From: pojostaff [] Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 8:25 AM To: Subject: FW: P.S. ... New deck archetype article for submission to your Yugioh site. Yugi tip -----Original Message----- From: Johnathan Wolfstone [] Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:37 PM To: Subject: P.S. ... New deck archetype article for submission to your Yugioh site. Yes, I can afford (and have) many other cards including some of the holo ones (even more Armored Groblavs). .................................. I'd like to submit this article as it adresses something that I haven't seen mentioned at Pojo yet. Thanks in advance. (P.S. I've recently undergone a name chage and am now using my new name of Johnathan Wolfstone. I used to use my old name of Johnathan Williams (when I sent you guys the spoilers for Duel Masters Evo expansion and the Theme decks.) The Deadly Earth Chaos Deck by J. Wolfstone So many people are either cheering or jeering the Chaos decks... "How cool, I can get out a Level 8, 3000ATK monster without having to have the tributes on the field AND still get out another monster normally!" or... "I hate those Chaos decks, they're so cheap and they always beat me." It's the latest craze to hit the dueling world of Yu-Gi-Oh!, and naturally we've seen this type of deck quickly become THE number one type of deck played in most areas.... That was until people began to notice that Gigantes and The Rock Spirit are common cards that are pretty powerful and have alot more cards to support them than the Chaos monsters which require a balance of Dark and Light monsters to work. Thus was born the "Earth Chaos" deck-type, and as it's cheap to construct, offers a large range of Earth monsters to support the theme, and is very deadly, naturally it's become the only type of deck played at my local card shop's tournaments. The idea behind the deck is to get a few Earth attribute monsters into your graveyard, then remove them from play to special summon either Gigantes or The Rock Spirit or both. Since these creatures are special summons, you can bring out several during your turn; it's even possible to get out a full five monsters in a single turn! Here's a closer look at these two vital monsters that the deck is based on (note, all cards listed in detail in this article are Earth monsters): The Rock Spirit (LON-069 Common [C]) Lvl. 4, Rock, 1700ATK/1000DEF "This monster can only be special summoned by removing 1 EARTH monster in your Graveyard from play. Increase the ATK of this monster by 300 points during your opponent's Battle Phase." So this creature becomes a 2000ATK monster during the opponent's battle phase, making it a nice wall against attacks. The only widely used Lvl. 4 or lower monsters that can overpower this creature are Goblin Attack Force (2300ATK), Giant Orc (2200ATK), Zombyra the Dark (2100ATK if this is it's first target for battle) and Injection Fairy Lily (when powered up to 3400ATK, but that costs the opponent more life points than you, so isn't worth the cost.) AND... Gigantes (IOC-021 C) Lvl. 4, Rock, 1900ATK/1300DEF "This card can only be special summoned by removing 1 EARTH monster in your Graveyard from play. When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field." 1900ATK has become the standard power level for tournament-quality decks, and this card's second effect is a situational Heavy Storm. A guy I lost a tournament match to who used this deck willingly suicided his Gigantes against my Skilled Dark Magicians and Spear Dragons, getting rid of one of my stronger monsters as well as my set traps. Even if you may take some damage by slamming him into a stronger monster, his second effect might be worth the cost if timed correctly. Now for those wanting to build an Earth Chaos deck, get three copies each of Gigantes and The Rock Spirit, then get some other Earth attribute monsters to use for tribute fodder. Here are some of the most useful support monsters: Nimble Momonga (MRL-086, Rare[R]) x3 Lvl. 3, Beast, 1000ATK/100DEF This monster grants you a 1000 life point gain if it's destroyed in battle, then you can search your deck for one or both of the other copies of this card and special summon them in face-down defense mode. This works great as it thins your deck, heals you, and once they're destroyed, can be tributed. Goblin Attack Force (PSV-094, Ultra Rare[UR]) 2300ATK for a Level 4 monster is great, allowing you to kill off one of your opponent's creatures, let it be killed on your opponent's turn, then tribute for G or TRS. Expsensive, but worth getting for this deck if you can. Freed the Matchless General Lvl. 5, Warrior, 2300ATK/1700DEF The only spell cards that can outright kill it are Raigeki and Dark Hole, and it can't be stolen away from you because Change of Heart, Snatch Steal and Enemy Controller will be negated and destroyed if they target it - as will any other spell card that tries to target it. Also, you can choose to skip your draw phase to search your deck for a Lvl. 4 or lower Warrior monster and add it to your hand. Goblin Attack Force anyone? Marauding Captain (LOD-018 UR) Lvl. 3, Warrior, 1200ATK/400DEF If you can get two of this card onto the field, you'll have a lock in effect as your opponent can't attack either one of them (or any other of your Warriors.) Also, the second effect lets you special summon another Level 4 or lower monster during the same turn, giving you a huge advantage over your opponent. Fiber Jar (LOD-056 UR) Lvl. 3, Plant, 500ATK/500DEF Reset button anyone? Man-Eater Bug (LOB-108 Super Rare[SR]/Yugi/Pegasus decks) Lvl. 2, Insect, 450ATK/600DEF The basic Trap Hole in insect form. Injection Fairy Lily (LOD-100 Secret Rare[SCR]) Lvl. 3, Spellcaster, 400ATK/1500DEF Heavy cost of 2000 life points, but it increases her ATK power by 3000 until the damage step ends, allowing her to out-muscle almost anything. Amazoness Swords Woman (MFC-061 UR) Lvl. 4, Warrior, 1500ATK/1600DEF All extra damage is done to the opponent instead? Nice semi-stall card. Dark Driceratops (IOC-073) Lvl. 6, Dinosaur, 2400ATK/1500DEF A nice strong tribute monster that fits the Earth theme, and a built-in Fairy Meteor Crush effect to boot. Giant Rat (MRL-079) Lvl. 4, Beast, 1400ATK/1450DEF If destroyed in battle, you can choose any Earth monster in your deck with 1500ATK or less and special summon it in face-up ATK mode. Add to that that if it's a Lvl. 5 or higher monster, no tributes are required. Good potential for deck thinning. Millenium Shield (MP1-001 UR Promo) Lvl. 5, Warrior, 0ATK/3000DEF or Labyrinth Wall (MRL-055 Sesret Common[SC]) Lvl. 5, Rock, 0ATK/3000DEF Honorable mentions for their high DEF power. Since they're Earth monsters, they can go in the deck nicely. To show you how this deck works, I'll show you a tournament-quality Earth Chaos Deck: Monsters (20, higher than normal, but nothing worse than having no monsters to summon) Nimble Momonga x3 Fiber Jar Cyber Jar Sangan Witch of the Black Forest The Rock Spirit x3 Spear Dragon x3 Gigantes x3 Goblin Attack Force x3 Dark Driceratops Spells (17): Axe of Despair x2 Change of Heart Confiscation Delinquent Duo Graceful Charity Harpie's Feather Duster Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Painful Choice Pot of Greed Premature Burial Raigeki Snatch Steal Swords of Revealing Light The Forceful Sentry Traps (5): Call of the Haunted Imperial Order Waboku x3 Total Cards: 42 The three Nimble Momongas are incredibly useful in this deck, as are the three Goblin Attack Forces. I only use two MSTs due to the effect of Gigantes. Painful Choice is great in Chaos decks, and works well here too. Although the deck is two cards over the 40 card minumum, all of the card drawing and deck thinning effects help it to compensate. This deck does have it's weaknesses, though. It's vulnerable to card removal strategies as well as discard effects and monster destroying effects-oriented decks. But still this deck is as lethal as it is fast. But what makes it so great? Well, both of the main creatures are Commons that are fairly easy to obtain, they're unrestricted - so you can have three of each of them, and they both have a DEF level low enough to allow you to search for them using Witch. Unlike Chaos decks, you don't have to bide your time until one or both of your main monsters show up, or end up with a ruined strategy if one or more of them get discarded from your hand before you can summon them. This deck wipes the floor with Chaos decks (I learned this the hard way), and have already begun to prove how playable they are. 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