The Godly Gravekeeper's-Malcolm
Hi, Everyone! I just made my Gravekeeper's Deck. Everyone at my local yugioh hang just despises it with every fiber of their natural being. It's Ban-Legal too!
Anyways, Here's my Deck.
Tribute Mons
1x Mystical Knight of Jackal (for the Jackal-Lock)
1x Great Maju Garzett (the best tribute mon (in pure brute strength) EVER!!)
1x Gaurdian Sphinx (It's a mega Hane-Hane on Steroids!)
2x Gravekeeper's Chief (he's good after all)
Non-Tribute Mons
3x Gravekeeper's Assailant (My fave Grave)
3x Gravekeeper's Spy (Can you say "defencive wall that SWARMS!!")
2x Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier (He's good, but not horrendously good).
2x Gravekeeper's Gaurd (Hane-Hane's older, MUCH better Gravekeeper's brother)
1x Mystic Tomato (not needed, but a good addition)
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus (just don't call Spellcaster!)
1x Magician of Faith (For those times whan all of your Necrovalleys are in the graveyard)
3x Necrovalley (the main spine of the deck, so keep it protected)
3x Terraforming (Get Necrovalley out)
2x Magic Reflector (protect Necrovalley)
1x Mage Power (Heavy increase in attack has never been unwelcome in this deck)
1x Tribute to the Doomed (first card I ever got, and a darn good one too!)
1x Pot of Greed (2+ cards in your hand from just one, sounds good)
1x Mysitcal Space Typhoon (Ah, MST, THANK GOD YOUR RESTRICTED!!)
1x Change of Heart (Same reaon everyone else does)
3x Rite of Spirit (free recursion for Gravekeeper's thet's unaffected by Necrovalley, it's a trap too, so that's even better (I just wish it was a quickplay spell!))
2x Waboku (for those times when you need to protect yourself (and your Gravekeeper's))
2x Dust Tornado (MST's replacement)
1x Ring of Destruction (my favorite trap, plain and simple)
1x Magical Cylinders (Protect yourself, at the cost of your opponents life points)
Magician of Faith for D.D. Warrior Lady (Monster Removal GOOD)
Magician of faith for Fiber Jar (If I could get my hands on this baby, I'd start pounding your brains out) The reason for this is an EVIL combo I just thought of: have a Necrovalley out, a Gravekeeper's chief out, and then this little piece of broccoli with rockets face down. Flip it, Then Kabaam, their graveyard is still there, while yours is in your deck, and you get a free shot at their life points. it might not work, and if it doesn't, still put him in there for when Necrovalley isn't active.
If you want to play bans, and yet play something original, try this deck, It's Gravekeeper's Chaos. Now I know your thinking "What's this guy ON? Isn't Gravekeeper's supposed to be the bene of Chaos?" well not for this deck. The optimal situation is to get Necro with a spell counter on it (from Magic Reflector) out with 1 light and 1 dark in Graveyard, a Grave's Chief out, A Witch or Sangan on the field, an Interdimensional Matter Transporter (IMT) F/D, and a CED in hand you. Get CED out by Removing the monsters from play (you can do that because of GK's Chief), Immideately activate it's effect, chain the IMT to his affect, removing him from the game, but his affect still activates. Necro won't be destroyed because of the Spell Counter, Witch or Sangan Search Yata, summon yata, attack, CED comes back at the end of your turn, they can't draw a threaght, you then kill them with 3200 points of damage a turn (they'll last at max, 2 turns!). I know that sound's like the normal Chaos stratagy, but you have a backup plan, GRAVEKEEPER'S! Anyways, here's the deck.
Tribute Mons
1x BlS-EotB
1x CED-EotE
3x Gravekeeper's Chief
Non-Tribute Mons
1x TIV
1x Magician of Faith
1x Witch
1x Sangan
3x GK's Assailant
3x GK's Spy
2x GK's Gaurd
3x Hysteric Fairy
1x Fiber Jar
1x Yata-Garasu
3x Necrovalley
2x Terraforming
1x Painful Choice
1x Raigeki
1x Harpies Feather Duster
1x MST
1x Pot of Greed
1x Magic Reflector
2x Rite of Spirit
2x Waboku
2x IMT
1x RoD
1x Magic Cylinders
Hope you enjoyed this article, you can contact me at Dragonboy1@optonline.Net, But please, don't send me Hate-Mail, I am just expressing my oppinion, and I'm not saying you shouldn't, just do it in a polite and respectible manner, Thank You for reading, GOODBYE.