Hand Strategy - Rokuro

Hand Strategy - Rokuro

This is a little trick I picked up in my 3 years of dueling. At the being of the duel. You draw 5 cards. You have before you a hand. Each card is different. But maybe they can work together and you may not even notice it. So take the time to think, then your turn begins. So you have another card. Look at those cards and find a strategy within them. Then play it. Just don't waste your cards and throw away every move.

Then it's your opponent's turn, so they make a move. Tho there play may make you think. So you alter your strategy again. You keep thinking and come up with a new strategy. This way your always on top of your game, your opponent may be to, but your thinking on the same level. You keep doing that until the duel ends and you should always have something planned. And in time. You may win the first duel.

Then your opponent thinks they know your deck inside out, but wait!.. You have some of the same cards and different ones. So you make another brillant play and your opponent loses the match, this way not always win you the duel or match. But atleast your not throwing the game away and your playing your hardest.

So if you keep this up, then your opponent will finally clue into the fact that. They have no idea whats coming next and won't have a way to stop in. Otherwise, if you have a strategy within your deck then your opponent(s) can easily counter it.....

I apologize if any one had entered this article or one like it. This was my first article and if you have any questions, comments, or other responces, please do so.

My name is Kyle Schrader and you can contact me at <a
