RegnR8' Horrible Horus
October 17, 2004
Newnan Sports Cards
Newnan, Ga.
Free to play
Traditional Format
1st gets 3 packs and 2 promo cards
2nd gets 2 packs and 1 promo card
3rd gets 1 pack
Only 19 people were there this week. Small crowd.
Hi all,
Welcome to another thrilling installment of the tournament report, brought to you by RegnR8 and sponsored by HorusLV8. This week, the store was using the Traditional Format and not the Advanced. I prefer the Advanced Format and had to build a deck specifically for competition in the Traditional Format. Last week, I built my Horus deck and it did all right, placing third. Not bad, but I felt I could do better than third. It started out as a pretty typical beatdown deck with the Horus Dragons and a couple of Level Up tossed in. I changed it to where it was more of a Dragon based deck with Masked, Luster and Element Dragons. I wanted to toss in a Spear Dragon or two, but I didn't have any extra, so I went with the MFC Luster instead.
We got there early and traded and dueled a little bit. I am working on an Advanced deck based on the Monarchs, Night Assailant, Peten the Dark Clown and discard effects so, I tweaked it a little bit with some help from Joseph and tested it against a fairly good Traditional Hand Control/Chaos Deck. The Monarchs owned. It was really good to see my Advanced deck cripple a high and mighty "cookie cutter" Traditional Control/Chaos. I was happy and yes, I am gloating.
I also tweaked my Advanced Warrior deck some and got it running smoother and more effectively, too.
Anyway, here's the Horrible Horus Deck:
1x Horus LV8
2x Horus LV6
3x Horus LV4
3x Masked Dragon
3x Element Dragon
3x Luster Dragon
1x Fiber Jar
1x Cyber Jar
1x Jinzo
2x Level Up
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
1x Painful Choice
1x Premature Burial
1x Monster Reborn
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x MST
1x NoE
1x Giant Trunade
1x Stamping Destruction
1x Imperial Order
1x RoD
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Exiled Force
1x TIV
1x Sinister Serpent
1x DD Warrior Lady
2x Berserk Gorilla
1x WotBF
1x Sangan
3x Waboku
2x NoC
1x Card Destruction
Well, since there were really only a few people there today, the pairings were taking longer than usual. There were some new, inexperienced players there, and the judge wanted to keep the new people separate from the veterans, but a lot of the veterans did want to play each other in the first round. Well, we finally got it all straightened out and the tournament began.
Horus VS Insect
We had to coerce Raymond into playing. He was working on his deck and didn't want to enter because his deck wasn't ready. He decided "what the heck" and I was paired up with him in the first round. Actually, his deck really gave me fits and it worked quite well.
I win the die roll and go first. I get PoG, Fiber Jar, Monster Reborn, Torrential, Painful Choice and IO. I play PoG, get Heavy Storm and Premature Burial. Hmm, another monster would have been nice. I activate Painful Choice and offer Horus LV6, Jinzo, Element Dragon, Luster Dragon and Masked Dragon. He gives me LV6. I Monster Reborn Masked Dragon, tribute it for LV6, set Imperial Order and end my turn.
He sets 2 M/T and 1 monster.
I activate Heavy Storm, he chains Judgement of Anubis to my LV6. Man, that SUCKED! Well, I set Fiber Jar and Torrential and ended my turn.
He sets 1 M/T and ends his turn.
I flip my Fiber Jar and get Luster, Torrential, Jinzo, Level Up and Giant Trunade. I summon Luster and attack for 1900, set Torrential and end my turn.
He plays PoG, activates Messenger of Peace and sets 2 more M/T.
I draw Harpie's and activate it. He chains his MST to my Torrential. I tribute Luster for Jinzo, set Giant Trunade and attack for 2400.
He plays Raigeki. Figures. He sets a monster and ends his turn.
I draw Snatch Steal. I have no monsters in my hand, so I end my turn.
He tributes a Pinch Hopper for Insect Pricess then special summons another Insect Princess with Pinch Hopper's effect and equips one with Mage Power. This is gonna HURT. He hits me and gets me down to 1400LP. He's sitting pretty at 3700LP.
I draw Heavy Storm, I set all my M/T cards and Snatch Steal his equipped Insect Princess and attack his other Princess. Then due to her effect, she goes up to 5000ATK. Woohoo!
He sets a monster and ends his turn.
I draw a LV6. I attack his Sangan with the Insect Princess and he gets a Prickle Fairy.
He activates Insect Barrier and sets a monster. I go ahead and tribute off his Insect Princess for LV6 and attack the Prickle Fairy. The Prickle Fairy turns LV6 into defense but, I go ahead and get LV8 during my end phase, so whoopie.
Next turn, I attack another face down Pinch Hopper and he summons Insect Queen but LV8 is higher attack and I win.
He goes first and sets 1 M/T and a monster.
I draw Level Up, Horus LV4, Luster, Premature Burial, MST and a Horus LV6. I MST his MST (I hate that) summon Horus LV4 and destroy his Sangan. He gets a Paracite Paracide with Sangan and I get Horus LV6 with LV4's effect during the end phase. I set Premature Burial as a bluff and end my turn.
He plays Graceful. He activates Fissure but, I remind him Horus LV6 is unaffected by any spell cards. He sets a monster and 2 M/T cards.
I get PoG and play it. He chains his set MST to my Premature Burial. I activate Level Up and I bring out Horus LV8 and he Torrentials my Horus! CURSES! His monster was a Pinch Hopper so he summons an Insect Queen for Pinch Hopper's effect. I'm not liking that. I set Call of the Haunted and end my turn.
He sets 2 M/T and a monster. He has to end his turn because the Insect Queen can not attack without offering an insect type monster from his side of the field.
I draw Graceful Charity and get Jinzo, Masked Dragon and Giant Trunade. I discard Jinzo and something else that's irrelevant and use Call of the Haunted to get Jinzo on the field and attack his Insect Queen for 400LP damage.
He flips up Paracite Paracide and sticks it into my deck. It's tough to shuffle it in because he's using the oversized sleeves and I have the standard size, so it's pretty obvious where the card is in my deck. He sets another monster. I'm thinking I should have side decked my NoC's because he sets so many monsters. Too late now.
I draw IO, activate Giant Trunade, summon Luster and attack his Fiber Jar. Blegh. I get Graceful, Reborn, Heavy Storm, Horus LV8 and RoD. I play Graceful and get the Paracite Paracide which is summoned to my side of the field and I take 1000LP damage. I set RoD and end my turn.
He sets another monster. Man, will this setting NEVER end?!
I RoD the Paracite Paracide on my side of the field, summon a Luster Dragon and attack his face down monster. It's another Paracite Paracide. I tell him it's destroyed and sent to the graveyard and doesn't go into my deck. He puts up a small arguement about it and when other's tell him I am correct, he decides he will not use the Paracite Paracide in his deck in the future. I told him it's still pretty fun, it just needs a little protection.
He plays Dark Hole. Figures. He sets ANOTHER monster. Grrr....
I Monster Reborn my Jinzo and attack his last Paracite Paracide. Finally.
He plays Reload for 3 cards, sets 2 M/T cards and that's all.
I summon a Luster Dragon and attack with it and Jinzo uncontested.
He sets a monster. No surprise there.
I attack his Swarm of Locusts with Luster Dragon, then attack directly with Jinzo.
He Fissures my Luster Dragon but I attack with Jinzo next turn for the win.
RECORD 1 - 0
Horus VS a very unusual control deck.
Ed is a very creative deck builder and he's working on this crazy deck with Convulsion of Nature, Mind Crush and that sort of thing. This deck is really nuts.
This duel took forever. I got tired of writing down notes about it because he was stalling so well and I didn't get any draws at all. Our decks were upside down and we both knew what we had in our hands and what was coming up. Ed kept flipping MoF and getting PoG back again and again by summoning a Tsyukuomi. Slowly but surely, Ed decked himself out. I just kept drawing cards and doing nothing.
I remember to go to my side deck and I put in 2 NoC. Stupid MoF.
He chooses to go first. He sets a monster and a few M/T cards.
I get Horus LV4, Masked Dragon, 2 Level Up and Call of the Haunted. I draw Horus LV6. I know he uses Gravity Binds so, instead of going for the "LV4, Level Up get LV6" combo, I summon Masked Dragon and attack his MoF. He has nothing in the graveyard so, MoF is pretty uselss for him right now.
Well, I get Jinzo out on my second turn and that about does it. He did have Gravity Bind set but it didn't matter. With Jinzo on the field I managed to keep Jinzo and a Horus LV6 on the field and it was over.
RECORD 2 - 0
Horus VS Hand Control/Chaos
This is the same deck I beat using my Advanced Format Monarch deck. Heh. Heh. I was hoping to win because I really don't like losing to this opponent.
He wins the die roll and chooses to go first.
I get Dark Hole, Masked Dragon, Element Dragon, Stamping Destruction and Horus LV8. Hmm. Not the greatest opening hand.
He sets one monster and ends his turn. I've noticed he tends to do this a lot. He will set a monster and not set any M/T card at all. I consider this not a smart move.
I draw Change of Heart and activate it, taking his Shining Angel. I summon Element Dragon and attack with both. I set Stamping Destruction and end my turn.
He MST's my Stamping Destruction, sacs the Angel for Jinzo and then Monster Reborn's his Angel. Again, I think this is a bad move. Why waste Monster Reborn on a stupid Shining Angel? It's a light type already in your graveyard. He attacks my Element Dragon with the Shining Angel, taking damage and getting a DD Warrior Lady with the Angel's effect. Then he attacks my Element Dragon with Jinzo and attacks direct with DD. I still think using the Monster Reborn on the Angel just to get a DD to the field is a bad move.
I draw Snatch Steal.  Ha. I Snatch Steal his Jinzo and attack his DD Warrior Lady with it. I love it! I take your monster and attack you with it. He decides to remove both of them from play. I think this is a bad decision. He could gain 1000Lp each turn until I tribute Jinzo for something or he gets rid of it or gets it back. Then he has a light and a dark in the graveyard. As it stands, he only has one light in the graveyard and he has just removed his dark monster from play. I summon a Masked Dragon and end my turn.
He summons another Angel, suicides with my Masked Dragon, I get another Masked Dragon, he gets a DD Warrior Lady, attacks and removes my Masked Dragon from play.
Well, I have no monsters in my hand and he Drop's Off my Raigeki and Yata locks me next turn. Bah. I was winning, too. Yata is crap.
I go to my side deck and put in 2 NoC, TIV and Exiled.
I go first and get Horus LV8, Masked Dragon, Level Up, Jinzo, PoG and draw Torrential. I play PoG, get Cyber Jar and NoC. I set the Torrential and summon Masked Dragon.
He MST's my Torrential and summons a Shining Angel, attacking my Masked Dragon and I get another. He gets another Angel but, doesn't attack. Hmmm. He sets 1 M/T and ends his turn.
I draw another Level Up and tribute Masked Dragon for Jinzo and attack his Angel. He gets a DD Warrior Lady. I set Level Up as a bluff and end my turn.
He Snatch Steal's my Jinzo, summons a Berserk Gorilla and pounds me with a massive amount of damage. I'm down to 2100LP in a hurry and he's at 7000LP.  I have a plan though...
I Snatch Steal my Jinzo back, Summon Horus LV4, activate Level Up, get Horus LV6, attack his Gorilla with LV6 and attack DD with Jinzo. He, of course, removes both of them from play. Who cares? I summon Horus LV8 during the end phase of my turn.
He starts to back pedal now. A Waboku saves him for a turn and he sets a monster. I NoC his Mystic Tomato and attack him for 3000LP damage.
He sets a monster and a M/T card.
I draw Painful Choice and give him Change of Heart, Raigeki, Graceful, Monster Reborn and NoC. He gives me the Raigeki. I think he knows he's lost this one. I activate Raigeki, summon an Element Dragon and attack for 4500LP damage and the win.
He choses to go first. He sets a monster and 1 M/T card.
I get Heavy Storm, Masked Dragon, Change of Heart, Graceful Charity and Giant Trunade in my opening hand and draw an MST.
I activate Graceful and he chains IO and I chain MST from my hand. What a lucky break! I get both NoC and Raigeki with Graceful. I get rid of a couple of cards with Graceful's effect, keep both NoC's and Raigeki, then NoC his Tomato. I summon Masked Dragon and attack. I set Heavy Storm and end my turn.
He activates Heavy Storm, getting rid of my Heavy Storm. Ha. Oh well, sometimes your bluff works and sometimes it doesn't. He plays PoG and summons a Shining Angel and attacks my Masked Dragon and I get another, he gets another Angel and attacks my Dragon, I get another, he gets DD Warrior Lady and attacks my Masked Dragon but doesn't remove it from play. I go ahead and get Element Dragon with Masked Dragon's effect. He sets an M/T card.
I draw Horus LV6. I have Trunade, Change of Heart, Raigeki and LV6 in my hand. I have an Element Dragon on the field. I am winning 7900 - 6600. I can damage him pretty good this turn. I activate Giant Trunade, Change of Heart his DD Warrior Lady, tribute her for Horus LV6 and attack with LV6 and Element Dragon. This takes him down to 2300LP. Not bad.
He summons a Berserk Gorilla, Premature Burial's his DD Warrior Lady and attacks my LV6 with her, removing both from play. He attacks with the Gorialla and sets a M/T card and ends his turn. This gets his LP down to 1500.
I draw PoG, play it and get RoD and Level Up. It's obvious all I have to do is Raigeki his Gorilla, set the RoD and destroy my Element Dragon in his draw phase for the win, instead of risking an attack with the Element Dragon while he has a card in his M/T zone. That is exactly what I do.
RECORD 3 - 0
Horus VS Chaos Control
This is a familiar scenario. Joseph and I battling it out in the later stages of the tournament. I haven't won the tournament here in months and now is my chance! It's going to be difficult though, because Joseph is a very good player and is currently on a major winning streak.
He wins the die roll and chooses to go first. I draw Graceful Charity, Stamping Destruction, NoE, Mirror Force and Luster Dragon. He plays Delinquent Duo and picks NoE. I choose Mirror Force.
He sets a monster an a M/T card.
I draw and he Drop's Off my Fiber Jar. Darn, that would have been a nice card to have. I activate Graceful and get RoD, Luster and Giant Trunade. I discard a Luster and Stamping Destruction, play Giant Trunade, summon the other Luster and attack his WotBF. He gets Yata with the Witch's effect. Uh oh. I set RoD, hoping to blow up his crow.
Joseph plays Dark Hole. Here it comes! He summons Yata. Ka-BOOM, I Ring it! Hooray!
I draw and he Drop's Off my Dark Hole. Oh well, I don't have a monster and neither does he.
Joseph Reborn's his WotBF and attacks. Grrr...
I draw Element Dragon and set it. I wasn't about to attack his Witch. The Element Dragon's defense is 100 points higher than WotBF attack so, I thought I might make him take a little damage.
He attacks it with WotBF and takes 100LP damage. Hah. I thought that was funny. It's now tied up at 6700LP each.
I draw an MST and set it.
He activates Snatch Steal on my Element Dragon and I MST it. Whew. That was close. I know he has IO set, because he gave it away by doing something, I forgot what it was exactly.
I summon Horus LV4 and he Torrential's. Phooey. He gets a Shining Angel with WotBF effect. I set Raigeki as a bluff.
He Harpie's my Raigeki. That's funny. He attacks with his Angel.
I draw IO and set it.
He attacks me with the Angel again. Help, help, I can't draw a monster. I'm dying. 3900 - 6700.
He attacks me again with the Angel. 2500 - 6700. Tick, tock, tick, tock....
I set Masked Dragon, hoping to get him to hit it.
He RoD's his Angel, removes a light and a dark for CED and blows everything up and I lose. Stupid CED. I might have made a comeback. Well, maybe not.
I draw IO, Fiber Jar, NoC, Masked Dragon, RoD and draw the second NoC. I set Fiber, IO and RoD.
Joseph activates Heavy Storm and I chain the IO. He sets a monster and 1 M/T.
He Drop's Off my Horus LV4 but who cares, because I flip Fiber Jar. I get a Masked Dragon, RoD, Luster Dragon, Dark Hole and Cyber Jar. I summon Masked Dragon, set RoD and attack.
Joseph Heavy Storm's my RoD and plays PoG. He activates Dark Hole and summons Don Zaloog. He takes my Cyber Jar, which is fine with me. I draw Fiber Jar, Dark Hole his Don, summon a Luster and attack for 1900LP damage. 6600 - 4700.
Joesph sets a monster.
I draw Giant Trunade and attack his face down monster with Luster. It's a Spirit Reaper. I set the Fiber Jar and Trunade and he chains MST to it.
He summons Breaker and suicides with my Luster.
I flip Fiber Jar for the second time this duel. I get a Luster, Harpie's, Snatch Steal, Level Up and Horus LV6. I summon Luster and attack. I have to set Harpie's becasue I want to save my Snatch Steal for later.
Joseph plays PoG, summons TIV and discards, getting rid of my Luster and attacks.
I Snatch his TIV and tribute it for Horus LV6 and attack.
He sets a monster. I draw Fiber Jar and attack his face down monster with LVL6. It's a DD Warrior Lady and he removes both from play. Darn it. I set Fiber Jar again.
He sets something and ends his turn. Yeah. I flip Fiber on my turn and get a Luster and attack him for the win!
He chooses to go first. I get RoD, IO, Mirror Force, Horus LV4 and Horus LV8. He plays The Forceful Sentry and puts IO back into my deck. He sets a monster and 1 M/T card and ends his turn.
I draw Raigeki. I summon Horus LV4 and attack. He responds with Mirror Force. Phooey. I set RoD.
He summons Don Zaloog and says, "Ring of Destruction." I RoD his Don. It's tied at 6600LP.
I draw PoG and get Painful Choice and another Horus LV4. I activate Painful and choose Exiled Force, Monster Reborn, 2 NoC and Level Up. He gives me Exiled. I summon Horus LV4 and attack his Shining Angel and he gets a DD Warrior Lady to the field. I play Raigeki, set Mirror Force and get Horus LV6 during the end phase of my turn.
He Harpie's my Mirror Force, summons TIV (what LUCK!) and gets rid of my Horus LV6. He Premature's Don Zaloog and attacks me, taking my Exiled Force from my hand. Uh oh. All of a sudden, I'm not feeling to well.
I top deck a Luster Dragon and attack his TIV. Whew. I'm losing at this point 3600 - 5500.
He top decks Confiscation and pays 1000LP to get rid of my Horus LV8. He turns Don into defense position and ends his turn.
I draw a Masked Dragon and summon it. I attack his Don with Luster, then attack directly with Masked Dragon. I'm starting to feel I may be able to pull this one out after all!
He sets a M/T card and thats all he can do.
I draw a Horus LV6, tribute Masked Dragon for LV6 and attack. His M/T card was Heavy Storm and I win the tournament!
Hooray! I celebrate my victory! At long last I have returned to the top of the podium! I collect my spoils of war and pull absolutely nothing worthwhile from my packs!! Fate is a cruel mistress.....It didn't matter and I didn't really care anyway. It's all about having fun! Who am I kidding? It's all about winning! HA! HA!
So, we hang out for a while afterwards, duel, eat pizza and kibitz! Someone had a bunch of their cards stolen right off the table and that sucks, but it happens all the time! The lesson to be learned is NEVER leave your cards unattended at any time!!
That's it for this week! Tune in next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel! Until then, Happy Dueling!