silver bash, mike owner, sluggers, toronto canada welcome to my 2nd tourney report... the store owner decided to do 2 tourney's in 2 days... just to get money... it wasnt official so nothing specal (season 1 is over...) i have recieved a lot of e-mails and would like to answer some of them and to reply to some... first of all i have a new deck power up: relqnuished, i have found it hard to find a good trader for this little fellow so i had to put him into my deck... also since i still like the 1 turn k.o's i added a painfull choise to help me get equipments from my deck... shadow ghoul is one very under estimated card, but its quiet a big hitter in the end of the duel (i noticed i usually get weak in the end...) so he's in too... monster recovery if i have a bad draw... and some more basic cards like 1 more judge man... and now someone send me a e-mail saying that even though the time limit is over i should have won if i'm truely a good duelist... in reply: dude u r totally right... fact is i didnt make a scene at all, i told him "good duel" shaked his hand and acted like a real sport... after all its just a game and some people need to realize it, it sure is cheap though... :) some person told me that he doesnt bealive me that i got mechanical chaser... well i guess i cant prove it cuz i traded it, but trust me, i wouldnt lie about junk like that... all the other reply's asked me to A) say what i have in my hand all the time B) be more explaning C) tell what happend in the finals even tho it was long... and last but certainly not least a lot of people asked me to win the tourney :), i followed all of these requests this report... and of coarse i got a much better ranking in the tourney, just read muhahaha: deck: Mon’s: Wall of illusion Dark elf x 2 Bewd x 2 Man eater bug x 2 Sangan Magician of faith Cyber jar Big eye La jinn x 3 Summon skull x 2 Mystical elf x 2 Witch of the black forest x 2 Mask of darkness Karate man Judge man x 2 relenquished shadow ghoul giant soldier of stone x 2 Magic\traps: Megamorph Monster reborn Rush recklessly x 2 Card destruction Trap hole x 2 Fairy’s hand mirror x 2 Giant tornado De spell Fissure x 3 Pot of greed Shadow of eyes Malevolent nuzzler x 2 Change of heart Dark hole Tailor of the fickle Confiscation Spell binding circle Just deserts Black pendant Share the pain Grave keeper’s servant Waboku Mystic space zone monster recovery black illusion ritual painfull choise same strategy as before, just this time i have cards like painfull choise to help me get equips... before i begin the tourney report, some kid asked me why i call myself silver bash, well first of all silver is a very nice and sexy color :p, and 2nd my cards are in special silver foil packages... round 1: silver bash vs. 3rd place last time this guy is pretty good but i know i'm better cuz i seen him play... duel 1: i start off great with ss, pot of greed, change of heart, nuzzler, rush recklessly, shadow of eyes, i let him go 1st, he plays a mon in defence and 2 cards face down. my turn i play POG and get giant torande and and card destruction, i play giant turande and he foolishly shows me his cards: mirror force and woboku... i play change of heart, then ss, equip with a nuzzler, put rush face down and shadow of eyes face down... play card destruction and he gets pissed... i have no cards and he just lost his mirror force, i atk for 3200 damage, he plays a card fd and a mon in defence, i flip shadow of eyes his man eater bug is exposed and his effect is not activated... muhahaha i draw la jinn, atk his meb and then atk with ss... lp stand at: 8000 me 250 him, he plays a la jinn and megamorphs him, he attacks my ss, i flip over rush reckleslly and my ss is now @ 3900, his la jinn is at 3600 so he loses 300 lp and i win first duel. duel 2: i was expecting the tourney pack but they give it out in the end this time... this duel was way to ez... i started off pretty much the same with change of heart and ss combo at hand, trap hole, mon reborn magician of faith and dark hole... he starts with la jinn and nuzzler, i dark hole and play magician of fiath in defence, reborn his la jinn, and play trap hole fd, atk his lp.... his turn he plays defence and ends, i draw shadow of eyes, play change of heart and get out ss, flip magician of faith and get back my mon reborn, i attack again with all of them, lp stands at me 8000 him 1300, i put shadow of eyes fd... he plays a cyber jar fd, i flip and it is flipped face up with no effect... i make it nice by offering him to call it a draw, he says in what term, and i say i want his barrel dragon, he says no right away... i atk his cyber jar and win 1st round... silver bash is in round 2 silver bash vs. newb who got a bye first round... duel 1 and 2 i finished him off in 2 turns using change of heart and ss, then reborning what ever he has... quiet cheap :) silver bash is in round 3 silver bash vs. guy who placed 2nd last tourney duel 1: yes thats right, i'm back against this little cheap ass... but this time i was much more prepared with a better strategy in my hand and in my head... i start off with black illusion ritual, sangan, dark hole, meb, trap hole... not so great but good enuf, he starts with a mon in defence and a card fd, i play sangan in defence, and trap hole fd, his turn again and he flips his meb, plays ss equips with axe of despair and attacks for 3500 dd... i'm not to worried, cuz i just got my relenquished outta my deck using sangan... i draw a pot of greed and play it for shadow of eyes and bewd, i play black illusion ritual, then relenquished, sacrifice bewd... abosrb his ss, his axe goes to the graveyard, i play meb in defence and shadow of eyes fd, i atk for 2500 damage, lp stands at 4500 me 5500 him, his turn and he plays a defence i flip shadow of eyes and reveal his meb, i attack with relenquished powered up with a mystic plasma zone i just drew, lp stands at 4500 me 2950 him, he plays another defence and then plays a card fd in his m\t zone, i flip my meb to destoy fd mon (cyber jar) i attack to hit a woboku, his turn he plays maho vailo and plans to mega morph it and then equip it with an axe of despair and then nuzzler for a whoping : 8500 and then atk my meb to win the game... but he meets a lil friend of mine called TRAP HOLE muhahhahahah i atk with relenquished and win first duel... duel 2: he seemed to be shocked when i was acting all cool... he was angry and that gave me the edge i needed... i start off with crap tho, with mon reborn, sangan, judge man, ss, monster recovery, painfull choise... i start 1st and play sangan in defence and then play monster recovery fd... his turn he plays a card fd and 2 cards in his m\t zone, on my turn i draw rush recklessly... i tribute judge man, but he trap holes... from my sangan's effect i choose magician of faith... (dont worry i got a strategy...) he flips over mask of darkness to bring back his trap hole, then tributes for a ss, attacks my lp... i draw and play pot of greed, i get giant turande and fissure, i play fissure and then reborn his ss, play magician of faith fd and attack his lp... lp stands at 5500 for both of us he plays a mon fd and ends his turn, i draw dark hole (is that supposed to help me?) i flipped over my mof to get back my reborn and reborned judge man... i tribute mof for ss, so i have 2 ss and a judge man... i atk his fd with judge man (it was wall of illusion) then i attack his lp for 5000 damage, his turn he draws a card and says that he's lucky... he reavels the card: dark hole... he plays it and i destroy only one of my ss... he doesnt understand why i didnt destroy the other ss, but then i reminded him that dark hole's dont work on special summon's muhhahaha he gets really mad so all he does is play a mon in defence, i dont even draw cuz i just throw a dark hole and atk his lp... w00t i beat him :) round 4: hehe lady luck is smiling at me cuz i got a bye so i'm going straight to the semi's ... round 5 (semi's): silver bash vs. toon deck sigh... a toon deck... these kind of decks are so over estimated its not even funny... anyway i added another de-spell from my side deck cuz giant torande doesnt work on toon world (it doesnt destroy it...) i didnt really expect a real challenge tho... duel 1: he starts off quiet hard with toon world + toon mermaid + messanger of peace combo so i cant attack his toon mermaid... i draw de-spell, la jinn, giant torande, dark elf, pain full choise, relenquished... our lp stand at 8000 me 7000 him (toon world...) i just play giant torande, then i play a la jinn and attack his lp 8000 me 5200 him, he falls for my trap and replay's toon world + messanger of peace and then reborns his toon mermaid... (see thats why toon's suck so much...) lp stands at 8000 me 4200 him and i just attacked with my la jinn once... i play de-spell on his messanger of peace, i summon dark elf and attack his toon mermaid, then i attack his lp with la jinn... EZ, lp stands at 7000 me 1800 him, he plays a mon in defence, i atk with la jinn, it was magician of faith, does it really matter? i attack with dark elf and win the first duel... duel 2: he realized that he has no chance of beating me cuz my deck is quiet ready for any kind of toon action... it was pretty much the same as in duel 1, no need to say anything but the fact that i just use confiscation to destroy his only toon world early in the game... and since practicly has only toons in his deck i win quiet quick... silver bash is in the finals! yippe im in the finals... if i'm gonna win now it would be so awesome... cuz it would be like i lost first round first tourney, and then i would won the tourney in the 2nd tourney... anyway since i'm really tired right now i will do this thing quick... big suprise here cuz i had to face one of my friends: jessy... jessy is much better then me, but i know he's strategy of coarse it wasnt enuf... he is so much better there was nothing i could do... both duels he used change of heart and snatch steal to get out his HEAVY hitters then he used the anoying tribute to the doomed... but in the 2nd duel he used his barrel dragon so it was diffrent... i ended up 2nd out of 18... i won a pheroh servant pack, in which i got crap! then i got a choise of 2 cards and i chose black illusion ritual (another one) and they had the rest crap so i just took dueliquint due (ya i know it sux...) in my tourney pack i got patrol robo... and its pretty good 2... and now toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo props and slops: prop's me for getting 2nd place me for getting patrol robo (its super rare...) jessy for being such a good duelist sluggers for not being so corrupted this time... to pojo for being the best site ever ;p slop's me for not getting first and had my chance at a relenquished which jessy took grrrrr jessy for being too good... jessy for taking the relenquished even tho he knows that i woulda wanted it :( entrance fee for being expensive (12 bux this time...) me for getting crap on the pharoh servant pack and of coarse the wind... any questions suggestions or interests e-mail this me: thnx guys :) POJO ROX