SUBJECT: 1 Shot!. Donald. A World of Books. San Leandro, CA. Tournament: 16 people Monsters: 19 jinzo barrel dragon 3 nimble momonga 3 cannon solider 3 man eater bug (MEB) 2 sangan 2 goblin attack force 2 magician of faith (MOF) 1 witch of the black forest 1 cyber jar Magics/Traps: 21 Magics: 13 2 tribute to the doomed 2 soul exchange 1 swords of revealing light 1 monster reborn 1 mystical space typhoon 1 dark hole 1 change of heart 1 rai geki 1 heavy storm 1 limiter removal 1 pot of greed Traps: 8 2 magic jammer 1 magic drain 1 mirror force 1 call of the haunted 1 imperial order 1 ceasefire 1 trap hole Side Deck: 15 Monsters: 3 2 giant soldier of stone 1 kuriboh Magic/Traps: 12 3 just desserts 2 messenger of peace 2 prohibition 1 fissure 1 magic drain 1 michizure 1 dust tornado 1 card destruction Introduction: Many have known in World of Books I have been on a quest to look for the deck that will own all… Finally I have found it… Passed down by Eminem….1 shot! “You only get 1 shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime…” (Limiter Removal read it and you’ll understand =D ) 1st match: Won- Alex (K-Force 1 Reject ;D ) He wasn’t of the top 5 duelist so I knew I did not have to expect much from him. But I still had to watch out since what he was playing was a variation of beatdown. So I knew I couldn’t leave my field empty or I will get hit hard off my feet so I began playing quickly before his hard hitting monsters arrived and swept him in both duels with my trusty Jinzo =D… “You only get 1 shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime…” 2nd match: Won- Steffon (Dark Duelist w/ his Drive by Shooting!) Man me and Steffon were saying, we never get to duel each other anymore… and I guess Serf overheard us =P… Well, I hate playing Steffon since he is the number 3 duelist at this store also because he’s my friend not only outside of dueling but we knew each other for like years… but anyways back to the duel… With Steffon’s crazy counters he basically counters anything you do allowing him to do what he wants… but I am guessing he used up too many counters on his first duel while playing me and soon lost that duel… Then with me at 2 cards left on the second duel… I misflipped my barrel dragon effect and lost… Now here’s the power of Steffon, he has always been losing his first duel and follow up with winning his next 2… So now I was beginning to become nervous. I did a quick tribute with Jinzo and then I started change of hearting… but then I took his 1 monster and got his MOF and took change of heart back… his turn he puts down another one (WTF?) so I do it again… he repeats this for some odd reason and after this turn he just forfeited… I guess the dark duelist is getting old… can’t think eh? ;) “You only get 1 shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime…” 3rd match: Won- Brandon (Bandwagon Freaks) He annihilated my cousin so I had to take revenge…*grins* Basically he’s another one of my friends not only from dueling but from school and other activities too… So before this duel began… We went for a burrito and taco…with me getting the burrito and him with his taco… I guess my food was more packed and it lead me into winning… (we ate as we dueled so both of us used 10% of our dueling skills =D ) Brandon and Me have been dueling outside of the tournament too… He was one of the people that helped me complete this search.. Thanks man! Anyways…. Basically we played and it was 2-0 with a lot of fast hitting and launching with cannon soldiers and finished this match… “You only get 1 shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime…” 3rd match: Won- Serf (“Fire Flashing,” said Steffon) Since this was the final match and he was also the best duelist there right now since Jeff wasn’t here the floor began to shake… Clouds gathered on top of us… the floor below us began to split… Suddenly and bolt of lightning hit the table….Let’s duel! Serf does his usual crazy stuff making it seem like you can’t win… and it was true! The first duel he smoked me… yea yea yea serf….”Its getting hot in herre…So take off all your clothes Donald” right? I lost all my hope… since I lost already on the first duel so I began to pack up… But King Kai contacted me and said…”You’re a sayian, your not dead yet… When you deal damage towards a sayian you better hope you kill him or else he’ll come back stronger and finish you! You aren’t dead so….FINISH HIM!” I came back and smoked him with the usual little midgets etc… Midgets are scary! (Steffon aka: Dark Duelist agrees!) The heat raised… The ground between us split and we fell into hell for the final and last duel… Eventually in the middle of this duel we started slowly chipping each other down… But… I suddenly turned super sayian … and blasted the M@t$a Fu!@a into the Never Never Land…. GG~ (Serf it’s your turn to take off all your clothes) Conclusion: So finally this tournament has came to an end. My search has proven to be complete, I won the tournament and fulfilled my destiny… Got some packs total of 4 tourney packs today… ehhh? All of the cards were common… no interest in looking… *burns em* Email: AIM: x4GoTTeNDeViLx Shout Outs to all the top duelist that made me this good in dueling: Edmund, Brandon, Steffon, Kevin, Geraldine, Jeff, Serf, Alan, Marcus, Nick, etc…