
Wizard’s Tower, Kanata Ontario

Sanctioned Tournament, Approx: 64 People


I’ve been to a few tournaments before but I always seemed to choke! Today would be

No exception!




Monsters: 19


Summoned Skull

3X La Jinn

3X Goblin Attack forces

2X Kycoo

2X Bazoo

3X Magician of Faith

Witch of the black forest


3X Man-Eater


Magic: 12


Dark Hole

Graceful Charity

Pot Of Greed


Card Destruction

Mystical Space Typhoon

2X Fissure

Change of heart

Monster Reborn

Swords of Revealing Light

Heavy Storm


Trap: 9


3X Trap Hole

Mirror Force

Imperial Order

Magic Cylinder

2X 7 Tools

Magic Jammer


Well, There’s the deck, now onto the tournament.


ROUND # 1: Jordan VS Sergei   WON


Duel 1: Now I don’t have the exact Lifepoints for any of the duels throughout the tourney, but I have a reasonable idea.Sergei was in his first Yu-Gi-Oh tournament, and in my opinion did fine. He lacked some of the staple cards ie: Raigeki, Mirror Force, but with the cards he had he put up a tremendous fight.I won the first due with my kycoo doing the first bit of damage, and then I finished him with my goblin.


Duel 2: Same thing, I beat him with a variety of high powered LV4’s.


ROUND # 2: Jordan VS Pretty good little guy! WON


Duel 1: WOW! I was totally shocked as he killed me with his monsters, man, I was in total shock.


Duel 2: Ok, I got it together and pounded him down, and then hit him with a direct attack after a raigeki, pretty darn close though!


Duel 3: Once again I think my deck overpowered his as I finished him with another direct assault.


ROUND #3: Jordan VS Ashley LOST


Duel 1: Ok, I wasn’t sure what to expect,so I went in there and……Totally got annihilated! She didn’t have the absolute best cards in the world, but she really knew what she was doing and she creamed me in both duels!


Duel 2: Total Overkill, she pretty well controlled the match, leaving me with little hope towards the end.




Well, This kid named Miles ended up winning the tournament, as for me, I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, oh well, I’ll be sure to do better next week.



PROPS: To the duelists I beat for not being sore losers

-         To Ashley for creaming me

-         For Jason Making it to the final round!

-         To Pat for trading me a Cylinder



SLOPS: None really aside for me being ousted early, it was a fun Sunday afternoon!



If you wish to contact me regarding my report or want to talk about yu gi oh in general, my e mail is,