Deck Name: Exodia's Final Seige My Name: Justin Caron Allies: Rodney Richie, Ryan Crosby, David Socier Tournament Location: Zimmie's City/State: Lewiston Maine Date of Tournament: Tournament Type: Official Upperdeck Prizes: 1st place 2 TP1, 2nd 1 TP1 # of Duelists: 39 My rank: 4th round (a new streak has definately been started) Rank of Allies: Rodney 3rd round, Ryan 1st Round, David no show The Deck: Total Cards: 40 Monsters: 20 Effect/Tribute: None (Huray, all my monsters feel like they're on an even playing ground) Normal/Tribute: None (And to think that a deck can win without a tribute monster in it) Normal: 1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One (I can pinprick you!, but only if I want to) 1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One (Woosy little punches to the head!) 1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One (Don't make me kick you) 1 Right Arm of the Fobidden One (Double teaming with the Left Arm) Effect: 1 Exodia the Forbidden One (You just had to watch as all that hard work went to waste! ha ha!) 2 Magician of Faith (Come to me my once used Darkhole to again give me the win!) 2 Man-Eater Bug (I don't care what kind of deck I have, at least one of my best buds'll be there) 1 Kuriboh (You kill my attack moded Sangan but do no damage to my life! hahaha!) 2 Hane-Hane (the head piece prefers being in my hand not on the field) 2 Mask of Darkness (3 Wabaku isn't always enough) 2 Sangan (Go my Kamakazi warrior! Give me another piece of Exodia!) 2 Cannon Soldier (With Gravity Bind out I can now fire my Sangan at you!) 1 Wall of Illusion (Can you say "Stall Technique"?) 1 Witch of the Black Forest (Oh look you killed my Witch..... I win) Magic: 8 Speed 2: None (Oooo, might I fail?) Speed 1: 1 Pot of Greed (Too bad for you I got my last piece) 1 Monster Reborn (Welcome back oh mighty Kamakazi Warrior Sangan, how may I serve you?) 1 Darkhole (So kids, now do you see why we don't want to blow up the sun?) 1 The Shallow Grave (More Kamakazi for me) 1 Raigeki (Oh stop crying, it was only a 5 monster army) 3 Last Will (I Kamakazi and get more Kamakazi warriors as replacements) Traps: 12 Speed 3: 1 Horn of Heaven (You only thought you would use a Summoned Skull, but then I won the game) 1 Magic Jammer (What? The delinquent Duo? I've never heard of such a concept) 1 Magic Drain (I know you wanted to play Card Destruction, but I didn't want you to) Speed 2: 1 Gravity Bind (I will take this time to laugh as your army is slowed to a drooling halt) 2 Backup Soldier (Back into my hand my Exodia, yes! yes!) 3 Wabaku (Nope no attack fore you, nope no attack for you, nope no attack for you!) 1 Regulation of Tribe (I stop you from attacking and win the game, nice deal) 1 Michizure (You kill my Sangan and I kill my other Sangan, game over, you lose) 1 Enchanted Javelin (Huray, I gained 3000 life from your stupid Blue Eyes) Pre Tournament Info: I seem to have a new deck every two weeks, we'll see what happens with this one within that much time. Last Week the Alliance faired pretty bad with the exeption of myself. We have regrouped and recovered. We should do much better for this tournament. Perhaps we can take the top 4? It would be intense. That will all be found out soon. Alliance status has been assigned, as my dueling skills are slightly higher I am the leader, Rodney has Second in command and Ryan has Third in command, David might be up there in the alliance but we don't see enough of him to know his true power. And now, onto the action! Tournament Data: Match One: Exodia's Final Seige vs. The Sears Tower Duel 1: Winner- Me Life points of Me: 8000 Life points of Opp: 8000>0 Duel Breakdown: I feel sorry for this kid, his deck was at least seven inches high and in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh that makes his deck The Sears Tower. Anyway, I got two pieces to start, huray and guess what! I finally one the friggin' coin toss! I played the pot of greed that I drew, huray for me and got Sangan and Dark hole. I used a last will, set sangan, then nuked the field, I put a piece in my hand and Witch of the Black Forest on the field in defense mode. He played a Ruy Kishin Powered in attack mode and killed her, YES! I put my 4th piece into my hand. For my next turn I drew Magic Drain! I set it and let him go. He played Card Destruction, and to no avail because I used magic drain and he had nothing! He tributed his monster for a Summoned Skull but I had Kuriboh in hand and that was that. On my next turn I got the head piece. I said "You lose" and he said "Why" I put Exodia down and then he goes "What the Hell, that's not fair. Too bad for him he had to do it again! Duel 2: Winner- Me Life points of Me: 8000 Life points of Opp: 8000>7000>6000>5500>0 Duel Breakdown: This duel was all too easy. He went first and played a monster in defense mode and ended. My hand started with no Exodia pieces in sight, I did, however, have Gravity Bind, Cannon Soldier and Magic Drain. I set GB and MD and played Cannon Soldier in attack mode. For his turn he played La Jinn and went for the attack, oh oops, did I just flip Gravity Bind on you? HAHAHAHA! On my turn I got a Last Will, my second, and set a Sangan. I waited out the launching at his life for a moment, I wanted to see if I could get my Witch or another Sangan. On his turn he kept the card he got in his hand and passed. I got, da dun na da! another Sangan! I played my Last Wills and threw them at him, I enjoyed seeing my Sangans brains all over his life but I enjoyed, even more, the pieces of Exodia that I put in my hand, plus the Witch of and the Wall of that put on the field. I then played Monster Reborn on Sangan, Ah hahahaha! I launched my mutilated Sangan at him and my Witch screemed in horror as she was forced to become a human bomb! I got two more pieces and passed my turn. He played Soul Release and then teared up because I used Magic Drain and there was nothing he could do about it. On my ensuing turn I got The Shallow Grave and brought back my Sangan, this was, by now, an extremely mutilated Sangan, but it still served it's purpose as he was flung at my Opps. life one final time. It was time for Exodia to come out and crush his gigantic deck into the now bloody ground. I was happy looking at the rubble that my unstoppable monster stood on, he was just one duelst who would have to live the same fate, for soon Exodia would crush they're dwellings and mercilessly slaughter their warriors. Match 2: Exodia's Final Siege vs A deck that needs help, and lots of it Duel 1: Winner- Me Life points of Me: 8000>7200>7000 Life points of Opp:8000>9000>8000>0 Duel Breakdown: This deck has no theme, at all, it's a 45 card deck with monsters and magic miscalaniously tossed in so that he meets the requirements, or at least that's how it looked. Check it out, I won the coin toss again, what a streak! I started with 2 pieces in my hand. I set 2 Waboku and Regulation of Tribe and Wall of Illusion. He summoned La Jinn in attack mode, used Dian Keto and passed, why he didn't attack I didn't know. On my next turn I got Sangan! I held it in hopes of a Last will. He then tributed La Jinn for Curse of Dragon.... sure, whatever works for you kid. He attacked and it got sent back, hahaha! I got the last will that I wanted and played my Sangan in attack mode. I hit him for 1000 direct and passed. For his turn he set a monster in defense mode. I shifed Sangan to defense and set the Waboku I had drawn. He summoned a 7 color fish in attack mode and attacked, but I used Wabaku, what's the point in having a Kamakazi warrion and last will if I'm not going to use the combo? On my ensuing turn I pulled Hane-Hane! I set it, played last will, and sent my Sangan to it's doom! Oh wa! I lost 800 life, a small price to pay for victory in this Kamakazi world. I put a piece into my hand and passed my turn. He fliped the Armed Ninja and picked one of my Wabaku, good for you, you'll never hit a magic against me, I don't set them. He then tributed his 7 Colored for Curse of.... What the hell is wrong with this guy??? Hello, Armed Ninja with near 0 attack power! Oy! He used Curse of to attack my Hane-Hane, I used waboku, considering I had to flip it anyway I did and sent Curse back to his hand. He was so mad after that because I kept sending it back to his hand. On my next turn I got piece #4, huray! For his turn he tributed Armed Ninja and used Curse of Dragon to finally kill something of mine without a conciquence. On my turn I got Witch of! Huray, I'm gonna win! I set it and turned over, I wanted him to make me win this one instead of me force him to, just so that I could see his reaction. He played sparks, yes you heard me, Sparks, the most pointless card in the game. He then Killed my Witch and I used Exodia. Ha ha all that work for nothing, but I wan't done, oh no, now I needed to make him pay for playing that stupid Sparks card! Duel 2: Winner- Me Life points of Me: 8000 Life points of Opp: 8000>0 Duel Breakdown: This was the fastest I pulled Exodia all tournament long! I started with 2 pieces in hand and this kid was dumb enough to have me go first! I set my Sangan, used 2 Last Will and my Dark Hole. I played Sangan and Witch in defense and passed my turn. He in turn used Dark Hole and ended his turn! Ha ha! What a whacko! he's giving me the win! For my turn I got Raigeki, Dark Hole and Raigeki have been coming in twos with me. He played a monster in defense mode...????? I got monster Reborn and brought back one of my Sangan. I didn't play Raigeki cause I was in high hopes that it was a man eater, and my goodness was I right, I won and let me know that he hates my deck because it's so annoying with all the Kamakazi in it. It was only one more city to be nuked by Exodia. The horror for my opponents wasn't over yet. Exodia was still willing to command my army of Kamakazi warriors! Match 3: Exodia's Final Siege vs. Lighters and Gassoline Duel 1: Winner- Me Life Points of Me: 8000>7000>6200>5600 Life points of Opp: 8000>7500>0 Duel Breakdown: Ahhh, some one who thought he could kill Exodia by trying my old strategy, set em' ablaze! But the way I use Exodia the fires have so little time to spread that you'd have to send the sun at me to get something kindled. I lost the coin toss.... back to the ways of old. He oppened with Tremendous Fire. It worried me only a little because I thought that I wouldn't be able to fight off the fires he was getting ready to set under me. I started with 3 pieces and two Kamakazi warriors (Sangans) and a cannon soldier. I played my Sangan in defense and let him go. He summoned Harpies Brother, but didn't attack (What is with these people?? How did they find out I was running Exodia?) Turns out he didn't know, he was just paranoid that it was a Man Eater Bug, he read my review and knew of my best buddies! On my turn I summoned my other Kamakazi warrior and won the duel. Fire? What about fire? Was I supposed to be in flames right now? Duel 2: Winner- Me Life Points of Me: 8000 Life Points of Opp: 8000>0 Ummmmm, I'd like to know why he didn't play the three Tremendous fire and the Ookazi he had in his hand at the start.... I started with one piece and every draw phase was a piece, I think he just like gave up because he didn't even attack my wide open life..... dude, never give up, there's always a chance to win, ah well, round 4 for me and another government falls to the mighty Exodia! Match 4: Exodia's Final Siege vs. Earth Shattering Power Duel 1: Winner- Me Life Points of Me: 8000>3600 Life Points of Opp: 8000>0 At last a challenging wall for my Kamakazi warriors to breach! It was a long and hard fought siege, but everything he did wound up blowing up on him. Exodia finally came out to play and blow his life away. Though he did manage to hit me for quite a bit mid duel, my Kamakazi warriors defended me in a way that can only be described as perfect. Duel 2: Winner- Opp Life Points of Me: 8000>7200>6000>3000>2100>1300>0 Life Points of Opp: 8000 Nooooooooooooooooooo! My Kamakazi warriors served me well. And if I'd've lasted for on entire turn more I could've made my way on to the next round. Damn that accuresed Soul Release for appearing just before my Magic Drain and then my Mag o Faith there after!! If not for that lousy combo of cards I'd've had it won. His attack force was valiant and sliced through me. After this duel I had to find my intestines which were now on the battle field. Duel 3: Winner- Opp Life Points of Me: 8000>4200>0 Life Points of Opp: 8000>7000 Again, I needed one more turn, but this time not for the win, this time so that I could mearly have a chance to win. He waxed me with his Earthengrown creatures. I threw my monsters at him, bloodying his battlefield, but his monsters proved to be far supurior. That cursed Milus must fall to the sword of my next deck! Exodia served me well but now it is time to move on, in favor of much more brutal tactics, soon it will be his inards on the battle field and my army will feed off the life force of him instead of the other way around! This was a nice tournament. I didn't win it, but if I find the right combo of cards, I will be unstoppable! Zup to: Me: Huray, 4th round again! I'm proving my true worth as a duelist. Rodney: Now that you've trimmed your deck you can see the true power of it! The Entire Alliance: No one faced each other! Kid that beat me: Nice work, the slices across the belly hurt, but you cut the life right out of me. Ummm, no to: Kid that didn't play his burn cards: NEVER!!!! give up Ryan: Almost got to the second round, now you just gotta get the right cards Kid that beat me: Though I felt the tip of your sword this time, next time it will be you who has to return to the field of battle for your stomach and what not. Tournament Pack Season 2: I've pulled NOTHING out of these damn things! Nothing at all! Me: I'd like to see the champoinship sometime soon in my hands. If there's anything you'd like to talk to me about, Yu-Gi-Oh, pending trades, need combos?, how about help with deck construction?, or if you like or hate my review, send it all to, I must warn you though, head my word when I tell you not to e-mail me again, I can become an anoying prick if you don't. If you want to chat with me online live use the AOL instant Messanger, my screen name is Vaveron. Thanks for reading this review. Alliance Leader, Signing off. *Static*