MonsterRemoval/BeatDown Deck by Gabe at My House in Leonia, NJ


Tournament Date: 1/20/03 form 1-1:45pm


There were 6 people



3xBlue eyes (hello beat down)

3x Lord pf D (obvious combo)

2x Magician of Faith (get back raeigeki twice)

1x Witch of The Black Forest (gets skulls out fast)

2x Summoned skull (1 tribute 2500 attack good)

2x La Ginn (1800 no tribute)

2x Harpy Brother (same as La gin)

2x 7 color fish (same as harpy brother)

1x Cyber Jar (field clearing)

1x Trihorn Dragon (strong card)

Total: 18 cards


Magic Cards

3x Fissure (basic monster removal card)

3x Tribute to the Doomed (even better monster removal)

3x Soul Exchange (removes opponents monster while letting u summon blue eyes or trihorn for 1)

3x Axe of Despair (super power up)

1x Raegeki (field clearing baby)

2x Flute of Summoning Dragon

Total: 15


Trap Cards

1x Mirror Force (obvious)

2x Solemn Judgment (can take out key card that could cost you the duel)

3x Shadow of Eyes (cancels flip effect and puts your opponents weak monsters in attack mode for some serious LP dmg)

1x Light of Intervention (not hiding anything form me)

Total: 7


Total Deck: 40


Round 1: Me vs. My Newbie Friend with a 5-inch deck (for his dignity his name will not be mentioned)

The first duel I creamed him he played no monsters the whole time. Killed him in like 5 turns wit axed skull and a brother. The second duel he put up a little bit of a fight but I still creamed him, I kept using tribute to the doomed on his defense monsters.


Round2: Me vs. Brian

He beat me first round with exodia. He told me he started out with 4 of the pieces. (Lucky) The second time around I beat him. Got all 3 blue eyes out and raegkied, left defenseless I of course attacked he lost. 3rd round I won by using solemn judgment on his mirror force then attacking, he had like 1500LP at this time I killed him with fish.


Round3: Me vs. Jaime (My friend with 100 card deck who keeps winning miraculously)

He beat me both times. He runs disruption he got Messenger of Peace out and gravity bind and hacked away at me with axed mystical lamp and other little creatures both times. Yay 2nd place



2nd Place

Got to beat most of my friends

No entry fee

There were only 4 of us so it was a quick little tournament



I lost pathetically in finals

I didn’t win

Jaime beat me (HOW??!!?)

No prize cause it was a tournament between friends


Well that’s what happened

If u wanna help email me at unit next time

