Disruptor Deck. Serf. A World of Books. San Leandro, CA. Monsters: 20 2 wall of illusion 3 man-eater bug (MEB) 3 hane-hane 2 cannon soldier 2 giant soldier of stone (GSOS) 2 magician of faith (MOF) 1 witch of the black forest 2 sangan 1 jirai gumo 1 invader of the throne 1 cyber jar Magic: 13 5 Pot of Greed, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Change of Heart, Raigeki 1 Heavy Storm 2 Fissure 1 Delinquent Duo 1 Messenger of Peace 1 Forceful Sentry 1 Share the Pain 1 Giant Trunade Traps: 7 2 Magic Jammer 2 Solemn Judgment 2 Robbin' Goblin 1 Mirror Force Total 40 Tournament on December 29, 2002 (Official UpperDeck Tournament) It was a nice sunny day and the Disruptor Deck was confident that today was going to be the day that first place would be claimed. I had brought the Disruptor the previous day to Collector's Corner in Oakland, CA for a test run, and first place was claimed. The Disruptor dueled and did well against two beatdown decks and one Exodia deck. At a World of Books I dueled a bunch of people, but was knocked out of the tournament by the kid. Read on. Opponent: Melvin "the kid" (Barrel Dragon Beatdown) The kid is the younger brother of Phillip, whom I played last week. Both of them started out in Beginner's but quickly won those brackets and moved up to Advanced. Like I said last week, they are both good players that just need more experience playing against the other Advanced duelists. First duel, the kid hits me right away fast and hard. He uses Change of Heart along with strong monsters to destroy my LP. He also used Tribute to the Doomed to clear my field. He wins with 4000 LP remaining. The kid mentions to me that he has read my tourney report and has done research! I don't react, I just get scared! Hahahaha! Second duel, this one lasts longer and the Disruptor holds on to win with 1675 LP remaining. I was able to make a couple of key counters to help me win. The kid kept discarding Barrel Dragon with Tribute to the Doomed and card destruction, but I was able to use Barrel Dragon against him. Third duel was very close. We were both down to about 2000 LP each, but the key play was in the very beginning. The kid went first and set some cards, but then he played a first turn card destruction. I had to discard my Mirror Force, solemn judgment, a magician, a sangan, and a hane hane. Let me tell you, I definitely could have used that Mirror Force later on. Barrel Dragon gets on the field late in the duel and blasts my defenses leaving me open to his attacks. Needless to say, I lost to the better duelist. Good job, Melvin! You win some and you lose some, although my winning percentage has dropped a lot since season 2 started. Could it be that my deck has reached its peak and needs to be revised? We'll see… What's up! to the hardcore Yu-Gi-Oh! gamers at a World of Books, keeping the game going. Get lost! to the thieves that steal cards from kids Serf buffserf@yahoo.com