Name of Deck: Depletion

Name: Brandon Pho

Tournament Location: A World of Books

City/State: San Leandro California

# Of participants: 16


My deck: Monsters=28
giant soldier of stone X3
mystical elf x3
hiro shadow scout x3
Bistro Butcher x3
spear cretin x3

Spirit of the harp x2
sangan x2

Magician of faith x2
morphing jar #2 x2
cyber jar

Island turtle

Witch of the black forest

Soul Release X3
the Shallow grave x2
Messenger of peace X2
swords of revealing light
card destruction
Monster Reborn

Delinquent duo
magic drain x2

Gravity bind x2
magic jammer

Chain destruction
imperial order
mirror force

Match 1: Me vs. Kevin (Dragon Deck)

Duel 1: Total Ownage. He went first and set a monster and trap. And I had an a morphing #2 so I set it down and he played shadow of eyes I was like dam. Then he killed it with a witch of the black forest then I set a monster face down it was a giant soldier of stone. His turn he played a monster fd and crossed it out. Then I played morphing jar #2 he played flute of summoning dragon to summon out 2 bewd then he hit the jar while he had 5 monsters out. He Discarded over 20 cards to the graveyard 2 bewd a tri-horn lots of traps and magic. When he got his 5 it was my turn I set a def monster down and a m/t. He didn’t do any thing. I waited till he had 3 cards in hand and I had 2 magicians down. Card Destruction Magician Card Destruction Magician Card Destruction. So then this Duel he just decked out.


Duel 2: He won this one. First Turn he set 1 m/t and 1 monster. Next turn I found that trap was light of intervention that took me by surprise. So All I could do was go on the defensive. Eventually he just beat me with all these little monsters.


Duel 3: Again He plays light of intervention. So this time I changed my Strategy I went from Depletion to playing beat-down style except I was attacking with sangan, giant soldier of stone, Island Turtle, and Bistro Butcher.


2nd Round: Me vs. Steffon (Shoot Down)

I lost this entire round didn’t beat him one time


1st duel: This duel went exactly like every other duel I play with him. First I put down messenger of peace with is kinda useless except for the Jinzo He has in his deck.  So then I put hiro shadow scout down what do you know man-eater bug. Again for 2 more times man-eater bug my jars. Eventually I lose becuz my def fails and he shoots me down.


2nd Duel: Same thing again except this time I get him down to around 5 cards. Still need to perfect my strategy.


Sup To everyone at A World of Books

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