An all too powerful deck type!-Derek(MN-6th) Im so sick and tired of people saying that beatdown is the strongest deck type! Well guess what? Its not! Ladies and gentlemen I am going to tell you the new ages, strongest deck type for the year of 2004...And that deck type is...(drum roll)......SWARM!!! Yeah you may be thinking yeah right...Swarm? But just think about it a second and realize the potential of a swarm deck..........done? Well let ME, Derek tell all you about my little story of being on top and staying on top... I started out guessed it, beatdown, with all the high budget staples I could find! EX=Holo change of heart, Holo reborn, 3 Goblins, and so on...with this beatdown and the keen sense of good trading I was able to squeeze my way to 6th place in Minnesota! ......And then I started to get bored with the game, thinking it was to easy if you have money to be good and after 2 1/2 years of playing Yu-gi-oh I finally put the high budget deck on e-bay for auction except for a few cards that dont belong on there like witch and sangan and other low end cards...After it was all said and done i only bagged a sad $150 dollars for a $300 dollar deck... After a while of not playing I found myself leaning towards coming back out of retirement and back to winning tournaments But I could possibly waste my money on buying a whole bunch of boosters and hoping to get goblins and such...I had to think of a cheap deck idea that would be able to place at least 3rd or higher in a tournament...So I thought long and hard and right when the new set IOC came out I knew it was time..... With the addition of Gigantes and berserk I knew it was time to run an EARTH SWARM! And they are both easy to get your hands on, so with a couple rare cards i went to work trading and bargaining and by about a month later I find my self in the finals against a beatdown of all by now I have all the Earth Swarm Staples, including, 3 Goblins, 3 berserk, 3 gigantes, 2 rock spirit(3 too many), 2 Man-eater bug, and a Fiber Jar. Add in a few other thing and you know how powerful this deck can be!!!! So today is monday and just last saturday I destroyed the tournament and took first place further boosting my ranking...I went from a common deck to a high budget swarm and winning tournies...Now tell me that doesn't say 6th place in state... Please just try it out for yourself....SWARM IS THE NEW AGE DECK TYPE...and you thought beatdown was fast! For all you vets out there that still play beatdown you probably wont change...believe me i know i wouldnt change for any deck type.... But just experiment with paper in the sleeves and play a friend with a high budget beatdown and look how easy it is to win! Any comments e-mail me at