Deck: Android Psycho Yata-er (Theme, more or less)

Name: Jason

Place: Hobby World (in Cupertino)

City: Cupertino, CA

Date: June 28th, 12:00 PM

Number of people: about 20 or so

Cost: I think it was $8. You get a LoD pack.

Prize: 1st = $40 store credit, 2nd = $35 store credit, 3rd = $10 store credit


The Deck:

Monsters (20):


1x Jinzo

2x Summoned Skull



1x 7-Colored Fish (yeah yeah..)

1x Gemini Elf (wanna trade away for kycoos….)

1x Bazoo (gah. Need another one)

1x GAF (gah. Need another one also)

2x Magician of Faith

1x WotBF

1x Exiled Force

2x Man-Eater Bug (why do I still have these?)

1x Penguin Soldier

1x Cyber Jar

1x Fiber Jar (fun times)

3x Nimble Momonga (haha…these guys are annoying for my opponent)

1x Yata-Garasu (my new favorite card)


Magic (15):

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x CoH

1x Snatch Steal

1x Heavy Storm

1x Harpie Feather Duster

2x MST

1x Dark Hole

1x Raigeki

1x Graceful

1x PoG

1x Delinquent Duo (for yata)

1x Mage Power (I chose this over united..)

1x Creature Swap (again for yata)


Traps (6):

1x Imperial Order

1x Magic Jammer (maybe take out)

1x 7 Tools (take out soon)

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force

1x Skull Lair (just for fun)


Deck Stats:       4 common (7-colored, skull lair, monster reborn, CoH)

                        8 rare

                        9 sr

                        15 ur

                        4 scr

                        1 parallel rare (feather duster)


Yeah I know the deck is really bad. For one thing I’m missing a lot of attacking monsters, so I won’t really call this a beatdown deck. Maybe a half beatdown deck (cause of the tributes). But bare with me. 2 weeks ago I traded away my other gemini + kycoo for a mirror force, forceful sentry, and barrel dragon (not bad trade). I also won 2 exiled forces from last week’s tourny. Anyway, going onto today’s tourney.


It was standard duel rules (whatever those are). You start in the winner’s bracket (you’re a winner for signing up -.-). If you lose you go to loser’s bracket. If you lose in the loser’s bracket then you’re out. The 2 finalists in winner’s plays for 1st and 2nd while the winner of the loser’s bracket gets 3rd.


Soooo…onto the duels. Btw, I forgot most of the life points cause I was using a calculator. Oh and also this is my first tourney report and 3rd tournament I went to, so bare with my lack of details. I’ll make them better in the future! (i.e. next week..?)


Round 1: Jason vs. Steven – Deck Type: Beatdown (how original.)

Duel 1: It was really fast. I had Jinzo, his Jinzo (snatch steal), gemini, gaf, and 7-colored (whoopee) out in like the 8th turn. Yeah it was pretty much over.


Duel 2: Same way as first, but he was able to raigeki me. He had one card in his hand and nothing on the field. I put down yata and attack. I thought it was pretty much over. He says it’s his turn and he does nothing. Says it’s my turn. kayMy turn: I draw and yata again. And pretty much repeat that cycle. He just let me go. I mean, freaking a, just lose! Wasted a good minute repeating that cycle over and over again. Sheesh. Maybe he was in denial? (He makes a comeback though. Keep reading and you’ll find out later)



Ok now it’s a freaking lunch break. After 1 freaking round. I go buy 5 LoD packs and get twin-headed behemoth (my 3rd one..sigh.) and reinforcement of the army. I hope I can get a injection fairy lily soon. That card r0x0rz. During the break I trade my Dark Balter the Terrible (a really really crappy card) for a holo 7-tools (friend wants holo one). I play with this guy that I met last week. He’s pretty good and the oldest guy there (he’s in college. I’m 16, second oldest). This annoying kid comes up to our duel and sees his IFL. He says “wow a IFL! I’ll trade you mask of the accursed and (insert gay super rare here) for it!” yeah, alright kid. I mean, I would’ve had some sympathy if he was like a LITTLE little kid, but this guy was like at least 13 years old. Anyway lunch break is over and we go play round 2.


Round 2: Bye.

Uh…yeah. Well since I’m not an annoying kid (which makes up everyone there, minus me and the guy mentioned before), I think Mark (the guy running the tourney) purposely gives me the advantage. Whatever.



Round 3: Jason vs Justin – Deck Type: Machine (bandit keith – he even wears a bandana)

Duel 1: I only draw my annoying monsters until he puts down a mechanical chaser (tp1!!) with a 7-completed. He has no cards in his hand and nothing else on the field. My turn: summon yata, creature swap, don’t attack. Next turn he puts one m/t card. My turn: MST, yata, his own mechanical, game.


Duel 2: This time he beat me. Gets out Jinzo and mechanical chaser (he has 2!!) really fast. Drew too many little monsters.


Duel 3: Ok towards the end it got VERY interesting. We were both somewhere under 4000. My turn: he has a face down m/t, 7-completed on his gradius, and jinzo out. I have some gay monster and some other gay monster down (nimbles, I think). I sack the one for summoned. Summoned attack Jinzo. He plays limiter removal (crap.). I didn’t redirect my attack though (stupid me). Can’t do anything else. His turn: his monsters gone, he summons mechanical. I’m down to 550. My turn, I put one MeB face down. It was at 550-2000. His turn, he summons another monster and attacks with it. Eat mechanical. My turn: I get CoTH. I put that down. He attacks for the win…and I CoTH summoned. He has a clear field. My turn: attack for the win.

550 – 0



VERY close match. Now I have to play this bratty, cocky kid. He was pretty good though (well, card-wise. His strategy is decent but his draws are really good. Lucky kid..). He beat the older guy with his swords and yata. He has freaking 3 yatas now (only 1 in his deck though. We used Japanese restrictions on LoD cards.).


Round 4 (semis for winner bracket): Jason vs some-japanese-name (tahiko? Or something I dunno) – Deck Type: Beatdown

Duel 1: Ok this duel took so freaking long. He fiber jars. He fiber jars again then does painful choice (which takes like 3 minutes for him to choose). I fiber jar. He fiber jars and once again does painful choice. It was getting pretty annoying. Anyway he does swords on me and gets down some buff monsters. I’m stuck with non-attacking monsters. I stall long enough to get a Jinzo. Tribute summon it and get some life points off him. Then he changes, CoTH his own jinzo, summons, prematures: yeah yeah I die.


Duel 2: Same freaking thing, without the fiber jars (thank god..). Painful choice was REALLY annoying cause he takes so freaking long. He looks at his hand for like 10 minutes before making a move.



Ok so now I’m in the loser’s bracket. In it left is me, the older guy, steven (guy I beat 1st round), and Jim (I think), who beat me 2 weeks ago when my deck sucked. I’m paired up with him.


Round 5 (semis for loser bracket): Jason vs Jim (I think) – Deck Type: Beatdown

Duel 1: Easy this time. He gets me down a little bit but I take care of the rest with jinzo.


Duel 2: Same thing except I yata-locked him this time (yata is my new favorite card. I’ll tell you why later).



Ok so looks like Steven beat the older guy (his name is Sunny or Sonny).


Round 6 (finals for loser bracket): Jason vs Steven – Deck Type: Beatdown

Duel 1: Ok I’m really annoyed cause this duel and the round 4 duel I drew nothing but set monsters. Ok this time this guy showed me his stuff. He crossout my set monsters and pummeled me with jinzo and the like.


Duel 2: Same thing, except we started with using nimbles. Once again I drew nothing but set monsters. He killed me again.

6-5 (-.-)


Alright so post-tourny analysis: Today was harder than last week. Last week I went in, played 4 rounds, got 1st. I went 8-0 last week. I yata-locked at least one duel per person (haha, that’s why he’s my favorite card now.) Oh well. Next week will be better. I’ll probably get an IFL and at LEAST some freaking kycoos. Time for Pros and Cons.



-My dad for encouraging me to play (cause I won last week, he thought I sucked before).

-Mark who ran the tourney and putting up with those little kids.

-Getting my PsV and LoD box a few days back (in which I got my Jinzo, another CoTH, another premature burial, fiber jar, and some weird ultra rare…higo-something-something..)

-eBay for letting me get some of my money back.

-Pojo for being a great site.



-Getting 4th

-Yata-locking only 1 person today (last week I yata-locked 6 out of 8 duels)

-Not getting a secret rare in my LoD box.

-Not-that-great pulls.

-Not having any buff-attack monsters (besides tributes, I only have 4)

-Stupid kids.

-Annoying kids.


Questions? Comments? Insights? Insults? Please be nice and have at least 95% correct spelling. You can email me (Jason) if you want at