The Princess's Burn
Roger the Skunk
Lone Star Comics
504 E. Abram St.
Arlington, TX 76010
Call for tournament information:  (817)-265-0491  Ask for Mike or Chris.
July 12, 2003
Entry fee:  $5 
Number of Participants:  22+
First Place:  $25+ In Store Credit
Second Place:  $15+ Store Credit
Everone Gets a Tournament Pack
Tribute Monsters
      Labryrinth Wall                     For use as protection;  great with Last Will.
2x  Marie the Fallen One            Hard to remove life gain.
Non-Tribute Monsters
      Cure Mermaid                       Life gain pure and simple.
3x  Cannon Soldier                     For that last volley of burn on the opponent.
3x  Fire Princess                         Works well with protection and sufficient life gaining mechanisms.
      Witch of the Black Forest      Search for almost any monster in my deck.
      Sangan                                 Same as above.
3x  Giant Soldier of Stone           Defense and attacks under Gravity Bind and Messenger of the Peace.
3x  Giant Germ                            Deck thinning, defense, and burn.
3x  Nimble Momonga                   Deck thinning, defense, and life gain.
      Jinzo #7                                 Attacks through the opponents defense and offense.
2x  Man-Eater Bug                      Removal.
2x  Magician of Faith                   Bring back those vital magic cards.
      Monster Reborn
      Dark Hole
      Change of Heart
      Pot of Greed
      The Dark Door                        A very good stall card.
2x  Dian Keto the Cure Master     Life gain and burn via the Fire Princess.
2x  Last Will                                  Excellent synergy with this deck.
      Offerings to the Doomed        Jinzo and Yata Garasu destroyer.
2x  Messenger of Peace              
      Mirror Force
      Magic Cylinder
3x  Gravity Bind
3x  Just Desserts                           This is a burner deck after all.  Great against Scapegoat.
2x  Solemn Wishes                        Used with Fire Princess.
      Ominous Fortunetelling            Fun burn card.
Side Deck
      Sinister Serpent
      Jinzo #7
      Crass Clown
      Invader of the Throne
      Cure Mermaid
      Dark Elf
      Summoned Skull
      Harpei's Feather Duster
      Mystical Space Typhoon
2x  Fissure
2x  Vengeful Bog Spirit
      Messenger of Peace
      Gift of the Mystical Elf
The store was quite croweded for this tournament.  There was only about twenty-two Yu-Gi-Oh! duelists there, and about thirty Warhammer 40k (which were quite loud and enthusiastic).  I was able to trade my Bazoo the Soul Eater  for a third Messenger of the Peace (which I immediately placed in my side deck fo this tournament), my common Mystical Space Typhoon for a Limiter Removal (for my upcoming Gradius Option deck), and my Dark Necrofear for a Thousand Eyese Restrict (for an upcoming Summoner of Illusions deck);  thanks to Mike, Marco, and the kid whose name I forgot (sorry kid)  for the trades, respectively.
This was the second tournament that I have used my burner deck in, and it did quite well.  A month ago I tested an earlier version of this deck, and it got me to second place.  Even with all of the Magic and Trap removal around I did not experience any measurable problems holding off opposing duelists.  The deck for this week's tournament was tweeked by adding a Cure Mermaid to the Main Deck and another Gravity Bind, and taking out some totally bogous cards out of my side deck and replaceing them with some most non-heinous cards.  Well, enough with gab and on to the tournament report.
Round 1                    The Princess's Burn vs.  O.K. Deck
Duel 1
Roger the Skunk  8000-7900-7800-7700-8400-9100-9800-9000-9700-10700-11400-12100
Brandon  8000-7300-6800-6300-5800-5300-4800-4100-3600-2900-2400-1900-1400-900-400-0
No, you are not in "Twilight Zone";  yes, the life point score that you see is real and not a figment of your imagination.  As you may have already noticed this duel took quite a while.  The Fire Princess with some life gain (sorry can't remember which mechanisms).  The Fire Princess was then vanquished by the opposing duelist, but soon Jinzo #7  and slowly finished him off.
Duel 2
Roger the Skunk  8000-9000-9500-10000-11300-11200-11100
Brandon  8000-7500-6500-4500-2500-500-0
The Fire Princess and Dian Keto the Cure Master came out right away with protection to immediately burn my opponent for 500 life points.  I just pulled every card I needed.
Round 2                        The Princess's Burn vs. The 80 Card Deck
Duel 1
Roger the Skunk  8000-6800-7000-7200-7100-7300-7100-7300-6800-7000-6920-7000-7100-7200
Ian  8000-9000-8500-8000-7000-6000-4700-2700-2200-1700-700-0
Ian's deck was quite large and completely unfocused.  Not a hard duel at all.
Duel 2
Roger the Skunk  8000-7700-7900-8100-6800-5800-6000-6200
Ian  8000-7450-6450-5950-4950-4650-4150-3150-1850-1350-50-0
Ian actually put in Magic Cylinder that was in his side deck '_'.  Marie the Fallen One provided all of the life gain with Fire Princess making Ian feel the burn.
Round 3                        The Princess's Burn vs. Fiend Deck?
Duel 1
Roger the Skunk  8000-7000-8000-8500-9000-8700-9300-8600-7300-7800-8300-8800-9500-10200-11100-10850-11750-12650
Matt  8000-7500-7000-6000-5500-5000-4500-4000-3500-2500-0
Matt had a much better deck than the past two duelist, and he actually did a decent amount of damage.  My Gravity Bind and Messenger of the Peace held him off until I got things rolling.
Duel 2
Roger the Skunk  8000-7200-7700-8200-7450-7950-8450-9750-11050-12350
Matt  8000-7500-7000-6000-5350-4650-3950-950-0
Same as above but quicker.
Round 4
I got a "bye".  So I played against Mike's Deck Destruction deck that consisted of three Needle Worm, Morphing Jar, Cyber Jar, etc.  It really hurts to see all my good cards go bye-bye when that Needle Worm or Morphing Jar #2 flips over.  But none the less, I came back to beat Mike by using a Cannon Soldier and my four other monsters on the field (no I do not use Scapegoat) for the final volley of life burn.
Finals                        The Princess's Burn  vs.  Marco's Barrowed Deck
Duel 1
Roger the Skunk  8000-7100-5600-5400-5500-3400-800-0
Marco  8000-7500-5500-4800-3300-1300
Marco was not playing with his best deck today because someone stole his deck and all of his good rares.  To whoever did that,  phhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had Marco on the ropes in the beginning and would have won if could have guessed the right card with Ominous Foutunetelling (I would have only needed two more correct guesses out of the five or sic guesses I made).  Marco brought back around and finished me off.
Duel 2
Roger the Skunk  8000-7000-5700-5200-2700-3100-700-1100-0
Marco  8000-7000
The only damage done to Marco's life points was by his Deliquent Duo.  I just couldn't keep him at bay once he got Jinzo out.  Not to mention I made a few dumb mistakes.
Even though Marco's deck was stolen he managed to pull a Needle Worm from his tournament pack and get the $25 store credit.  Props to Marco who is still able to win with someone else's borrowed deck.
I am in need of some help for impoving this burn deck.  What do you all think about the following:
                    Switch the two Man Eater Bug for two Dream Clown.
                    A better name for the deck.
                    Any good suggestions for a Gradius deck.
Thanks for any suggestions that you might have.  If you have any questions for me or need help with Yu-Gi-Oh! send me an e-mail, but I will not make a deck for you.  Thanks.
                                                                                            Roger the Skunk,