The ATOMIC Bomb Blademaster33 Artifex San Diego 1/18/03 Hey yo! Whaddup, this is Blademaster33, with my second tournament report! This time my deck didn't do that well, as I got eliminated pretty fast. But still, I think my deck is tournament worthy, so here it is! THE ATOMIC BOMB Monsters: 22 3 White Magical Hat (Einstein) 3 La Jinn (The Army) 3 Harpie's Brother (The Air Force) 3 Magician of Faith (The Backup Plan) 2 Dark Elf (The Assasins) 1 7 Colored Fish (The Navy) 1 Goblin Attack Force (The Rioting Crowd) 1 Cyber Jar (The Atomic Bomb) 1 Invader of the Throne (The Infiltration) 1 Witch of the Black Forest (The Recruitor) 1 Jinzo (The Steroids) 2 Summoned Skull (The Steroids) Magic: 14 2 Fissure (The Mini-Bombs) 1 Raigeki (The Bombs) 1 Swords of Revealing Light (The Olive Branch of Peace) 1 The Forceful Sentry (The Cannonball) 1 Delinquent Duo (The Atomic Bomb) 1 Change of Heart (The Benedict Arnold) 1 Dark Hole (The Devastation) 1 Monster Reborn (The Revival) 1 Nobleman of Crossout (The Swordsman of Hand-To-Hand Combat) 1 Card Destruction (The Complete Leveling of the Field) 1 Heavy Storm (Blow Them Up!) 1 Giant Trunade (Get into the warzone, soldier!) 1 Pot of Greed (GET MORE ARTILLERY!) Traps: 5 3 Trap Hole (The Ambushes) 1 Robbin' Goblin (More Artillery) 1 Magic Drain (The Negation) 1 Imperial Order (The Negation) Basically my deck is a hand disruption. No LP totals, we used calulators. But, here is the tourney report!!! I arrived about 15 minutes before the actual tourney, so I had some time to just hang around and have fun. I saw some matches and I saw an Exodia kid smoked this other kid. Then my brother challenges him, and the Exodia kid wins again. I hope I don't have to play him… TOURNAMENT TIME! Round 1: The Atomic Bomb vs. Total Noob Deck Duel 1: Okay, this was super easy. My opponent barely knew how to play, so it was pretty easy whipping some serious butt. I did take some damage via Dark Elf, but other than that, I killed. Duel 2: Won easily again. I think she damaged me slightly with a La Jinn or something, but it was pretty much in my favor all the way through the match ^_^. Round 2: The Atomic Bomb vs. Kid with super-annoyingliciousflipdeck Duel 1: This guy was really pissing me off. His entire deck was all effects, no 1800 attackers even. I'm not kidding. Okay, I start off with a fine hand, La Jinn, Harpy, Pot of Greed, Summoned Skull, and something else. He sets a monster and an m/t and lets me have my turn. I draw, Snatch Steal. I play Pot of Greed, and get Fissure and something else. I attack f/d monster with Harpy Bro. Man-Eater Bug. ARGH! Okay whatever. Next turn, he puts another f/d monster. I attack with La Jinn, while drawing 7 colored, and its another Man-Eater Bug. Okay, this match is incredibly long and he turns out to finally use 3 Mof, 3 MEB, 2 Crass Clown, 1 Dream Clown, a Barrel Dragon, and my Snatch Stealed La Jinn to win it. It was sooooo annoying. Duel 2: I was ready for revenge. But it didn't come. His annoying flips prevailed again, and he again got out all 3 Mofs and MEBs, 1 Crass Crown, a Barrel Dragon, and even a Jinzo. It was brutal murder to me. I am really pissed now. Next time, I'm going to pack some LoI maybe, or maybe not. I cannot wait till Imperial Decree…flip effects…DIEEEE!!!! MWAHAHAHAH! Then I did some trading and I went home. Email me at No Hate Mail Please Blademaster33, signing out.