First off, my E-mail is, but please don't E-mail me, my AIM name is Eggy the CB, contact me through there if you would like to chat.
Name:  Nathan D. Massey
Deck Name:  Flash Assault
Time:  Jan. 26, Sunday, 1:00PM - 4:00PM
People there:  16
Upperdeck Tournament
Normal Monsters:11
1. Harpie's Brother
2. Harpie's Brother
3. Harpie's Brother
4. La Jinn
5. La Jinn
6. La Jinn
7. 7 Colored Fish
8. 7 Colored Fish
9. Summoned Skull (BMT Version)
10. Summoned Skull (BMT Version)
Effect Monsters:9
11. Man-Eater Bug (LOB Version)
12. Man-Eater Bug
13. Man-Eater Bug
14. Magician of Faith
15. Magician of Faith
16. Goblin Attack Force
17. Goblin Attack Force
18. Witch of the Black Forest
19. Cyber Jar
20. Wall of Illusion
21. Heavy Storm
22. Heavy Storm
23. Axe of Despair
24. Axe of Despair
25. Dark Hole (LOB Version)
26. Pot of Greed
27. Change of Heart (MRD Version)
28. Monster Reborn
29. Tribute to the Doomed
30. The Forceful Sentry
31. Trap Hole
32. Trap Hole
33. Shadow of Eyes
34. Shadow of Eyes
35. Waboku
36. Waboku
27. Mirror Force
28. Call Of The Haunted
29. 7 Tools
30. Imperial Order
As you can see, I'm running a speed Beatdown, and there is only 3 cards I'm missing:Jinzo, Swords of Reaviling Light, and Raigeki
Well, lets get on to the Tournament.
Match 1:Me VS A Kid
Darnit, he had a Jinzo, and Raigeki, and he was talking to his friend, and I heard him say "I know I'll win.", so I was so ready to beat him.
Round 1:This was pretty good. Of course, he gets first, I think he lays somthing face-down, and some M/T cards F/D. On my turn, I TRibute to the Dommed his F/D MON, set Wall of Illusion, and some other M/T cards. WEll, he Monster Reborns his MON, which was Giant Soldier of Stone, he the Tributed it for Jinzo, but ATKed my Wall, heheh. On my Turn, I used Forceful Sentry to but that Jinzo back, then he was helpless as I killed him with SS and some 1800 ATKer's.
1 - 0 - 0
Round 2:BLOW OUT! I just wasted him! I don't think he got any MOnsters are M/T's to work at all!
2 - 0 -0
So I won that pretty easy, and was going up againts that kids friend, who was very scared.
Round 1:I realy don't remember like anything, but my Man-Eater Bugs and my Change of Heart got to him real bad, along with SS.
3 - 0 -0
Round 2:Same thing, except GAF where doing all the show, with Wabokus and Mirror Force behind there back.
4 - 0 - 0
Match 3:I had to wait forever to Duel him, but it was pretty easy.
Round 1: I had to go second again, but I used Change of Heart, tributed for SS, equiped him with 2 Axe's, only ATK'ed for 4500, and he gave up that round!
5 - 0 - 0
Round 2: BIGGEST BLOW OUT HERE. It probaly lasted 3 turns, and 3 very fast turn. The only things saving him where Waboku and Trap Hole.
6 - 0 - 0
Final Match:Everybody said he was realy good, so I was ready for a good match.
Round 1: He wasn't that great, but the hardest one there, but still wasn't much. At first I was blowing him away, but he came back just alittle, but then it was over.
7 - 0 - 0
Round 2:This was pretty close realy to my surprise, but I still got him pretty good, but he got me alot with ME-B's, and SS's.
8 - 0 -0
I won!Yay, I was so happy! I got 14 Dolars Store Credit, so I got 2 PSV and 1 LOB, also 1 deck case for my deck. I gave 1 of the PSV's to my friend, because today I bought one earlyier, he chose it, and I got Chain Destrution in it. He opened his, and only got Monster Recovery. : / Then I opened my LOB, and got a Holo Black Hole!YAY! In my PSV I got a Thousand Eyes-Restrict!It was so awsome! But, 2 kids there got a JINZO IN THERE PACKS! They wouldn't trade them though, so that made me mad.
- Only 2 Dollars to enter
- Winning the Tourny
- Having fun
- Getting good packs
- My friend justin for coming and being there for me
- Pojo for being one of the best sites
- 2 Kids getting Jinzos in there packs, but I didn't!