Subject: KForce1-Dark Side Beatdown pt 3- Schezar - San Leandro, CA WoB


La Jinn x3

Man Eater x2

Faith Magician x2


7 Color Fish x3

Wall of illusion x2

Mask or Darkness


Dark Elf x2

Demon Summon x2

Cyber Pod




Early Burial

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Black hole

Holy Barrier

Call From the dead

Hurricane x2

Change of Heart

Raise Dead

Pitfall x2

Emissary of Harmony x2

Imperial Decree

Magic Jammer

Fissure x2

Total: 40

Tournament 16 people, 5 dollars, 1 TP pack for entering, 4 more when you win it all, Labyrinth of Nightmare not legal this week...son of a beetch!

Nice day today, arrived a little late because I had to finish the plate full of chilli cheese fries. It was killer 5 hours later... Today, enter KForce1 vs. Rare Hunters vs. Saiyans? wtf

1st duel

I guess I got a buy because I came late 10 min hahaha. Anyways my opponent today would be Mike from rare hunters. Seems that they want revenge since I stomped on them last week in my KForce Ones. "The type of card I like is Wind and Light, but when you lose it just f&^*s up your whole night"

1st match

I never played Mike before, so I had to let him play out several cards to get a feel for his deck. Apparently it took a little too long to feel and I got torn apart like a piece of meat thrown out to the hungry wolves. Stupid clowns!

2nd match

I got a preview of what it might be, so I swapped 3cards in. 1 more Hurricane (e. Heavy storm) "but Mr. Bakura you already have 2 hurricanes!" no, before the duel I swapped it for something that I can't remember. I took major control of the board as he couldn't draw any monsters. He stalled me with messenger and gravity bind, but that can't stop the attack of my vicious man eater bug and sangan!!! After a good few hard hits it was time for the last match.

3rd match

Man, I believe it was a mistake on my part that cost me the win, but it would've been game either way in the back of my mind. Here what happened. He had messenger on the field. I imperialed. He jinzos. I have faith magician (e. magician of faith) and man eater, and cyber pod (e. cyber jar) in attack mode. Since he has jinzo, that negates my imperial, but messenger works again. My turn, I steal his jinzo with theft (e. snatch steal) now I can't attack with jinzo, so i smack him with my puny monsters for 3 turns before I decided it wasn't worth the wait, he might draw raigeki or somethign soon. So in my stupidity, I used black hole (e. dark hole) and cannon soldiers came outta no where and shot me. Where's the pitfalls (e. trap holes) when you need it?!!?!?

Final thought: You know how they have a saying, the more you come into contact with something the more you look like the person or thing? Well have you ever noticed the striking resemblance between Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer and Serf? Man! slap some beads on him and you can remove 2 cards from any game! HEY! Nick didn't run away this time when we appeared!

Slow jam shout out(s) to: KForce1 and the elites at World of Books/Collector's corner

What the hell...: is call of the grave this card sucks! and F.I.N.A.L. man stupid censors...if it was D.E.A.T.H. I wouldve played it long time ago...