Subject: Weemie Control, Kalle Laitinen, Comicopilos, Santa Cruz CA

Tourney Report: Comicopolis, Santa Cruz, CA

3/01/03 # of people 12

Here is my deck. I call it a weenie control. I know everybody is using clowns but I have been using them since the beginning.

 I love this nicer controlled theme over beatdowns.




Dream Clownx3

Crass Clownx3

Hayabusa Knightx3



Cyber Jarx1



Snatch Stealx1


Tribute to the Doomx2

Malevolent Nuzzlerx2

Mystical Space Typhoonx1


Heavy Stormx1


Messenger of Peacex1

Nobleman of Crossoutx2

 Axe of Dispairx1


Call of the Hauntedx1

Solemn Judgmentx1

Trap Holex2

Gravity Bindx3

Dust Tornadox1

Magic Drainx2

Seven Tools of The Banditx1


Now onto the tourney. LON just came out so I bought a couple and I got Fire Princess, Yeah!

My first opponent was a guy named Dane.

Round One

Me (Kalle) vs. Dane (Relinquished)


I get to go first and I set GSOS. I play Noble Man of Cross out. I play Dream Clown and attack with dream clown.

Second turn he summons Crab Turtle. He kills my Dream Clown. I draw and get Jinzo I summon him and attack. Next turn he can’t get any monsters and I get Hayabusa knight and slaughter his remaining LP.

Round Two

Me (Kalle) vs. Josh (no idea)


I win and get to go first. By the way it was single loss you are out of the tourney.

Don’t remember much but I control his whole field with three clowns and a Hayabusa Knight. I took the most damage by my solemn judgment to stop Raigeki that would’ve kicked my ass. I play MeB. Next turn flip sacrifice for Jinzo and win with Jinzo.


Semi-Finals (three way duel)


Me (Kalle) vs. Frankie (Beat Down) vrs. David (deck like Eiffel Tower)


First of all I would like to say I think the only way he got there was because of his rare cards. He had like Tri-horned and Gravity bind in the same deck


I go first and set Crass Clown. Frankie does something and ends his turn. David sets a monster face down. I Nobleman it and bust out a Crass and attack.

We basically ganged up on him once he was down enough and just creamed him.



Kalle vs. Frankie


I started off and tried to get clowns out early. I had an extremely bad scare though. I had 4600 life and he had two 1800s he heavy stormed and started to wail on me.

I was a little nervous and I couldn’t think clearly. I pulled it out of my bag of tricks though. Jinzo came through for me in the end. And my faithful servant Hayabusa Knight

Was by my side to win the tourney.



For my friend Greg to come along with Frankie

To a kid named Rolin, which I played later to be the only real competition

To pulling Fire Princess

To it being a free tourney

To Jinzo and Hayabusa Knight for being my faithful servants


To Zak for not coming after I slaved over his and mine Exodia deck.

To prizes not being more awesome

To crap competition

To Dennis for being so god damn annoying.


Kalle Laitinen

Want to talk about my deck