Beatdown is not Easy-Anteaus
Okay, for everyone who knows me out in Pojoland, I'm back!

Now then, onto the tip:

I'm sitting here now reading these tips on the beloved Pojo.com Yu-Gi-Oh! CCG tips portion of the website, and all I see about Beatdown is how "un-original" and "boring" and "easy" it is to play. Man, if you only knew the half of it...

First off, Beatdown is in every way original. Sure, the concept is the same, but if we base it on that, every card game and every game ever invented for that matter is the same. The concept: to win. Now then, when we get to the finer points, Beatdown is not the same everywhere you look. Different cards go in different decks, people try new strategies, put new cards in their deck, or just throw away the book and try something completely new. But no matter what you do, your deck is unique.
       The basic Beatdown functions on Field Control. It's the yang to Control's ying: Control is Hand Control, Beatdown is Field Control. Mostly. (Control often mixes the two: MST,
Jinzo, etc...). Beatdown often uses big hitting monsters with Field Control Magic/Trap cards. IT DOES NOT USE YATA-GARASU. Do not listen to anyone else. Yata-Garasu does not belong in a Beatdown deck. Why? Because a). it is useless for field control, b). Beatdown NEVER uses the pre-negators, otherwise is should be deemed a Control deck, and c). it isn't pertinent (or useful) for the task at hand.
       Speaking of the task, what is Beatdown's task? Well, to clear the field and hit big with your heavy attackrs. Plain and simple.

That portion covered the first two sayings of Beatdown. Now, onto the "easy" part:

Beatdown is not easy. No deck is easy to build. Beatdown, just like Control, Chaos, Burn, Removal, and any other deck I failed to mention, requires a lot of thought. First, what monsters will benefit me best? Surely not a Lightning Conger, or a Skull Servant (only the best cards in the game)? But what then?
       Goblin Attack Force. Maruading Captain. Gemini Elf. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. Tribe-Infecting Virus. But Why?
       Goblin Attack Force is a monster with huge potential 1st off, he's got 2300 ATK, which is huge, no matter what anyone says. 2nd, in any good Beatdown deck, he's protected by Mruading Captain, and 3rd, who cares if he dies? He's there to hit hard and fast, to kill just about anything in his way.
       Maruading Captain is incredible as well. Why? Because he gives you two summons, that's why. He protects you Goblins and D.D. Warrior Ladies so they can not only use their effects, they can also provide an attacker.
       Gemini Elf. Need I explain? Cool-looking, and a decent monster. 1900 ATK isn't bad, because it'll most likely take care of any weaker monsters, letting you Goblins do the dirty work.
       Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. 1800 ATK with an awesome effect. Most people will ask, how is that field control? Well, if they don't have a monster in their Graveyard, how can they Monster Reborn it and kick your ass with it?
       Tribe-Infecting Virus. I banish you, and you, and you...come on, this card is killer. Wipe out their whole army in one swing of the celestial bat (maybe not the right adjective, but oh well, it's 11:00 at night).

So, a quick rundown of the basic Beatdown monsters. The Magic/Traps setup is usually consistent throughout any and every dekc, except for a few exceptions:

Nobleman of Crossout. That Fiber Jar can really mess with your field control.
Cold Wave. Just in case Jinzo is out of your league, so to speak.
Not too much more I can think of, so here it goes:

The beatdown deck, Anteaus style:

Monsters (17):

2x Gemini Elf
3x Goblin Attack Force
2x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus
2x Maruading Captain
1x Jinzo
1x Fiber Jar
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x End of Anubis
1x Sinister Serpent
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Magic (15):

1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Change of Heart
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Snatch Steal
1x Enemy Controller
1x Reinforcement of the Army (now, this card is optional, in my opinion; it'll do good with the Captains and Goblins, but it's totally up to you)
1x Painful Choice
1x Premature Burial
1x Nobleman of Crossout

Traps (8):

2x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Ring of Destruction
2x Waboku
1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted

Total: 42

So, there you nave it. If there is anything you believe I left out, feel free to e-mail me @ Anteaus44@aol.com.

Thanks for reading!
