Jinzo the Forbidden One

Justin Cantor

Hero Town

Ledgewood, New Jersey

Number Of People:?


Monsters : Total: 21

Tribute Monsters :2

Jinzo (Exodia’s Friend Except when he wants backup soldier)

Labyrinth Wall (If you want to get my life points you gotta go through the maze

Non-Tribute Monsters :19

3x Giant Soldier Of Stone (Exodia’s Stone Wall)

Left Arm Of The Forbidden One (Exodia needs it to destroy)

Right Arm Of The Forbidden One (Exodia needs it to destroy)

Left Leg Of The Forbidden One (Exodia needs it to destroy)

Right Leg Of The Forbidden One (Exodia needs it to destroy)

Exodia The Forbidden One (Master, destroy them)

Wall of Illusion (Doesn’t it feel great to have cards sent back into your hand, I think it does)

2x Mask Of Darkness (Get me some of those great traps back)

2x Cannon Soldier (sorry, with and sangan you are just going for a little ride)

Dark Elf (My Attack Wall)

2x Sangan (exodia’s little helper

Mystic Tomato (thanks, that helps me get witch and sangan)

Magician Of Faith (Come Back to me pot of greed)

Witch Of The Black Forest (Exodia’s Scary Helper)


Magic: 9

3x Messenger of Peace (sorry Jinzo, I can’t take a risk of high attack monsters)

Painful Choice (I no it is painful, just pick)

Swords Of Revealing Light (3 turns to get exodia stuff, I think it is enough,do you)

Raigeki (Boom,my thunderbolt)

Heavy Storm (was that mirror force, I hope it was)

Monster Reborn (come back sangan)\

Pot Of Greed (you draw 1 and I draw 2, is that fair)


Trap: 11

Solemn Wishes (I get 500 every time, what do you get hahaha)

Call of the haunted (come back sangan as a zombie haha)

Magic Jammer (don’t even think about it)

2x Gravity Bind (goblin Attack force Is Now on Mars)

Mirror Force (beatdown decks beware)

2x Solemn Judgment (solemn is making a judgment)

2x backup soldier (we need backup, this is from the master exodia)

Imperial Order (solemn Judgment is my bro)


1st round

Jinzo The Forbidden One v.s. Fat kid using a beatdown

1st Duel:This was too easy, he tried playing Mechanicalchaser with 3 axe of despairs but I played gravity bind, in like 7 turns I got my master, EXODIA


2nd Duel:This time it was quicker, he played cards like 7 colored fish, I play dark elf, then got some monsters out and put him down to 0.


2nd Round

Jinzo The Forbidden One v.s a dragon deck

1st duel:I think we all can tell what happens, exodia, this was to easy

2nd duel:same thing, EXODIA


3rd Round

Jinzo The Forbidden One V.s.Weenie Burn Deck

1st Duel: I was in trouble, a deck that uses a lot of cards like mine, he kepy getting jinzo #7, then I got sangan out when he had gravity bind, then he got jinzo and beat me, me 0 him 800, it was really close

2nd Duel:I had to work hard and fast, it took many cards but I got exodia me 1500 him 2000 , again really close

3rd Duel:This was the closest duel: in my life, I had 500 he gets out jinzo #7 but I use mirror force, I get giant soldier of stone attack, he has MoP, after is standby phase he has 3000, he gets out rainbow flower and attacks, I have 100,I get cannon soldier, attack and tribute with both of my monsters and won

4th Round

Jinzo the forbidden one v.s little girl who is really good

1st duel:I lost, 4000 to 0

2nd exodia

3rd exodia in 3 turns

5th Round

Jinzo The Forbidden One v.s person who wins every week

1st duel:It took me like 30 turns but I got the master out

2nd My jinzo took him down




Jinzo the forbidden one v.s deck to counter exodia


1st duel: he got the counter exodia cards and won

2nd duel I won 8000 to 0 with jinzo

3rd duel, it was so close, I needed one piece but I lost, 3200 to 0



So I came in 2nd place



For coming in 2nd

For beating the person who wins every week

Jinzo for helping me win duels

My master Exodia



The Person Who Beat me

All cards that counter exodia

I got terrible cards in my tourney pack



Justin Cantor