Earthly Might Deck

Tournament Store: The Game House

Entry Fee: $15.00

Turnout: 31

Prize: 1st- Six Pharaoh’s Servant Boosters

2nd- Five Metal Raider’s Boosters and the Right Arm of Exodia

3rd- Pat on the Back


Tournament Rules: Basic


Earth Deck


Level 5 or Higher Monsters

2x Buster Blader (The Power House of My Deck)

2x Judge Man (A Pretty Good Earth Attacker)


Level 4 or Less Monsters

3x Axe Raider (Strong Earth Type Monster)

3x Battle Ox (Axe Raider’s Just as Strong Brother)

3x Wall of Illusion (Perfect Defender)

2x Magician of Faith (To Get Back My Magic Cards)

1x Witch of Black Forest (To Get My Monsters)

2x Two-Headed King Rex (I know what your thinking, but he is a pretty solid card)

2x Beautiful Headhuntress ( I can’t wait for the Valkryrion cards and Gemini Elf to come out!)

1x Cyber Jar



2x Invigoration (To power up my Earth Monsters)

3x Gaia Power (To Power up All My Monsters)

3x Malevolent Nuzzler (Great Equip)

2x Axe of Despair (Super Equip)

1x Raigeki (Staple)

1x Monster Reborn (Staple)

1x Change of Heart (Staple)

1x Swords of Revealing Light (Staple)

1x Giant Trunade

1x Pot of Greed




3x DNA Surgery (Helps With Buster Blader)

1x Mirror Force (Staple)

2x Magic Jammer (Staple)

2x Trap Hole


Side Deck

3x Dragon Capture Jar

2x Hayabusa Knight

3x Prevent Rat

2x Giant Rat

2x Dust Tornado

1x Dark Hole


Strategy: Basically take advantage of the power bonus of Gaia Power and rip through my opponents.  Also, I use the Buster Blader/DNA Surgery strategy.


Round 1

I got a bye, NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


Round 2

Me VS. Aaron

Duel 1:The kid sits down at the table with a deck that I found later was made up of the two starter decks.  In the first match, he put out a La Jinn on his turn, but I activated a Gaia Power and an Axe Raider my turn and simply smashed through all his monsters, getting a Judge Man out too.  Winner me. 

Duel 2: He quit after I explained the flaw in his deck.

Winner: Me


Round 3

Me vs. The Newbie!


The boy sits down at the table and when I ask his name, he says, “My name is the Newbie!  My friends call me that, but I really don’t know what it means, but I think it is cool”.

Duel 1- Well in accordance with his name, the Newbie played a La Jinn in attack mode, but then he tried to tribute it for a Summoned Skull right away.  I explained to him the problem and we continued play.  His deck was pretty good, he was able to get that Summoned Skull out eventually, but it was already a few rounds into the match and I already had a Judge Man with Malevolent Nuzzler and Gaia Power on the field.

The Judge Man once again saved my butt.



Duel 2- I ended up bombarding him with Axe Raider and Battle Ox the whole game while Gaia Power enhanced them.



Round 4

Me vs. Susie (Eight year old duelist)


Duel 1- This girl caught me off guard this duel for a little.  I started and played a Wall of Illusion in defense mode because it was all I had to play.  She then played one card in defense mode and played one card face down.  I thought the defensive mode monster may be a Petit Dragon or something so I played a newly drawn Battle Ox and attacked.  It was Cyber Jar!  I drew a Judge Man, Wotbf, Mof, Battle Ox, and Axe Raider.  She had one the table two Harpie Ladies.  I attacked with my Battle Ox without thinking again!  She activated Mirror Force!  All, but my wotbf and MoF, were destroyed!  She then played Pot of Greed and activated two Elegant Egotists!  She activated Rising Air Current and a Raigeki.  I gave that same kind of freaked out look at her as Rex Raptor gave to Mai in Duelist Kingdom. 



Duel 2- I got serious this turn and blasted right through her, but she still battle valiantly.



Duel 3- I got out a Judge Man and Reborn the Monster a thrown away Buster Blader for a Magic Jammer by turn four and eliminated her.


FINALS!!!! Note: I have never written a deck report before, but this is the 1st of ten tournaments I have been able to final in.  Probably because of the bad competition.


Me vs. My Rival, Seto Kaiba (Actually that is his nick name because he uses a Dragon beatdown deck and his real name is Julian, but we are rivals)


Duel 1-He had trouble obtaining a Lord of Destruction, so I smashed through him with my Battle Ox, Two-Headed King Rex, and Judge Man.




Duel 2- Reverse up there because he got out Lord of Dragons first turn and brought forth two BEWD and kept pulling out dragons throughout a period of four turns when he finished me.


Duel 3- (The tension is mounting)  He opened with a Black Skull Dragon (WTF!!!! I demand a recount there is no way!!!!!!) Then he plays a Axe of Despair to it.  Then while everyone is gasping.  I just start laughing.  He ends his turn angrily.  I first activate Change of Heart and tribute the dragon for a Judge Man.  (He almost puked).  Then I use Monster Reborn to bring it back.  Then I attacked him.  Now a blow like that would usually shake someone, but not him.  He quickly retaliated, through my applause, with a LoD and brought forth a BEWD, with Flute of Summoning Dragon, with another Axe of Despair on it.  He quickly re-annihilated his BSD.  With not a lot left to do I played a Wotbf face down and placed Judge Man in defense mode.  Next turn his luck pulled through again with a card destruction.  He had a Curse of Dragon and BEWD in the graveyard now.  We both discarded and I got a Malevolent Nuzzler, Gaia Power, Battle Ox, Axe Raider, and SORL.  He played Pot of Greed and then played Flute of Summoning Dragon to get out a Tri-Horn Dragon and another BEWD.  Now I kinda felt my pants become a little less dry.  He attacked and I had only but 2000 life points left.  I quickly activated Sorl.  I got a Mof with the dead Wotbf and played her to the field.  Angrily he drew and passed.  I drew another Battle Ox and played him to the field.  Afraid he might destroy my Sorl I didn’t flip my Mof.  Smirking, he passed again.  I only got Two-Headed King Rex.  I played him as well and passed again.  Now smiling largely he passed one more time and my Sorl was gone.  One last draw and then game over.  The life points stood at 2000-1800.  I had faith in my deck.  HEART OF THE CARDS.  (Heroic music starts to play?)  I drew…BUSTER BLADER!!!!  I first flipped my Mof and got my Change of Heart.  I brought over the Red Eyes Black Skull Dragon.  Then I sacrificed my Mof and Two Headed King Rex for the Buster Blader.  Everyone began to laugh as we counted all the dragons.  Let me see like…6.  With an attack force on 5600 I shall destroy your BEWD!   Then he flipped over his Mirror Force!  No not really I won, but he said he wished he had that Mirror Force!



To me for winning

To all my opponents for being good sports

To the Jinzo I got from one of my boosters



Some kinda bad competition