Ethereal Flame v 2.5  (Advanced Format)


C&J’s Collectibles

Fremont, CA



1st: 4 packs

Semi’s: 2 packs

Quarter’s and under : 1 pack


Monsters [17]:


[1] Jinzo

[1] Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

[3] Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective

[1] Exiled Force

[1] Pitch-Black Warwolf

[1] Breaker the Magical Warrior

[1] Cyber Jar

[1] Tribe-Infecting Virus

[2] Solar Flare Dragon

[1] Spirit of Flames

[1] Blazing Inpachi

[2] D.D. Warrior Lady

[1] Magical Scientist


Spells [17]:


[1] Premature Burial

[1] Swords of Revealing Light

[1] Scapegoat

[1] Pot of Greed

[2] Creature Swap

[2] Fissure

[1] Hammer Shot

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon

[1] Giant Trunade

[1] Snatch Steal

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Enemy Controller

[1] Change of Heart

[1] Last Will

[1] Nobleman of Crossout


Traps [6]:


[1] Sakurestu Armor

[1] Ring of Destruction

[1] Waboku

[1] Torrential Tribute

[1] Magic Cylinder

[1] Call of the Haunted


Fusions [10]:


[2] Dark Blade the Dragon Knight

[2] Ryu Senshi

[3] Thousand-Eyes Restrict

[2] Dark Balter the Terrible

[2] Fiend Skull Dragon

[3] Ojama King


Sideboard [15]:


[1] Raging Flame Sprite

[1] Ultimate Baseball Kid

[1] Last Will

[1] Molten Destruction

[3] Dust Tornado

[2] Book of Moon

[2] Compulsory Evacuation Device

[1] Waboku

[1] The Thing in the Crater

[1] Nobleman of Crossout

[1] Giant Trunade


Sup all, this is my first tourney report since coming back to the game. So it’s been about 3 weeks since I’ve been back and the tourney finally switched over to advanced format today so it was fun.


The tournament started at 1 and I got there about 12:45. Anyway, I met up with Omar and John and waited for Steve to show up so we could sign up together so we wouldn’t play each other in the first round. So Steve finally got there and we all did the little stick hands in and draw the smiley face on our hands….ok not really lol, but we decided that if 2 of us 4 made it to finals that we would just split packs. Anyway, so onto the duels:


Duel 1: Nameless vs. Josh (Harpy Deck)


Match 1:


So I’m a little hazy as to what happened but all I knew was that he didn’t draw that many monsters. I had field advantage nearly the entire time so I pretty much took down his lifepoints.


Match 2:


2nd duel was pretty much the same. He didn’t draw many monsters and those that he did either got destroyed by my removal or trampled by my gaia’s so it wasn’t to bad. Large props to him though, fun duel.




In between time:


So far, John, Omar, and I had taken first round victories. We waited for Steve for awhile since he was on his 4th match. So judge called 5 turns and 5 turns passed by with Steve having the higher lp (all thx to his ojama trio lol).


Duel 2: Nameless vs. Josh’s Dad (Chaos?)


LOL first thing I hear when we sit down is that I have to play Josh’s dad. Oh man, I was like great…not to sure exactly on what his deck was though. He had lights and darks but never saw bls-eotb or chaos sorcerer’s, so I can only assume that he played chaos.


Match 1:


So this match wasn’t to bad except for the fact that within the first 2 turns of the duel I drew every trap in my deck. Yea it was pretty retarded but hey, what can you do right? So anyway, he kept on trying to attack me but I just kept countering with traps. The order went something like cylinder, waboku, sakuretsu or something like that. Anyway, so while all this was happening the only monster I managed to draw was gaia. So after I cylindered and attacked with gaia once I think, he was down to 3000 lp. So I had a set ring and call of the haunted with gaia in the grave. I drew a solar flare dragon, summoned it, coth gaia, sac sfd to pump gaia up to 3000 and then ringed gaia for game.


Match 2:


Pretty much I couldn’t really get monsters onto the field this duel and he snatched one of my monsters and just traded blows until he finally beat me.


Match 3:


This duel, even though it felt really close, wasn’t really. I hit hard the first couple turns with gaia. The whole, premature, call type thing and hit him for damage. Anyway, all that equaled to a score of about 7400 me – 400 him. Despite the big difference, I got nervous cause he had like a full hand and I had nothing. He used crossout on my cyber jar which kinda took me out of replenishing my hand. So anyway, my turn before the duel ended, I hit him with thestalos and tribe to bring him down to 400 lp. So after that he summoned blade knight and attacked my tribe. I didn’t realize I had enemy controller down and he was hecka nice and let me replay that last atk. So blade knight went into def, and I drew, used tribe’s effect and attacked for game. Lol, hecka nice haha.




In between time:


Ok, so while I’m dueling John comes up to me and says he won, awesome. Steve had some disputes with the “people” he was dueling and ended up winning in the end cause they were cheating or something…darn cheaters haha. Anyway, so I win my duel and I stand up and next thing ya know, Omar comes up to me and is all like…I just got n00bed…HAHAHAHA man we were just like, way to go Omar, screwed everything up…and he lost to some little kid that comes late every tourney and who didn’t know that it went advanced this week…wow…lost…anyway, so it’s semi’s and I have to play steve…crap…


Duel 3: Nameless vs. Steve (Beast Deck)


Dude, it’s fun playin Steve, but at the same time it sucks cause I always lose lol. But oh well, here it goes.


Match 1:


So I’m really hazy with this duel in general since what happened but I’ll try. All I know is that, first turn I change of heart his berserk and summon  gaia and atk for 4000. Then it kind of just goes back and forth a little bit till I finally pulled out a win. Can’t remember how but I won.


Match 2:


Oh snap man... I got pwned lol. I had nothing but spell’s in my hand. Like I drew sakuretsu for my first draw. Anyway, point is I lost this duel cause I dunno what happened lol. All I know is that he snatched my d.d. warrior lady and I just fed off that for like 3 turns to keep me alive lol.


Match 3:


Man…this match was crazy close…near the end it was like 1800 me – 1350 him. Whew…anyway, so I had a blazing inpachi in atk with him playin call of the haunted on berserk…and he summons enraged battle ox. He attacks and I’m all like man..that’s game…but I flip my f/d card face up and it was call of the haunted…and he’s all like are you sure? Haha I hecka forgot about it…anyway, so I used it to bring back thestalos and I had a cylinder set and I attacked his enraged with thestalos…then can’t remember what happened after that but I won by attacking or doing something or other lol…




In between time:


So, John had beat the kid that beat Omar hecka fast and was just waiting for me and Steve. So me and John split packs. I pulled a dimension fusion and crap, John pulled Big Core and crap lol. So Steve gained the most out of it since he ended up getting luminous soldier for this deal he made before the tourney hahah. Lucky guy man…so that was the tourney.




-         For getting to the Finals

-         For pulling dimension fusion which I need for my next deck

-         All the duels I played today

-         Mom for hooking me up with some money so I could play lol




-         Those fools that Steve played cause they were hecka retarded

-         For the little kid that beat Omar since he didn’t deserve to be there

-         Omar for getting n00bed lol


Anyway, so that’s all from me, info’s below if you wanna talk etc etc…peace out peeps, till next time.




AIM: AznGotRice619
