beast
2x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Change of Heart
1x Pot of Greed
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
1x Harpie’s Feather Duster
1x Snatch Steal
1x Premature Burial
I dropped Malevolent Nuzzler for two reasons. Not only are Equips not very 
good, but also Malevolent Nuzzler is one of the worst ones.

Fissure is simply outdated. You should have no problem destroying opposing
The same goes for Soul Exchange. Giving up your Attack Phase for a simple 
Tribute is not worth it at all. Not to mention you’re only running three Tribute 
Monsters now.
Gravekeeper’s Servant is a pointless card. Discarding a card from your 
opponent’s deck is not going to keep them from unleashing their army on you. 
Rarely ever will it actually prevent your opponent from attacking. Or even make 
a difference in the game.
Field Magic cards aren’t good at all. The only time you should use them is if 
you’re building a The Legendary Fisherman deck.
Mystical Space Typhoon should always be played at three. Yes, it’s that good. 
It’s easily one of the most versatile cards in the game.
Two Nobleman of Crossout were added so that you don’t get screwed by Flip 
Effects after you’ve Special Summoned The Masked Beast.
All the other Magic cards I added should be self-explanatory. They were all 
restricted for a reason.
1x Call of The Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Imperial Order
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Torrential Tribute
The proven basic setup for Trap cards. Works like a charm.
Trap Hole, Seven Tools of the Bandit, and Dust Tornado don’t cut it anymore. 
Besides, you’re running three Mystical Space Typhoon and a Torrential Tribute 
There you have it. This should definitely win you more games. Keep in mind that 
The Masked Beast isn’t exactly fit for competitive tournament play.
Good luck.