FlashFire. Serf. A World of Books. San Leandro, CA. Monsters: 20 1 Invader of the Throne 1 cyber jar 3 Giant Germ 2 sangan 1 witch of the black forest 3 magician of faith (MOF) 3 giant soldier of stone (GSOS) 2 cannon soldier 3 wall of illusion 1 Flash Assailant (the FLASH) Magic: 13 3 Tremendous Fire (the FIRE) 1 Change of Heart 1 Pot of Greed 1 Raigeki 1 Dark Hole 1 Monster Reborn 2 Heavy Storm 3 Ookazi Trap: 7 1 Mirror Force 3 Attack and Receive 1 Just Desserts 2 Gravity Bind Total 40 Tournament on January 27, 2003 (Official UpperDeck Tournament) SuperDuel Sunday, and for some reason, everyone was trying to hurry up and leave by 3:00 PM West Coast Time. A lot of the matches were quick and the tourney finished in record time. 1st match Opponent: Carlos (Beatdown with Equip) Carlos started out with the typical level 4 beatdowns but I gave his deck 3 stars only with my Gravity Bind. This froze his forces and I was able to burn him away. 2nd match Opponent: Nick T (Jinzo Deck) Before we even started, Nick let me know right away that he had to use the bathroom. Since I know of Nick's reputation of vanishing in the bathroom, I insisted that we play first. I didn't want to have to wait for 30 minutes! First duel, since I am such a nice guy, I beat him really quick with Just Desserts. One more duel and he can go to the bathroom. Before the second duel started, Nick went into his side deck and exchanged 2 cards. The duel started out the same as the first. He attacked some, stopped due to Gravity Bind. I did some attacking, used a couple of burn cards then froze his forces. One problem with my deck is that there is little monster removal. Knowing this, I try to win as quickly as I can. I was within 1100 LP of defeating Nick and sending him to the toilet when it happened. Using one of his many monsters on the field, Nick tribute summoned Jinzo. Once this freaky looking monster came onto the field, I knew I was going to be in trouble if I don't do something about it. Well, Jinzo made my traps useless and I could not draw any of my magic cards. I thought Nick needed to use the bathroom, but with him winning the second duel, he was now in a personal battle against his bladder. Third duel, I knew that I can win, but I was stuck with a dilemma. Should I be a nice guy and win quickly, or should I get revenge for losing the second duel and win by taking my time? By this time, Nick's face was contorted in agony, sweat was dripping down his forehead, he was shivering, and he kept putting his cards down and placing his hands under the table….don't ask me, I don't know what he was doing down there. The duel started of with plenty of action in the beginning, but right in the middle, when I sensed that a well-timed Just Desserts would win it, déjà vu happened…..Jinzo! Wow, no Jinzo in the first duel, then Jinzo in duel 2 and 3. Well, Jinzo did a good amount of damage to my LP, bringing me down from 7000 to 1600 before I drew a Dark Hole and destroyed the field. But the damage was done. My LP had been trashed by Jinzo and the odds were now against me. I still have a chance and activate Just Desserts. Nick uses Solemn Judgment and that was a brilliant move on his part. That shut down my offensive and Nick was able to win by attacking me twice with an ATK mode Cyber Jar. Wow, first Nick knocks ZeenO out from the tournament two weeks ago, and now he takes me out. If I would have won, it would have been me versus Bandit Keif. But Nick robbed Keif of his chance for a rematch. I know Keif wants another match, after FlashFire overheated his Redline and made his engine blow up. So Nick has a chance for a triple crown if he beats Keif. To find out what happened, read Bandit Keif's report. Nick starts laughing and shows me his deck…..not one, not two, but three Jinzos!!!! He had side decked in 2 extra Jinzos. That no good scoundrel…….I didn't feel like dueling anymore so I let it slide. I just put a curse on him that when he goes to the bathroom, hopefully toilet paper gets stuck to his shoe and he doesn't realize it. Then when he gets out of the bathroom and duels again, people would laugh at him! What's up! to the hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh! gamers at a World of Books, keeping the game going. to David. He was the person that found my Millenium Puzzle. Thanks! to Nick for having a good sense of humor. Hehe. Get lost! to the thieves that steal cards. Serf buffserf@yahoo.com