Canopic Jars

by Sugar Shake Jake

Brooklyn, Ohio

Saturday, December 28, 2002

36 Participants


            I hear that the local library in Brooklyn is hosting a YGO tournament via flyer at my usual PKMN league, York Comics and Cards. I feel excitement and decide that fun this would be. My brother and myself decide to register along with a few other respectable players. Hehe!


            The TO had it organized strangely. There would be 6 tables/pods with 6 players each. It starts with a round robin style format that goes to a Top 6 with another round robin. The player with the best record wins it. Because each round is only one Duel, no Sidedecks were necessary. There were no restrictions on what could be played, but I didn’t know that when I built this puppy. Bark! Bark!!

            Prizes were packs of PSV and movie passes to the Top 4. My bro played a fast Haymaker style deck that included Solemn Wishes and Burning Land for flavor. I bring this:


Canopic Jars (43 Total)


Giant Soldier of Stone

Giant Soldier of Stone

Giant Soldier of Stone

Morphing Jar #2

Morphing Jar #2



4-Starred Ladybug of Doom

4-Starred Ladybug of Doom

Magician of Faith

Magician of Faith

Spear Cretin

Spear Cretin

Mask of Darkness

Mask of Darkness

Mystical Elf

Spirit of the Harp

Island Turtle

Cyber Jar

Witch of the Black Forest

20 Monsters





Giant Trunade

Giant Trunade

Monster Recovery

Monster Recovery

Card Destruction


Swords of Revealing Light

The Shallow Grave

Change of Heart

Monster Reborn

Pot of Greed

14 Magic Cards


Gravity Bind

Gravity Bind

Gravity Bind

Magic Jammer

Magic Jammer

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment

Seven Tools of the Bandit

Imperial Order

9 Trap Cards


            While it might not look like much, it is a powerful deck. The goal is to Set defense Monsters with a Gravity Bind in play and ultimately deck the opponent. The Prohibitions are for maintaining the lock, usually banning Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, or Tribute to the Doomed. Trunade combos well with Card Destruction to wipe out their deck, as does a Morphing Jar when they have 3 or more Monsters. Trunading your SoRL or Prohibitions then using them again is cruel. Overall, a mean deck that can adapt to multiple situations and win.


Match 1: Kid named Steve

              He wins the right to go first and does. Then he tries to Summon a Buster Blader without tributing. Mind you, he wasn’t a little kid. I had to explain the game is not like the show and that high level Monsters require tributes to be Summoned.

               The match goes in a good direction from there for a while. Eventually, he stops playing Monsters for me to use against him. Arg! I say to myself in a very sinister tone,  “this match will be won not by discarding his dear deck, but by draining his Life Points to zero.” I proceed to take my own advice and win with the Giant Soldier, even though I didn’t want to. I then realized that the early round players would have a bizillion cards in their decks. *sigh*

            **Also During this Round**

            My brother wins his match

            Two other Yorkers win

            One kid auto wins with Exodia and amazes the small kids. (Let’s call him “Sergio”                from now on)


Match 2: Basic Beatdown (I believe his name was Ryan) I adored his red shiny card                                                       sleeves that added a festive mood to the match.


            I think he goes first in this one. Either way, I Cyber Jar a few times and get a Gravity Bind out. His typical Summoned Skulls and La Jinns eventually fall to mass destruction cards. I Prohibited Heavy Storms, but he managed to remove the Bind with a Mystical Space Typhoon, however, it was too late. I Trunade and follow with a Card Destruction that knocks 7 or 8 or his deck, maybe 2 of mine. He loses the next turn as he has no cards in his Library. 


            **Also During this Round**

                        One of  the Yorkers win again

                        Sergio pulls Exodia for the win


Match 3: A young’in whose name escapes me. =/


            His deck was rather large and I went first. I decide “What the Heck, I’ll do it,” and play some Monsters that shouldn’t ever be in Attack Mode in Attack Mode.  Poor guy has rough draws and never draws a Level 4 or lower Monster to Summon. I beat him on Life Points in maybe 4 turns.


            **Also During this Round**

                        My brother loses on bad draws

                        Our fellow Yorker wins again

                        Sergio continues to stupefy all who witness his abilities


Match 4:?????

            I just can’t remember what happened this match. He was the second last player in my Pod but I don’t remember what you played. Sorry dude, I hope you put up a good fight. After this win, it looks like I’ll going to the Top 6.


            **Also During this Round**

                        My brother reclaims his glory

                        Yorkers continue to be successful

                        Sergio is infallible. “Exodia, Obliterate!”


Match 5: A decent player, probably around age 12-13


            His deck was well constructed. I go first and prepare to deck him out. His deck doesn’t perform as well as it could have, and he knew it. My various Flip Effects clear the field and I end up winning on Life Points.


            **Also During this Round**

                        My brother goes 4-1

                        One Yorker goes 5-0

                        Sergio clinches his spot with a perfect record


Players who make Top 6:


The Yorker, a.k.a. “Mr. Popo”

My brother, a.k.a. “El Toque”

Kid named Rick

Kid named Adam

Myself, Sugar Shake Jake


Top 6, Round 1: Sugar Shake Jake vs. Adam


            His deck consisted of good Level 4’s and high power Tribute Monsters. We start the match with him going first. I play some defense cards and decide that he was “deckable”. I eventually flip Cyber Jar and Prohibit the non-creature cards he picks up. After that, he’s left with a lot of dead weight in his hand that I eventually Card Destruction. He continually is paying for a Malevolent Nuzzler that drains him to about 5500 Life Points. I flip a Magician of Faith, use Raigeki, then play Monster Recovery on the MoF. With my new hand, I Summon a Giant Soldier into Attack mode and directly attack a few times with a Sangan to win. I never lose a Life Point.


            **Also During this Round**

                        Mr. Popo beats Rick

                        My brother hands Sergio his first loss of the day. Ouch


Top 6, Round 2: Sugar Shake Jake vs. Mr. Popo


            He is playing with a Beatdown, the best one I’ve played so far. I open with a 2000 Defense Mon and Prohibit Heavy Storms and Tribute to the Doomed. He does nothing big for a while until he pulls out Change of Heart and Attacks my Like Points for some hefty damage. I draw and play another Monster face down DEF mode after Setting the Gravity Bind I drew. I let him Attack the 2000 defender, but activate the Bind after to protect the face down Monster. Popo realizes the importance of this card and flips a MoF to play the Change of Heart on it. Without looking, he flips it. WHOOOSH!!! To my excitement, the Morphing Jar #2 goes off and throws his 3 monsters back into his deck, and the Jar into mine. However, since he had 4 Monster on his side of the field when it was activated, he had to pick up until he had 4 Monsters that were Level 4 or lower.

            He ends up discarding about 12-15, including Summon Skulls, 7 Tools, and other vital cards.

            After that, it was pretty much over. A Cyber Jar summons a La Jinn, Harpie’s Brother, and some other Level 4 to the field. He attacks the 4-Starred Ladybug (face-down) after a Trunade and wipes out his own Monster horde. The rest  was just a waiting game.


            **Also During this Round**


                        My brother beats Adam

                        Sergio trumps Rick


Top 6, Round 3: Sugar Shake Jake vs. Rick

            His deck must’ve hade like 70 cards in it. So I decide that a Life Point victory is more practical in this match. A few turns in, a Gravity Bind shuts all his Monsters down. By far the best play he made in the Duel ws playing a Ground Collapse. Since my Attacking Monsters were so small, I needed 3-4 of them to do any serious damage. This really hampered my ability to play. After 4 million years of him doing nothing, the TO decides that this Round had been going on too long and calls it when I’m like 5000 Life Points ahead. Unfortunately for me, he also decides that this match is a draw. Arg! Now I have to beat everyone to win it.


            **Also During this Round**

                        My brother beats Mr. Popo

                        Sergio wrecks Adam


Top 6, Round 5: Sugar Shake vs. Sergio      Bum! Bum! Buuum!


            One would think that a playing deck destruction would be perfect for defeating an Exodia deck, but not when restrictions are non-existent. He played more than 1 WotBF and others to completely abuse the Exodia strategy. Also, his deck contatned popular Monsters such as Thousand Eyes Restrict, Blues-Eyes White Dragon, and Toons. I figured that a simple Card Destruction would end it, but it never  came to my hand.

            He goes first and tells me “If I win, don’t think I’m cheating.” I knew he wasn’t cheating, but now I also knew he had most of the Exodia pieces were in his hand. (turned out to be 3) He sets a Monster and some Magic/Traps. I draw and do the same as him. A couple turns later he Tributes the Monsters on his field for a BEWD, and gets a piece via WotBF. Some time later, he tries playing Toon World and gets Jammed. He plays another Toon World, Tributes away some losers to Summon Toon Blue-Eyes, and searches his deck for the last piece on account of a Sangan dying. Match to Sergio.


            **Also During this Round**    

                        El Toque ruins Rick

                        Mr. Popo owns Adam



Top 6, Round 5: Sugar Shake Jake vs. El Toque

                                                                                                                             Even if I win this Duel the best I can do is 2nd, because of the tie match with Rick. I start slow and he gets average draws. My deck never ealy gets going and he wins on LIfe Points pretty early. My overall record for the day, 7-2-1.


            **Also During this Round**

                        Adam  and Rick duel, who knows who won.

                        Sergio defeats Mr. Popo


How it Ended....

1st..................El Toque


3rd..................Sugar Shake Jake

4th..................Mr. Popo

5th and 6th......?????


Toque wins 2 packs of PSV and $10 at the movies

Sergio wins 2 packs of PSV

I win 1 pack of PSV

Mr. Popo wins $5 at the movies

Adam and Rick win ???????


Comments? Suggestions? Hate my guts?

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aim at lithiumfoo367