
Chris Cruz       


Visit Getagame.com for tips and cards

(No Japanese cards official tournament)

Queens, NY

Jan, 11,2003

45  participants at least it felt like that much





Right leg                                                                      

Left leg                                                                        

Right arm                                                                                 

Left arm                                                                                              


Cannon soldierx2                                                                     

Big eyex2                                                                    

Magician of faith x3                                                     

Mask of darknessx2                                                    

Wall of illusionsx2                                                                    

Mystic tomato x3                                                                     

Sangan x2                                                                               

Witch of the black forest          



Swords of revealing light

Painful choice

Dark hole

The shallow grave x2

Messenger of peace x2

Card destruction

Monster reborn

Pot of greed


Solemn judgment



Gravity bind x2

Backup soldier x2

Imperial order

7 tools of the bandit



1st round (obliterate vs Rj)

This round was rather easy the kid had a deck with a lot of cards and no strategy so I took my time and got ready for the next round. I beat him using card destruction and backup soldier to bring out my exodia pieces. (2-0)


2nd round (obliterate vs. Mark)

            This match I was facing Mark who I met earlier who also writes a pojo report so look at his. The 1st match he kept attacking I had four pieces with the 5th piece ready 2 go but I loss. The next match I almost decked out but was able to bring out exodia with backup soldier and sangan. The final match he just kept attacking and was able to kill my life points.       (3-2) eliminated



To whoever won?

Charlie for holding the tournaments

Everyone who came

Mark for beating me

To me for getting a raigeki

To me for getting an imperial order



For me losing second round the 3rd straight week

Mark for moving and talking so quickly



P.S visit getagame.com for some great battles and prices on games or cards