Deck Name: Beatdown Suprise My Name: Diego Pardave Location: Boulevard Cards, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ # of participants: around 24 This is my 2nd official tournament and my 1st Pojo tourney report. I was very surprised with some of the results during the tournament, but overall I did good. Entry fee: $5 1st Place-4 Tourney Packs 2nd Place-3 Tourney Packs 3rd Place-2 Tourney Packs My Deck: Lv 5 and higher monsters 2x Summoned Skull 1x Jinzo Lv 4 and Lower Monsters 3x La Jinn 3x Harpies Brother 2x 7 Colored Fish 1x Giant Soldier of Stone 3x Man Eater Bug 1x Mask of Darkness 1x Magician of Faith 2x Goblin Attack Force 2x Wall of Illusion 1x Cyber Jar Magic Cards 1x Change of Heart 1x Pot of Greed 1x Monster Reborn 1x Swords of Revealing Light 1x Raigeki 2x Heavy Storm 2x Tribute to the Doomed 1x Fissure 1x Gravekeeper's Sevant 1x Malevolent Nuzzler 1x Dark Hole 1x Snatch Steal Trap Cards 2x Trap Hole 1x 7 Tools of the Bandit 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Magic Jammer 1x Magic Drain 1x Imperial Order 1x Waboku 1x Solemn Judgment I got to the tournament at about 3:40 PM. I signed up and got my magic ruler. Got nothing special, just a UFO Turtle. Now for the actual tourney. 1st Match-Beatdown vs. Devon (beatdown I think) 1st round-I really don’t remember much, but I know I had a la jinn and harpies brother on the field and then I cleared his field with raigeki and then I attacked. He tried to play a 7 Colored Fish, but I trap holed it and then kept attacking for win. 2nd round-He beat me in this round. He had monsters on the field and I started with pure magic and traps. He just kept attacking and he won. 3rd round-I got kind of nervous, but I knew my deck wouldn’t let me down. I started with a La jinn and a waboku. He play a monster in defense and then ended his turn. I drew change of heart and then played it and sacrificed his monster for my summoned skull. I attacked for 4300. He play dark hole and got rid of my monsters. He played 7 colored fish and then attacked but I activated waboku. I activate my snatch steal and then attack with fish and goblin attack force, winning me the duel. 2nd Match-Beatdown vs. forgot name (sorry!) I don’t remember much but I think he won the second game, and then I beat him in the third with Jinzo. After my match, I was very surprised that the Champion of the store for like 15 weeks straight lost. And he is the ranked #1 in the East Coast on upperdeck’s yugioh site. 3rd Match-Beatdown vs. kid who beat the champion. I really don’t know how this kid beat the champion. I know part of it was because of Gravity Bind, but he never used it against me. 1st Match- I started with a Goblin Attack Force, and activated Swords. He had nothing on the field for the whole duel and I just kept attacking with my monsters for the win. 2nd Match-He won, when he used dark hole and got rid of my monsters and then kept attacking with his. 3rd Match-I started with a Magician of Faith, GAF, La Jinn, Waboku, Trap Hole. I play GAF in atk mode and then set trap hole and Waboku. He set down a monsters. I activated Change of Heart on his meb. I attacked directly with GAF, then flipped over his meb and destroyed it. He play 7 colored fish next turn, and I use trap hole. I draw Jinzo and then sacrifice it and keep attacking for the win. Semifinals-Beatdown vs. Collins(beatdown) No, not him again!!!! I got eliminated by him, the previous week in the semis. 1st match-I win (not sure about the LP) by attacking his LP with my monsters. 2nd match-He wins by doing the same thing I did during the 1st match. 3rd Match-This was pretty close!! He had no monsters on the field and i was about to attack with my Summoned Skull and 7 Colored Fish, when he activated Mirror Force, a card I need so badly. He ends up beating me with his Summoned Skull and another monster. Match for 3rd Place-Beatdown vs. guy with BEWD deck. 1st match- He wins by doing the flute and lord of d. combo. 2nd and 3rd match-I end up winning, by attacking his life points directly. Well, those are the results. I think I’m kind of glad because in the last two tourney packs I got a Call of the Grave. I was the only one to get a foil in his tourney pack. Well, that’s all, folks. Diego Pardave aim-orioles16dp