Got Relinquished? Ace Bremerton, WA/ Kitsap Mall January 18, 2003 # Participants: 35+ Winner recieves: 7 PSV packs Usually I write very long, very drawn out tourney reports, but due to the lackluster of the tournament and the lack of real competition, I do apologize if I don’t put as much effor this time around. Anyways, Ace here and I’m back with an all new deck. If you remember my past reports, I previously owned the “Got Jinzo” deck that dealt with monster reccursion/beatdown and of course Jinzo. It worked out really well, but seeing everyone else play beatdown and just myself personally getting bored with that deck, I decided to venture into building a deck no one I’ve seen has used before, but is efficient. Just a note to those who might use this deck as an example: read up on relinquished and tips. If you don’t know how and when to use it, your gone. Nuff’ said. After much deduction I finally came to what you see below : Monsters: 3 Relinquished (basis of deck) 3 Sonic Birds (deck searcher for BIR) 3 Senju of 1000 hands (deck searcher for relinquished) 3 Magician of Faith (magic reccursion for anything) 3 Harpy Brothers (back up for relinquished) 1 Witch of the Black Forest (deck searcher for anything in deck) 1 Cyber Jar (little dark hole, refreshes hand) 1 Jinzo (negates pesky waboku and mirror force) 1 Summoned Skull (back up tribute for relinquished) Magic: 3 Black Illusion rituals (relinquished ritual card) 2 Heavy Storms (destroys m/t field) 1 Pot of greed (....) 1 raigeki (....) 1 swords of revealing light (stalls for relinquished) 1 monster reborn (reborn relinquished/Jinzo) 1 premature burial (reborn jinzo/relinquished for a cost) 1 change of heart (uses opponent flip effects or as a tribute) Trap: 3 magic jammer (blocks raigeki, tttd, fissure, etc.) 2 seven tools of the bandit (counters waboku and mirror force) 2 waboku (deters attackers, prevents damage) 2 dust tornado (gets rid of imperial order) 1 imperial order (free magic jammer, magic control) Deck Annalysis: After many, many matches of testing this is my final result, my final effort (though suggestions will be regarded). I bring relinquished out as soon as I know I can do some major damage or when I know what’s been set. I replaced my man-eater bugs with harpy brothers because I noticed once I had relinquished out to absorb the opponents field away, I had no major attackers to follow up a clear path, leading to a couple of failed test runs against exodia decks and stall decks. As for the dust tornadoes, I added those instead of MST’s just for imperial order. If my deck had one apparent weakness, it would be a first turn imperial order in a beatdown deck. Once I’m not able to play BIR and not having any high attackers, my opponent could basically bust up my life points good. My dust tornadoes are there just for that card since they are a trap version of MST. Against all types of decks, this one is fairly versatile since at heart, it is just a fancy beatdown. As for beatdowns, they are nothing against my deck since so many of their monsters can work against them. Exodia’s and stall decks aren’t too bad if the draw isn’t. As for weenie rushes and deck destruction, my deck is less susceptible to gravity bind (relinquished=1 star) and with all my search cards, i’m sure to bring out one relinquished some time or another. Personally I haven’t had too much trouble with any certain deck type, but more trouble with the person playing the deck since intelligence does play a role in skill. Well on to the tourney report. 1st Match: Ace vs. Jonathan 1st Duel: Before the duel started, I pulled out my side deck expecting Exodia since Jonathan had been the second duelist in this area to collect all five pieces. But about midway through the first duel, I realized he had brought out nothing but high attack level monsters to damage my life points. Needless to say I went into anti-beatdown mode and pulled out all the stop signs. After trading a couple of blows, I ended up change of hearting his summoned skull, tributing for my jinzo and attacking with both for the win. 2nd Duel: Not even touching my side deck, we began the duel. Now with my card ratio, my usual five cards end up consisting of either a BIR/relinquished and either a senju/sonic bird. I ended up pulling a relinquished and a sonic bird as well as a jinzo, a premature burial and a raigeki. After he had set a card it was my turn. I summoned my sonic bird and got my BIR from my deck, and held back from summoning relinquished and instead attacked his face down card which turned out to be a cyber jar. He ended up drawing three 1800 attack monsters and me a magician and senju. I set a waboku and my turn ended. At the beginning of his turn I quickly activated waboku to deterr his attacks, resulting in him tributing for a summoned skull and ending his turn. This is where I brought on the hurting. First I flipped senju to search for a relinquished, summoned relinquished with BIR and tributing Jinzo. I absorbed his summoned skull and then premature burialed my jinzo back on the field. I used raigeki to clear the remainder of his field and then flipped my magician to get it back into my hand, finishing my turn after doing a whopping 6600 damage! My turn came around again, I raigeki’d one more time and then finished his life points off. He showed me the two trap cards he had on the field and it turned out to be a waboku and mirror force. Thanks Jinzo! Winner: 2-0 Not too bad of a match. If I were him I would’ve stuck with his exodia deck, but apparently he didn’t do too bad after that loss. I tried trading around during this time, but ended up only trading my beast of talwar for an imperial order....slow day for trades. Match 2: Ace vs. Jonathan 1st Duel: Second match of the day and I had to face my good buddy Jonathan already! Before this tournament, I had traded wins with him and his well put m/t reccursion beatdown deck while testing out my relinquished deck, so lets just say I entered this match with a bit of apprehensiveness. If I didn’t get swept by him, I more than likely garunteed myself a top three placing considering the rest of the competition. Anyways, the duel started off with me summoning my birds and my senju to retrieve relinquished/BIR from my deck, and with Jonathan beating up my senju’s and my birds with his high attack monsters. The duel ended when he had put a maha on the field with an axe and a nuzzler and attacked a sonic bird. What he didn’t know is that when my turn rolled around I summoned my relinquished by tributing my summoned skull, absorbed his maha, reborned his summoned skull, and then premature burialed my own summoned skull to all attack to win this duel. 2nd Duel: This match ended up getting started the same except that the both of us had pulled swords to delay our tactics for the full three turns. I had set down a dust tornado and just before summoning my relinquished, tornadoed his only card in his m/t zone which ended up being his imperial order! Well relinquished came out soon after but then ended up being cyber jarred along with the rest of my monsters. Here’s what I didn’t like though. He ended up reborning my relinquished absorbing my harpy brother and then attacking with it! He used my own relinquished against me and I couldn’t jam it! All that ended up accomplishing was me pulling a raigeki on his field, summoning my harpy brother and reborning his summoned skull and attacked. He had set down a mirror force which got seven tooled, hitting him directly for the win. Winner: Ace 4-0 I must admit I was suprised I swept him. This was probably the best match I had all day. Not that everyone else sucked, but so many cards were drawn were just perfect for the scenario at hand, it was wierd. Lunch break was after this match, so I ended up heading right back to the trading table, trading away my TP dragon seeker for a Jinzo! Other than that, it ended up being another letdown for trades. 3rd duel: Ace vs. Connor 1st Duel: This guy owned the little kids of the place in part because he was pretty good and in part that some rules weren’t very defined to upperdecks standards (he tried to MST my black illusion ritual saying it negated it!). Other than that, he was a pretty good intermediate duelist. Why I had to face him, I have no clue. He played a standard beatdown deck, but lacked anything that would’ve held up well against my deck. I ended up pulling my old combo: sonic bird(or senju), summon relinquish by tributing jinzo, then premature burialed jinzo, absorbed his 1800 monster and attacked with all. Second turn win in this round. 2nd duel: He managed to pull out imperial order trying to jam my second turn swords of revealing light, but I had set a dust tornado my first turn and tornadoed it away. The rest of the duel followed in similar manner to the first, though he did get a good shot in with a goblin attack force. Winner: Ace 6-0 A fast match and not too bad. He fought pretty hard, but ended up being pretty bummed since this had been his second loss of the day, bringing him at a 1-2 win/loss ratio. I told him he had a pretty good shot still at placing in top ten for one booster pack, which encouraged him enough not to go home right there. I took the opportunity to stake out the other matches and watched to see some pretty good duels. No trading this match. 4th Match: Ace vs. Some exodia guy 1st Duel: This guy had apparently appeared here at Wizards the first day tourneys were back in swing after christmas season and had traded a bunch of cards to collect all of exodia the same day. Before hand, I was eavesdropping in on his conversation with his friend who told him that he was going to duel me the next round. He ended up talking a bunch of crap saying he’ll beat me and my relinquished easily and how he’ll pull out all his prohibitions to lock down my deck to summon exodia and how he was the sh*t. Oh I was so going to smack this guy around once our duel began. As usual, I ended up with a second turn relinquished since I went first and began wacking at his life points with his sangan and my senju. He tried to waboku but I seven tooled it away. I could’ve ended the match next turn with another relinquished and a summoned skull, but I just kept toying with his life points eventually bringing them down to zero after about 9 turns. Apperantly if I hadn’t done that, he would’ve drawn the last piece of exodia had it been one more turn! Whew! 2nd Duel: He was pretty much in awe of his defeat and my toying with his life points so he took this duel a lot more serious. He started things off by prohibiting my black illusion ritual and went for a beatdown exodia by summoning harpy brothers to attack and using wall of illusions to break down any offense I could muster without relinquished. Well soon enough I drew a heavy storm to clear the magic/trap field and brought out my relinquished to absorb his wall of illusion, summoning a harpy brother to attack his lone harpy brother destroying them both and then attacking with the equipped wall of illusion. he tried setting a giant soldier of stone, but I countered by dust tornadoing off the wall of illusion, absorbing his stone soldier and then attacking with a sonic bird. Things went along in the same fashion until he brought out a gravity bind, but by then my Jinzo came out to negate its effects. Game over. Winner: Ace 8-0 After the match, the guy became a lot more humble and actually complimented me on my deck I appreciated the gesture of good showmanship, but still felt good beating him after his big talk ended up just being big talk. The next round was about to start due to our long duel, but I managed to snag some good rare trades (hayabusa knight, mask of darkness, magician of faith,etc.) Final Match: Ace vs. Jonathans friend 1st and 2nd Match: Why I had to face this kid was beyond me. He was more or less an intermediate player who knew the basics of the game, but not in the same league. I guess it was the whole round robin pairing wizards did, but I felt kind of bad beating him so fast, so lets just leave it at “i swept.” Winner: Ace 10-0 Not a good tourney. Not a bad tourney. Overall a decent tourney. Other than getting utter crap in my 7 booster packs, I’m just glad this was a good opportunity for new and experienced players alike to learn more about their decks and the game. I was a newbie once too so I know the feeling. PS. if you have any comments, questions, concerns, email me at the address below. And also if you could add any good deck tips for a legendary fisherman deck, I’m open to suggestions. Props: -For winning the tourney -for new duelists learning more about the game -For mcdonalds for having mcnugget mania! Slops: -For parents of duelists who basically play for them (fags!) -for getting crap in my boosters -for mcdonalds letting me buy 50 nugges of mcnugget mania! Email me: