{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial Black;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial Narrow;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs24 my new deck\par \f1 i had to make a few revisions for some new stratigies\par \par \par magics = 15\par \par axe of despair x3\par change of heart\par fairy meteor crush x3\par giant trunade\par monster reborn\par mystical space typhoon\par nobleman of crossout\par pot of greed\par raigeki\par snatch steal\par swords of revealing light\par \par traps = 8\par \par call of the haunted\par ceasefire\par imperial order\par magic drain x2\par mirror force\par seven tools of the bandit x2\par \par monsters = 18\par \par cyber jar\par goblin attack force x3\par hayabusa knight x2\par invader of the throne\par mad sword beast x2\par magian of faith x2\par maha vailo x3\par morphing jar #2 x2\par sangan\par witch of the black forest\par \par tribute monsters = 3\par \par jinzo\par the fiend megacyber x2\par \par final round w/ last years winner\par \par round #1\par I had to play this guy dave. he placed 1st in the shop last tournament. he had been gone for awile but he was back and crushing his oppenents. first draw i get hayabusa, two axe of despairs, mirror force, and magic drain. then i draw a morphing #2. I go first and lay down morphing #2 his turn . he put down a muka muka and attacked. the jar flipped and he lost two cards to the graveyard. he got a man eater face down and set one card face down. next turn lucky me i got snatch steal. I took his monster played hayabusa with both axes and attacked he played spellbinding circle. that sucked. his turn he noblemaned his maneater he lost the other from his deck I didnt have any. then he played muka muka again. he thought he was safe because of the spellbinding circle. my turn a got giant trunade. played it and good buy spellbinding circle. put both axes back on my hayabusa and attack twice he took 4200lp damage his turn. he played a lajinn and change of hearted my hayabusa. he attacked and i flipped mirror force. my turn both fields are clear. I drew swords and let him go. he put another la jinn down and let me go. I picked up pot of greed. played it and got goblin attack force and monster reborn. i played the goblins and reborned my hayabusa. goblins attack and he played that spellbinding circle again. his turn. he sacrificed his lajinn for the summoned skull. next draw i got invader of the throne played it and his turn he drew and set a monster face down. my turn and swords is gone . I got a jinzo and flipped my invader for his summonded skull. tribed it for jinzo. with jinzo on the field my goblins were free to attack again. I attacked the face down card it was a 4starred ladybug. goblins and invader are dead. but he takes 2400 from jinzo his turn. he played a card face down and I go. I drew nobleman of crossout hit his card with it attack with jinzo and won the longest match I ever played. \par \par round #2\par dave goes first and put down a muka muka (big surprise). my turn I got cyber jar, imperial order, fairy meteor cush, call of the haunted, maha vailo and pot of greed. I put the cyber jar down and let him go. he played a la jinn and attacked. cyber jar flips and we get five new cards. I got real lucky two goblins and a maha vailo to the field and axe of despair and mirror force to my hand. he got a goblin and a man eater to the field. my turn I drew nobleman of crossout. got rid of his bug, played my second maha vailo put an axe of despair on it and a fairy meteor crush on the other maha vailo. i attacked his golbin swith the maha that has the axe and theres the spellbinding circle again. I attacked one goblin to another then goblins and the other maha to his life points. 4350 damage. his turn he takes my maha vailo that has the crush with change of heart and attacks my goblins. they are in defence mode so that would have hurt but i played mirror force. he countered with seven tools and I take 2050 damage. next turn i got mystical space typhoon. and my maha vailo back. I took out his spellbinding circle and attacked. he takes 5100 total that put him at 7150. next turn he reorns my goblin and prematures his. he space typhoons my axe and hit my monsters i took 1000 damage goblins to defence mode. next turn i drew a mad sword beast and attacked a goblin. he takes 1400 damage and i win the tournament.\par \par darkduelist23@yahoo.com\tab\f2\fs20\par }