
3 senjus
3 sonic birds
3 versagos
3 beast king of swamps
3 mystical sheep #1
3goddes with 3rd eye
2 thousand eyes idol

3 relinquished
3 thousand eyes restrict

3 polys
3 black illusion rituals
1 raigeki
1change of heart
1 premature burial
1 monster reborn

1mirror force

now for the report this deck was a b skull but i switched now for the report

on ly 8 people soit was 3 dollar entry with the prize of 3 tourney packs

1 me vs mike

i went first and now listen to this hand poly black illusionn ritual2 relinqushed 2 fusion subsituters i played poly got out ter black ritual relinqushed kool he set
i drew absorbed with ter and  he set took it with relinquished i eventuall drew him into attack and i pulled another ter an i killed him

2 more of the same against matt but he got a raigeki and i got another relinqushedon jinzo and he was layed out

3me vs john'
this lmost ended me my i didnt draw a jammer by the time he used two prohibitions on ter and relinqushed and g bind so it was hard but my beast king killed him it was along story

final me vs cooper
this guy was scared for the fact of my ter and he kew it was comin in one shot and he was right i got his jinzo and relinquished cleared the field and ter cleaned house(i know that was gay but its late and im tryint to finish) i won

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