Deck name- (none)
Albert Santos
Collecters Paradice Winnetka, CA
# of people- 35
$5 entry- everyone gets a tourny pack
1st place-$40 store credit, 2nd- $25 credit, 3rd- $10 credit
My deck:
2--summoned skull
3--la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp
3--harpie's brother
2--gearfried the iron night
1--cyber jar
1--wall of illusion
1--pot of greed
1--change of heart
1--monster reborn
1--heavy storm
1--card destruction
1--dark hole
1--call of the haunted
1--solemn judgement
1--mirror force
1--magic jammer
1--7 tools of the bandit
2--trap hole
1--magic drain
1--solemn wishes
Well first I wana say that no life point sheets were needed since we had calculaters so sorry but I wont be including life points. Ok, this is my first Tourny report and tournament. There was a lot of good competition, but there were also a couple of guys that weren’t there (including the guy who had won last week). Anyway the tournament went like this:
First round: me vs. some guy w/ a ?beat down?
This guy was really good, he played what looked like a beat down to me. I was expecting to lose. The first match was chaos, we just kept killing each others monster, but in the end he won. 1-0 The second match went better, I used CHANGE OF HEART to bring out my SKULL and attacked directly. He then set a monster and I MAN-EATERed it and attacked. This match didn’t take long but I eventually won. 1-1 The third match was the best, it kinda went like the first except he was taking a lot of damage. He had his and my jingo on his side of the field and had me cornered. On my turn I fissured one and TTTD the other (yes!) I attacked the face down (I think it was sangan) then attacked and won.2-1
Record: 1-0
Second round: me vs. my friend Danny (semi beat down/removal)
Ok this sucked cuz I had to face my friend. Anyway the first match was tense. We kept setting monsters down and attacking. Then later he used cyber jar, we both got like 3 monsters. Then I used mine, both our decks were getting really thin. I ragiekied his field and attacked directly and won 1-0. The second match went pretty much the same but faster. I used ceasefire and he took 2000. I kept hitting his LP directly.2-0
Record: 2-0
Third round: me vs. my little brother! (blue-eyes deck-he‘s 7)
He got a bye for the second round. I was feeling confident since I duel him almost everyday. But I didn’t underestimate him since he’s beat me before. First match I gave him a beat down! He had high level monsters in his hand and couldn’t play any for a couple of turns. I kept attacking with gear fried and my la jinns. When he did set a monster, I TTTD it and won. 1-0. Match two: he went first and summoned his lord of d., played flute and brought out a BEWD. I set a man-eater and set down mirror force. He attacked and I used it, then I tributed for my SKULL and attacked. I won 2-0
Record: 3-0
Fourth round: me vs. some other guy named Max (????????)
The first match was over in 3 turns. I used change of heart to bring out my SKULL and attacked. Then I used TTTD and attacked again with Skull and a La Jinn. Then I used ragieki and won 1-0. The second match went quick too. I kept attacking with my La Jinns and my Harpie’s Bros. I won 2-0. I don’t know what type of deck he had since he could barely play any cards.
FINALS: Fifth round: me vs. Naoki (sorry if I misspelled it- kind of a beat down deck)
I had to duel him after loosing a coin toss to another guy, if I called it right, I would have gotten a BYE and advance to the final duel for 1st and 2nd (nooo!!) Loser of this match would get 3rd. He went 1st, he has a really good deck and removed my monster from the field numerous times. I kept taking damage from his La Jinns and Harpie‘s Bros. It went by quick., he won. 0-1. The second match he did pretty much the same but this time he had his SKULL and JINZO out. I stalled for a little with SORL, but I ended up loosing. 0-2.
Well I got third. Pretty good for my first tournament. I got $10 store credit, I got 2 LOB packs. All I got was a holo mystical elf  : (    It was really fun and I did some great trades before the tournament which helped me out.
For me getting third in my 1st tourny
For my little bro. Getting a ragieki and a mirror force
For my lil bro. Getting a BYE
For my friend Danny not getting too mad about loosing to me
For my friend bryan getting at least 5th.
For me again for getting MST and call of the haunted and a maha vailo for the mystical elf
For Naoki getting first and a bunch of holos in his packs
To the guy who got the BYE into the final duel instead of me
For me not calling the coin toss right
To the guy who “flipped it” since he just threw it into the air
To some little kid who didn’t want to trade his AXES!
If anyone wants to contact me for anything e-mail me at
Thanks to those of you who read my report and to pojo for posting it.