Power of the Summoned Skull General of Demons- Tony Toy-Man Collectibles Kaukauna, WI 01/18/03 Number of participants: 20 Entry Fee: $3.00 First Prize: $20 store credit Second Prize: $10 store credit Third Prize: $5 store credit Deck contents: Monsters (24): Summoned Skull x3 Beast of Talwar Barrel Dragon Magician of Faith x2 Man-Eater Bug x3 Hane-Hane Cyber Jar Sangan x2 Witch of the Black Forest Kuriboh x2 La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 7 Colored Fish Harpie’s Brother Dark Elf Mystical Elf Spirit of the Harp Island Turtle Magic Cards (13): Monster Reborn Pot of Greed Raigeki Change of Heart Heavy Storm Swords of Revealing Light Tribute to the Doomed Nobleman of Crossout Snatch Steal Premature Burial Axe of Despair x3 Trap Cards (11) Trap Hole Mirror Force Waboku Spellbinding Circle Call of the Haunted Imperial Order Magic Jammer x2 Seven Tools of the Bandit Horn of Heaven Solemn Judgment Let me tell you a little bit about the mechanics of my deck. I use many cards to destroy enemy monsters without attacking. Then, I send out low-upkeep monsters to do massive damage to my opponents LP. The Summoned Skull really helps out in this area, because he’s very strong and only needs one tribute. I slipped the Barrel Dragon in there for his power to destroy an enemy monster AND attack. Then, I have the magic cards. I have Raigeki, Change of Heart, Dark Hole, Snatch Steal, and all of that good stuff to get my enemy’s monsters off the field and leaving him open for a direct attack. I have Heavy Storm in my deck to face Gravity Bind decks. Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted, and Premature Burial are great to get out the previously defeated Summoned Skulls out of my graveyard. Axe of Despair is really great, because when I face Gravity Bind decks, I can get my Sangan up to 4000!!! That’s freaking cool. First Round Tony VS. Kau (I have no clue how to spell his name, but it’s pronounced “cow”) For the first round, I was going to get a buy, but Kau ended up coming late and I had to face him in the first round. I faced him in the finals in the last tournament, but I lost 2-1. So, now I’m thinking “Oh, crap. I’m going to get my ___ kicked in the first round! This isn’t good!” Well, the duel started and I summoned Sangan, and set a trap hole. He, of course, fell straight into my trap and summoned a monster which fell straight into my trap hole. On my next turn, I set a Man-Eater bug and attacked with Sangan, taking 1000 of his LP. He set a monster in defense, and ended his turn. I used Man-Eater on his face- down monster, and took another 1000. The duel progressed like that, and I ended up bringing out Summoned Skull and killing him. Round two, I got close to beating him the same way, but he got Swords of Revealing Light out on the field. Well, long story short, he killed off my monsters while he had the chance and annihilated my LP. Round three was a tough one. We started out countering each others moves and getting minimal monsters down on the field. I ended up being able to get out my Barrel Dragon and negating his Trap Hole with Seven Tools. Then, I just plowed through his monsters and attacked his LP. Second Round Tony VS. Zack This guy used a gravity bind deck, and I’ll tell ya right now, it’s wasn’t that good. Every time he got out his little gravity bind, I’d destroy his defenses and use my Sangan with the Axe of Despair to whittle away his LP. I won 2-0. Third Round Tony VS. Kau…again It’s revenge of the Kau!!! Since there was an odd number of people for the third round, the guy running the tourney let Kau advance, even though he lost because he won the last tournament. I began to get worried because I had to face one of my toughest opponents again! “Alright,” I thought, “this is bad. Now I have to face one of the only people here that can beat me…again! And now he might have learned how to beat my deck from the previous duel!” Anyway, the first round he was able to get out two Summoned Skulls. I was able to use Swords of Revealing Light to stop him, and it stalled just long enough to get my Mirror Force into my hand and on the field. I slapped down a monster in defense, and let him make his move. He was very confident and he declared an attack on my monster with a smirk. Then, I flipped over Mirror Force and his jaw dropped. He cursed a little, and while he sent his Summoned Skulls to the graveyard. The rest of the duel was the same as the last and I blew him away with my own Summoned Skull. The second round I annihilated him with Summoned Skull, 7 Colored Fish, and Harpie’s Brother. Semi-Finals Lucky me, I got a buy for having the most points!!! I took the extra time to check over my deck and talk with my GF. Final Round Tony VS. JP This guy was alright. He had three ground collapses in his deck, which made him a force to be reckoned with. The first turn he got out two of his ground collapses, but I drew a Heavy Storm and blew them away. Then I Trap Holed his Suijin and then used Monster Reborn on it. Heh, I attacked and attacked with it and finally killed him. The second round was the Wrath of The Summoned Skull!!! I got Summoned Skull out on the field right away, and started hacking away at his monsters. Then I equipped it with Axe of Despair to make it more deadly. He used Cyber Jar on it and it was destroyed. I got out two monsters in defense, and he got out one. Then he tried to use Monster Reborn on Summoned Skull, but before he chose which monster to take, I used Call of the Haunted and took back my Summoned Skull before he resurrected it in his name. He had to take a face-up Man-Eater bug instead! From then on, it just went downhill for him. I won the match, 2-0. Pros.: I got $20 store credit and was able to buy a Goblin’s Attack Force, a Coke, and some Sour Skittles! Whoo-hoo! I got to face great duelists, and reclaim my title as Champion from Kau! Cons: There really aren’t any cons, except for the fact that the corner of my Goblin’s Attack Force was slightly bent. Oh well, beggars can’t be choosers, I suppose. Well, that’s about it. I had a great time at this tournament, and I even got my girlfriend to start playing! Yay! Speaking of her, I’d like to thank my girlfriend, for cheering me on the whole way. Well, that concludes my report. I hope it wasn’t too long! ‘Till later, see ya! Contact me with any comments or suggestions at ilv64@aol.com. Put the subject as Yu- Gi-Oh, or it might be deleted!!! Oh, my name is Tony, if you’re wondering.