Blocker/Deck Destruction Combo - Prape Rightio. Here's my combo. (I've only tried this on my GBA game) This combo can be taken to several levels. The first is a simple blocking combo. Using the tip from an early Pojo COTD: Have one Spear Cretin face-down on the field, and one in the graveyard. When it's flipped, you revive the other one (face-down) continouously, which creates an infinite wall. Sooner or later, your opponent's field will become full, and only you will get the effect. That's all good, but you can take it further. If you were to use this combo with a Gravekeeper's Servant on the field, each time your opponent attacks your wall of Spear Cretin, he loses a card. This is more evil with more than one Gravekeeper's Servant on the field. Sooner or later, you'll have the duel won. But, there is a flaw. If your opponent's smart, he'll not keep attacking Spear Cretin. Oh well. Spear Cretin Dark [Fiend/Effect] 2 500/500 Flip: After this card is flipped, when this card is sent to the Graveyard, both you and your opponent select 1 monster from their respective Graveyard and Special Summon it on the field in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position (no Tribute is required for monsters of Level 5 or higher). Gravekeeper's Servant Magic/Spell Each time your opponent attacks with a monster, the opponent must send 1 card from the top of his/her Deck to the Graveyard.