From: lordtranorix [] Yet another Marauding Captain Lock-the dude who talks I was just sitting here, thinking about Marauding Captain Lock but Carlos, here at, told me about another amazing Marauding captain Lock. Well...without further ado, lets get on with it. The cards you will need are 1 Marauding Captain, another 4 star warrior, raregold armor and maybe a few reinforcements of the army. First, you get (of course) Marauding captain, and then with its first effect get a four star warrior from your hand. Then you activate raregold on the other 4 star warrior (not the Captain) and BOOM! Your opponent can't attack either monster because Raregold Armor states that only the monster equipped can be attacked, BUT, as you all know, Marauding Captain states that no other warrior can be attacked but it, so youtr opponent can't attack either, so you've got yourself, shall we say, a poor man's Marauding Captain lock, because Marauding Captain is a hard card to pull. Love me, Hate me, Contact me at, or contact Carlos at The Dude who Talks