Subject: it is me again antonio lewis new york bullet proof comics
place bullet proof comics
entry fee 5 dallor 
this is the best deck u have ever seen '
monsters= 22
Mechanical Chaser x3
Relinquished x3
Senju of the Thousand Hands  x2
sonic bird x2
goblin force x2
gearfried x3
la jinn x3
cyber jar x1
morphing jar #1 x1
summoned skull x2
magic= 14
Snatch Steal x1
Delinquent Duo x1
Mystical Space Typhoonx2
The Forceful Sentry x1
Black Illusion Ritual x3
raigeki x1
pot of greed x1
monster reborn x1
nolbelman of cross out x2

traps 5

mirror force x1
wabok x3
call of haunted x1




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